PRE-PROPOSAL: New (& Improved?) Look for DASH Detailed

I really don't care for the bogus corporate news media green screen effects. It's not authentic.
One of Amanda's strengths is that she personally comes across as authentic. I think the "set" should also be authentic to bolster that strength.

I second that and I would like to add, I actually think its a step backwards (do I see that lot's of hard ward wen't into it)

What I would not mind investing a bit into a decent studio, with nice background, or with a big monitor behind it, or invest in nice studio desk or something.
Instead computerized images
A couple of (expense) example's would be:
- Max Keiser's
- TheAnarchast
- maybe go a bit geeky, make a setup with lots of monitor's, like one of dash core team guy had behind him which you also interviewed ( i forgot his name do)

Or if this is to expensive just keep it simple, I don't feel like there is a need to try and tweek and update every show every week.
Also keep in mind we are aiming for mainstream adoption so, a more generic less geeky approach is most likely the best way to reach out to wider audience.
I think something like Philip Defranco style ( ) would work fine.
It's just him in the frame, properly lit, with a real background (no green screen) which is unobtrusive and pleasant to the eye.
I don't think we need a set that's in the style of big news channels. Less and less people watch those anyway.
The content is the thing that matters.
One thing is what we love about you the most is your awesome personality, genuineness and the way you deliver the content (in simple, fun, yet really effective style for people to understand).

I personally don't watch TV, especially news. That's why this type of video is not appealing for me personally. I may be wrong. The old format was really awesome, or the one that was mentioned with Philip Defranco can work as well.

In any case, amanda_b_johnson, you've made some much for Dash network, it's impossible to compare with anything. You brought a lot of awareness to our industry, new users, new investors, new like-minded individuals that will move forward digital cash to the masses. I'm just grateful.
I thought it looked pretty slick, but I also didn't like the remote, and found the music a bit loud and fast too. Plus I found the set to be too extravagant, busy. Too much going on and it took attention away from the shows greatest asset, Amanda B. Johnson. (Side note, love the "B" Johnson) Ya! Good stuff! (insert heart emoji and love sick emoji face here).

My biggest problem, though, was seeing you cramped by that desk! I love all your facial expressions and hand gestures and the desk took away from that big time! Also, being the hottie that you are, I enjoy seeing you in various outfits, different hair styling, etc. It would be much more appealing to have a simple set, opened up, perhaps similar to a living room type set up, and be able to see you head to toe, as well as closer to camera. Skirts, sundresses, these boots, those boots, different hair, different make up, get the picture.

Do that and I, and tons of other guys, will be very much looking forward to each and every episode.