Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

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  1. Next, we must disregard all masternodes that voted Yes on both proposals, which is not immediately clear from the summary results..

Put "core-branding-om-201804 core-branding-tc-201804" in the YES filter.
There are 103 MNOs who voted YES on both.

You may also want to see how many voted NO on both.

Put "core-branding-om-201804 core-branding-tc-201804" in the NO filter.
There are 188 MNOs who voted NO on both.

Put "core-branding-om-201804 core-branding-tc-201804" in the YES filter.
There are 103 MNOs who voted YES on both.

You may also want to see how many voted NO on both.

Put "core-branding-om-201804 core-branding-tc-201804" in the NO filter.
There are 188 MNOs who voted NO on both.

Thank you.

How many masternodes voted for one but not the other? Those too are unknown / uncertain. Voting yes on one does not necessarily mean no to the other.
The terms for this one *were* clearly stated.

In the original proposal, where was T&C?

What we have is a situation where T&C was introduced later and given foresight of the O&M logos before most MNOs (see T&C stream). It's okay to open it up to one group but not others? A closed tender for work, how cozy.
Thank you.

How many masternodes voted for one but not the other? Those too are unknown / uncertain. Voting yes on one does not necessarily mean no to the other.
  • Voted (yes/no/abstain) only for "core-branding-om-201804" (didnt express opinion for "core-branding-tc-201804")
    curl -s|grep -v "core-branding-om-201804 core-branding-tc-201804"|grep "core-branding-om-201804"|grep -v "core-branding-tc-201804"|wc -l
  • Voted "yes" only for "core-branding-om-201804" (didnt express opinion for "core-branding-tc-201804")
    curl -s|grep -v "core-branding-om-201804 core-branding-tc-201804"|grep "core-branding-om-201804"|grep -v "core-branding-tc-201804"| awk -F"\"container2" '{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){{print $i}}}'|cut -f1 -d"/"|cut -f2- -d"v"| grep "core-branding-om-201804"|wc -l
  • Voted "no" only for "core-branding-om-201804" (didnt express opinion for "core-branding-tc-201804")
    curl -s|grep -v "core-branding-om-201804 core-branding-tc-201804"|grep "core-branding-om-201804"|grep -v "core-branding-tc-201804"| awk -F"\"container3" '{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){{print $i}}}'|cut -f1 -d"/"|cut -f2- -d"v"| grep "core-branding-om-201804"|wc -l
  • Voted "abstain" only for "core-branding-om-201804" (didnt express opinion for "core-branding-tc-201804")
    curl -s|grep -v "core-branding-om-201804 core-branding-tc-201804"|grep "core-branding-om-201804"|grep -v "core-branding-tc-201804"| awk -F"\"container4" '{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){{print $i}}}'|cut -f1 -d"/"|cut -f2- -d"v"| grep "core-branding-om-201804"|wc -l
  • Voted (yes/no/abstain) only for "core-branding-tc-201804" (didnt express opinion for "core-branding-om-201804")
    curl -s|grep -v "core-branding-om-201804 core-branding-tc-201804"|grep "core-branding-tc-201804"|grep -v "core-branding-om-201804"|wc -l
  • Voted "yes" only for "core-branding-tc-201804" (didnt express opinion for "core-branding-om-201804")
    curl -s|grep -v "core-branding-om-201804 core-branding-tc-201804"|grep "core-branding-tc-201804"|grep -v "core-branding-om-201804"|awk -F"\"container2" '{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){{print $i}}}'|cut -f1 -d"/"|cut -f2- -d"v"| grep "core-branding-tc-201804"|wc -l
  • Voted "no" only for "core-branding-tc-201804" (didnt express opinion for "core-branding-om-201804")
    curl -s|grep -v "core-branding-om-201804 core-branding-tc-201804"|grep "core-branding-tc-201804"|grep -v "core-branding-om-201804"| awk -F"\"container3" '{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){{print $i}}}'|cut -f1 -d"/"|cut -f2- -d"v"| grep "core-branding-tc-201804"|wc -l
  • Voted "abstain" only for "core-branding-tc-201804" (didnt express opinion for "core-branding-om-201804")
    curl -s|grep -v "core-branding-om-201804 core-branding-tc-201804"|grep "core-branding-tc-201804"|grep -v "core-branding-om-201804"| awk -F"\"container4" '{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){{print $i}}}'|cut -f1 -d"/"|cut -f2- -d"v"| grep "core-branding-tc-201804"|wc -l

I currently have no access to my lubuntu, so I cannot execute the above commands. Someone should execute them and tell us the result. (please forgive me for any inconvenience, I wrote the above in the notepad and I was unable to test them)
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Indeed. From now on, on every governance proposal, I am going to vote against it by default unless it is clearly stated what the terms are.

If I were a Masternode owner, I would rather say:
"From now on, on every governance proposal, I am going to vote against it by default unless I am allowed to vote about the terms"
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Dont take coinmarketcap seriously! They denominate in USD and, as everybody knows, USD is a scam coin similar to PTR. So I tried to denominate in BTC and I discovered that coinmarketcap reports wrong! They report that the whole cryptocurrency market capitalization (denominated in BTC) overflows the total number of bitcoins!!!!

