Pre-Proposal: Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

  • Total voters
Encointer prepared a retroactive KSM treasury proposal:
Your review and supportive comment would be greatly appreciated.
There we go:
We need all your KSM votes with maximal conviction you can bear! Thank you!

<kusama vote history for Encointer>
Ayes (197 votes) - 31.2K KSM
Nays (29 votes) - 58.4K KSM
Current Result: 34.8% Aye - 65.2% Nay
<end kusama vote history for Encointer>

<kusama vote history for Encointer>
Ayes (290) - 282.4K KSM
Nays(260) - 188.4K KSM
Current Result: 60.0% Aye - 40.0% Nay
<end kusama vote history for Encointer>

I hope that this victory will make the masternodes to reconsider, participate in the Dash-Encointer vote, make it reach the 10% threshold, give an amount to Encointer and JOIN THE ENCOINTER (R)EVOLUTION.

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QUESTION: What is the process for starting up an encointer community?

The process is basically:

  1. register a community on the Encointer testnet (Encointer people can assist with the tech if needed)
  2. have a meeting with Encointer people so that they can put you in the pipeline and explain their grants and milestones
  3. Encointer council registers your community on mainnet, and thats it!!!! You are ready to go! 🚀
check this out. has more detail about the process:

If you just want to try it out with a bunch of people, we suggest our testnet tutorials:
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Which communities did you register?
What do you mean by "register"?
I have no intention to become the bootstrap leader of a new Encointer community. When you are the bootstrap leader of an Encointer community I assume that the Encointer council should know your real name, but I dont like this because anonymity is my number one priority. So, in order to remain completely anomymous, I only want to participate in one of the already existing Encointer communities. Thats why I encourage and I help Encointer as much as I can, in order for it to become popular and someone to decide to create an Encointer community nearby my permanent residence. Then I will definitely participate in it, as a reputable member.

In the meantime, I plan to travel and temporarily participate in the meetings of whatever Encointer community is already active, and receive their local currency that way. Apart of being a vote collector, I also plan to become an Encointer local currency collector. My only concern is what I will do in case I will become disable and cannot move. Encointer does not take into account disability in its protocol. People who cannot move, they cannot participate. Thats why I will propose in the Encointer protocol for the meeting points to be also defined nearby the houses of disable people who expressed their will to become Encointer members.

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Novawallet almost supports Encointer, please support Encointer's feature request

This will boost the utility of the Encointer faucet which drips KSM to onboard people to crypto. But without a possiblity to move their KSM to other chains with only a mobile phone, the utility is minimal

More on Encointer faucet, which will be released with the next app update:

Encointer Faucets

The Encointer faucet is a dispenser of arbitrary tokens. Every human is eligible to receive a small amount of tokens for every attendance in the Encointer protocol. This can be seen as an additional benefit of participating in the encointer protocol and as an onboarding route for new tokens.

Currently, the faucet MVP only supports the native ERT token on our testnet Gesell and will support KSM as soon as deployed on our mainnet. Our final product will support any fungible token which can be transferred via XCM to the Encointer parachain, including stablecoins
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<vote history>

Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?​

  • Total voters 34
</vote history>

<vote history>
Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

  • Total voters 34
</vote history>

"After fulfilling its ritual role, which is to restore order, the survachka is not preserved, but it is also not simply thrown away," says Plamena Kirova.
“Its destruction after the holiday is done in a figurative and magical manner which again stimulates growth, health and fertility. After walking around the houses, the children used to throw the survachkas on the roof, on a tall tree or in the river so as not to trample them. In itself, the survachka does not have magical qualities, it acquires them in the hands of the survakari. It is then that it becomes magical. That is why it is very important that the survakari themselves are healthy, have a pure heart and pure thoughts.”


We are close to 10% participation!
Electorate = 3391 potential votes (Regular and Evo MNOs)
ValidVotes = 323
Voting participation = 9.52 %
We need 17 more votes to reach 10% !!!!!

For the new year, Vote for Encointer !
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The new Encointer Wallet app v1.13.3 is released and it features the sybil-resistant KSM faucet.

Here you are a little video to introduce the feature and explain how to use it.

Go get 100mKSM every 10 days!

Happy to collect feedback

Lets make Dash the next crypto that will be supported by Encointer.

Vote for Encointer !
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The new Encointer Wallet app v1.13.3 is released and it features the sybil-resistant KSM faucet.Here you are a little video to introduce the feature and explain how to use it. Go get 100mKSM every 10 days!

Of course someone may claim that it is not fair to offer the same KSM dividend to all the Encointer communities worldwide. Someone may claim that the KSM dividend should be proportional to the per capita cost of living. Because if the KSM Dividend is given the same to all the Encointer communities, this will result the growth of poor communities. Is this good for the balanced growth of the Encointer community everywhere in the world?

The calculation of the cost of living could be done by using oracles that the Encointer community trusts. Although various oracles can be used, preferably local oracles linked to groceries, rental prices etc, I have discovered a global generic oracle that can be used initially until the usage of more accurate and trusty local oracles.

