PRE-PROPOSAL: New (& Improved?) Look for DASH Detailed

Nice work, Amanda. You look great and I like how you coordinated the color of your blouse to complement the prevailing blue Dash colours!

Here's my feedback. First I agree with the people here who said the music at the intro/outro was a bit too much. Seems just taking the volume down in the mix would help. also, the melody of the music and production are top-notch (kudos to whoever composed and produced the track!) but I actually think a bit less creatively moving melody and less "sidechain" might better suit this function, though as an EDM track it's awesome!

Seems to me the background music playing while you are speaking is not necessary at all, and even makes it harder to hear your report.

I agree about you having a stack of papers on the desk instead of the remote. you dont' look quite as comfortable as you usually do and I think having the papers there would ground you nicely, besides adding a nice, practical yet "oldschool" vibe :)
I think the full studio is overkill right now. It looks sharp, but the brushed metal, 3d background footage, video transitions, etc. take the show into a different context. Dash Detailed as it is today feels youtube-native -- and has become a really high-quality example of that kind of content. This new format feels like a local TV news station, which might appeal to an audience used to CNN, but also feels less personal.
Don't lose that "made for youtube" internet-native excellence as you scale up the production value.

I agree. Even if I quite like the video transitions for instance, I think you (ABJ) are too distant behind that massive, static desk. Something is lost. At the very least there should be more camera close-ups (sorry if I'm not clear, I don't know the technical English terms).
I have to agree with some of the previous comments.
I don't like the music. I actually liked the previous Dash Detailed music theme better.
Also, the desk takes way too much space. Amanda, you are too high in the frame because of that. Your hair almost touches the top edge of the image, which is a really bad composition (google "rule of thirds" for more info about good composition).

Other than that, I don't have a problem with the price. I think it's well deserved and I would vote for it.
Sorry for being so rude, but that looks awful and phony. Dime a dozen it's called I think (as dutchy)

Your strength is Amanda 'aux naturelle'.

This is what I call a good setup and easy on the eyes:

No fancy non informative moving distracting background. Just plain simple and bubbly.

Plz keep it 'small and friendly'. That's way more Comfortable and personal.

First let me qualify that I am not an MNO so I don't have a vote. I couldn't watch the video beyond two minutes because of the background music. Amanda, please don't ever have background music while you're talking. It's a common and documented characteristic of some people on the autism spectrum that we cannot filter voice from music. I'm sure I don't need to spell out the correlation between geeky techy stuff and autistic traits ;)

The other point I'd like to reiterate is that you're far too small on the screen. An important part of your presentation is your facial expressions and with your face shrunk to that size on the screen your expressions just don't come across. In my opinion we don't need to see a desk or a monitor next to you, we just need to see you, and the way you do your videos now is very welcoming and warm... accessible to newbies and old-timers alike. IMO none of that comes across in the proposed new format. At least not in the two minutes I was able to watch before I had to give in to sensory overload.
I'd rather have cheap carpet padding in back and real content in front. This "show" is more and more becoming just a show. Sorry.
I also have no problem with ABJ price. I think it is a fair ask for work/equipment maintenance involved, but I would rather keep the show as it is. As it stands, I would vote No.
Yea I don't like the new version. And I won't be voting yes for that. So please either change the new look or just go back to the old one.

The price is totally fine with me.
I really like your shows Amanda…..and at this point, I'm personally not convinced a fancy format is the way forward yet (as others have mentioned). I really love the fact that you are trying to step things up. Yes, there is something to be said about a plain set, nice lighting (no green screen) and great info. Hmmmm…will think more on this. Love your passion Amanda.
*I go under BitcoinOdyssey on Reddit. I am not shy of being critical, to you, Dash or myself. We are all trying our best.
I do have MNs. Thanks again :)
I do agree with the previous comments before, music too loud, price ok but why changing the looks ? The simplier the better. Clarity is the key. And your show does already look very professional, no need to improve it (at least so far - maybe that would be something to wonder if you statistics are down, but I guess they are not, am I right ?).

Would also vote no for the new looks (and sorry for that, I guess you guys have been working a lot to make that pilot and the many negative comment must be frustrating, at least we can see that you guys are always wondering about how to improve your show, thumbs up for that !)
Amanda, I hope this doesn't seem too off topic but if you're looking for inspiration in how Dash : Detailed is presented, check out how this channel does its content -
If I were producing it, I would lose the desk completely. Go with various seating shots; full body, close-ups etc.. Sex it up, easy on the eye, RT style (Boom Bust etc).
I personally liked your laid back non shalant look back when you wore head bands and such looking like the crypto Pocahontas.

But I do see you are looking for possible things to add and make yourself more interesting and I like the effort, but in the wrong category. Try to add in the pops and sizzles (sound effects, or short animations like an explosion for example ) to make yourself more appealing to the viewer. It adds in comedy and keeps the viewer interested rather then just dry info

You can also make giveaways and create competitions if you are feeling extra. There is only so much to talk about in a way and I could understand your struggle, I would like to hear your thoughts that you post on DashForce sometimes I find them very interesting. The sky is the limit, you are your own boss. You can take on as much as you'd like to. I believe in you!
I personally liked your laid back non shalant look back when you wore head bands and such looking like the crypto Pocahontas.

But I do see you are looking for possible things to add and make yourself more interesting and I like the effort, but in the wrong category. Try to add in the pops and sizzles (sound effects, or short animations like an explosion for example ) to make yourself more appealing to the viewer. It adds in comedy and keeps the viewer interested rather then just dry info

You can also make giveaways and create competitions if you are feeling extra. There is only so much to talk about in a way and I could understand your struggle, I would like to hear your thoughts that you post on DashForce sometimes I find them very interesting. The sky is the limit, you are your own boss. You can take on as much as you'd like to. I believe in you!

mm yes, I too would like to see regular competitions in DD
Thinking about it. Instead of the green screen and desk thing, why not do a "Dash World Tour" checking out the various previous proposals etc, and the usual news features from great locations prominent in the background- Paris, Eiffel tour, Sydney Opera House, SF Golden Gate Bridge, Big Ben, London and other amazing places etc?

Today's video was awesome by the way, even a simple wall is better than a green screen fake studio. Please keep up the excellent work!
I like how amanda looks right now, the 'fake studio' looks generic rather than authentic. A good studio however might be a REAL one. Like the one of TWIT. With real nice lights and great interior design.

What are the chances of getting some nice lights, chairs, cameras, and mics on a private studio?
I really don't care for the bogus corporate news media green screen effects. It's not authentic.

One of Amanda's strengths is that she personally comes across as authentic. I think the "set" should also be authentic to bolster that strength.
+ I Agree completely with your comments. The "set look" comes across as contrived and not genuine. It takes away from the believability of the information being provided. I much prefer the old look over this new one.
I like how amanda looks right now, the 'fake studio' looks generic rather than authentic. A good studio however might be a REAL one. Like the one of TWIT. With real nice lights and great interior design.
What are the chances of getting some nice lights, chairs, cameras, and mics on a private studio?
I know some things have gone down in price even more, but the twit studio was 100's of thousands. Even with the multiple cameras and live stream systems in one room it's probably hard to get away for less than 30k. And it's hard to pull off in a in home studio unless you have a large unfinished area.