# Name Market_Cap Price Circulating_Supply
Bitcoin 17.055.855 BTC 1,00000000 BTC 16.943.100 BTC
Ethereum 5.696.524 BTC 0,05785935 BTC 98.454.670 ETH
Ripple 2.907.631 BTC 0,00007437 BTC XRP
Dash 362.897 BTC 0,04552659 BTC 7.971.098 DASH
Total Market Cap: 38.136.380 BTC

There are only 17 millions BTC, but the total market Cap is reported to exceed 38 millions BTC!!!
If BTC is my base measure, how is that ever possible?:mad:

in the wind.
amanda_b_johnson said:
I see page-topping posts at r/cryptocurrency like: "We need to de-couple BTC from the rest of crypto! It's ridiculous that all alts dump when BTC does!"

crycry palpatine said:
I still agree that it is ridiculous that everytime $btc sneezes alts are in apocalypse mode
K.Elmer said:
Its like the crytpoverse has been invaded by teenage girls.

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In the original proposal, where was T&C?

What we have is a situation where T&C was introduced later and given foresight of the O&M logos before most MNOs (see T&C stream). It's okay to open it up to one group but not others? A closed tender for work, how cozy.

That's a separate issue then. The terms were clear but you think that T&C was given an advantage over O&M because they were able to compare with the other one?
In case anyone is interested in my opinion, I wrote smth there

TL;DR: It's not just about math, it's a conceptual one. This definitely needs a clear final proposal with all formal governance rules applied for changes to be applied.

As I understand it, T & C will have to pass a formal proposal this (edit: or maybe next) cycle requiring the usual 10% as they are still owed 88K euros. I haven’t seen it clearly stated what will happen if it doesn’t pass, but my assumption is that we will stay with the current logo (as there won’t be money to pay for the T & C logo).

So for all intents and purposes, your request for formal governance will be honored.

Also, just my 2cents here, but it probably would be a good idea for Core to be all on the same page before trying something like this again. If you guys don’t have each other backs with a potential controversial issue such as temporarily changing the voting criteria — then there is little hope that the community will get behind the results. @fernando @kot
So you are offering to the MNOs something of a decent quality for free, and they insist of spending the community money for buying something worse.
This is yet another proof that stupid and spies bought masternodes in order to stop effective governance.

Ignorant posts like this drive people to not give your considerable efforts more credit.
Having a functional logo that accomplishes many tasks and enables growth takes more than a 5 minute sketch in gimp.
However, I wouldn't expect you to understand after taking a glance at your avatar.
Watch the T&C Webinar on youtube for a master class on logo design.
Ignorant posts like this drive people to not give your considerable efforts more credit.
Having a functional logo that accomplishes many tasks and enables growth takes more than a 5 minute sketch in gimp.
However, I wouldn't expect you to understand after taking a glance at your avatar.
Watch the T&C Webinar on youtube for a master class on logo design.

And how much does this logo cost? Because if I am about to choose between the best logo of the world that costs 1000000 dash, and a somehow mediocre logo that costs zero dash, I will choose the second.

It is a "vote the numbers" case, once again...Or an "adaptive logo's cost" case, if you want to use @GrandMasterDash 's terminology. That both require altenative budget systems ( [1], [2] ) of course....
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Ignorant posts like this drive people to not give your considerable efforts more credit.
Having a functional logo that accomplishes many tasks and enables growth takes more than a 5 minute sketch in gimp.
However, I wouldn't expect you to understand after taking a glance at your avatar.
Watch the T&C Webinar on youtube for a master class on logo design.

I agree a good logo takes effort and could easily be worth $100K or more, but I wouldn't use the word "functional", that's too explicit.

I take exception to calling T&C's livestream as a "masterclass". It was nothing of the sort. They had initially concluded that the dash "D" was "iconic" and most of their efforts from that point was based off it. Re-watch their video and you'll see this was the basic error they made. They showcased a bunch of "D" variations except, say, for the hare which they considered spriteful... but a simple google image search shows strikingly similar and generic results. For all the words and re-phrasing they gave in their pitch, it lacked imagination. Talking of rabits and hares, the Playboy logo is something I would call iconic, distinct and unique. What did T&C offer in that realm? - nothing, because they had essentially committed themselves to modifying the "D" than seriously entertaining new ideas.

While imo, O&M also got it wrong, credit for them to step it up and give something that was fresh. There's nothing wrong with fresh - and there's nothing wrong with evolving a logo - but seeing O&M's design is compelling evidence that our existing logo is flat and outdated. Evolving the current logo may not truly reflect the new and exciting journey we are on. The DAPI architecture is not best described as "evolution", but more a statement that dash is, once again, innovating (evidenced by patents filed). Is this how we tell the world we are innovators, by rounding a few corners?

I feel an icon representing three birds would best describe dash. Birds are, as a matter of fact, the fastest animals on earth - yes, Instant Send. And three wings of the birds could represent the three layers of dash; miners, masternodes and DAPI. I am not saying my previous attempt at such a logo is a winner (far from it, it's not my realm), but I am saying that perhaps this concept of three birds should be explored by professional artists.
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