Here follows the cost of living for the 3 Encointer communities:

For other cities:

Having said the above, I also think that a new "offer dividend" button should be added to the encointer waller, where each Encointer member could offer his personal dividend to whatever Encointer community worldwide he/she choses (even give it back to his own community).

Lets make Dash the next crypto that will be supported by Encointer.

Vote for Encointer !
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Electorate = 3381 votes
ValidVotes = 336
Voting participation = 9.93 %


-------Divisive Election Methods------​
  • Most Voted Number = 0 was voted by 224 votes ( 66.66 % of the valid votes )
-------Inclusive Election Methods------​
  • Median Average = 0
  • Mean Average = 3.91

PLEASE VOTE FOR ENCOINTER, for the final question to follow!!!!

Have also a look at the
Retrospective of the 2 years old Leu/Encointer community.
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Electorate = 3367 potential votes (Regular and Evo MNOs)
ValidVotes = 336
Voting participation = 9.97 %

---VOTING RESULTS (depends on which among the below election methods you prefer.)---
---Divisive Election Methods---
  • Most Voted Number = 0 (or 000 base3) was voted by 224 votes ( 66.66 % of the valid votes )
---Inclusive Election Methods---

VOTE FOR ENCOINTER, for the final question to follow!!!!
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<vote history>
Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

  • Total voters 34
</vote history>
<vote history>

Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?​

  • Total voters 35
</vote history>

Electorate = 3403 potential votes (includes Regular and Evo Masternodes)
ValidVotes = 229
Voting participation = 6.73 % (it does not pass the 10% threshold)


- Voters who believe the inquestioned number should not be voted but should be decided by an authority/god (or just people not aware of this governance proposal) -

3174 (non) votes

-Voters who believe in the tyranny of the majority-

188 votes (or 82.1% of the valid votes)

-Voters who believe in the median average or in any alternative method not mentioned -

2 votes ( or 0.8% of the valid votes )

-Voters who believe in the mean average or in the time splitting rule -

39 votes ( or 17% of the valid votes )

Compressed to 0: The Silent Strings of Proof of Personhood said:
Experiments in Proof of Personhood—where each person has a single, unique identity—have increasingly been touted as a mechanism for tracing information provenance, distributing Universal Basic Income, and facilitating democratic governance over systems of artificial intelligence. This paper chronicles Idena’s experiment in Proof of Personhood from launch in August 2019 to a crisis in May 2022, which prompted a pivot towards a novel experiment in sublinear identity staking. We show how despite verifying humans, hidden pools rapidly emerged—some cooperative, but most controlled by “puppeteers” who, at best, remunerated participants for periodically proving their uniqueness in exchange for access to their secret keys and controlling their accounts. Instead of fostering an egalitarian network of unique identities, the protocol fractured into hidden subnetworks vying for control over an economic pie with economies of scale trending towards oligopoly, undermining the protocol’s security and ambitions for democratic governance (one-person, one-vote) and UBI rewards (one-person, one reward). By giving humans economic incentives to periodically differentiate themselves from bots—even as low as $2 to $14 every few weeks—the protocol gave more informed, resourceful humans financial incentives to puppeteer less informed humans like bots. Notably, by May 2022, 23 entities constituting less than 0.6% of the network’s distinct entities controlled at least ~40% of accounts and the distribution of almost half (~48%) the network rewards. More striking, 3 entities controlled ~19% accounts and ~24% rewards. An off-chain system trending towards oligopoly subsumed an on-chain egalitarian system, quietly and opaquely. Achieving de jure sybil-resistance (filtering humans from bots) revealed a deeper challenge of de-facto sybil resistance (filtering humans acting like bots), which could not coherently or computationally be disentangled from the problem of collusion-resistance.
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Maybe you're just too early with this. When AI bots win fraudulent proposals and eventually take control of the dao... then maybe someone will care.
Regarding the vote for Encointer that is about to give a Dash dividend to every Encointer/Dash member that can prove his/her personhood, I noticed that it is hard to reach the 10% threshold. We reached it temporarily during the month of war (March), but we fall again and now we are at 9.8% participation.

POLL: Do you think I should narrow the voting range from 0 to 242 Dash and reset the vote to something like 0 to 100 Dash, in order to attract more voters and in hope that we will finally reach the desired 10% participation threshold?

If you think I should narrow the voting range (for example 0-100 Dash, 0-48 Dash , 0-1 Dash at min), cast a like (y)in this post
2) If you think the voting range should remain 0-242 Dash, cast a love in 😍 this post.
3) If you think the voting range should be wider (for example 0-920 Dash, 0-2020 Dash , 0-8528 Dash at max), cast an angry. 😡
4) Cast anything else to point that there is as alternative option, and describe that option below.

"Here is wisdom, and whoever has a mind in him, let him vote the number of the beast, for it is the number of a human."
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