Pre-proposal: Let millions of Chinese investors on Huobi invest Dash


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1. Who are we?

Huobi Pro ( is a digital asset exchange made for cryptocurrency traders and investors all over the world. We are headquartered in Singapore with intensive networks in Asia-Pacific, Europe, and North Americas.

Huobi Pro is a leading global digital asset financial services provider. Founded in 2013, with more than four years of industry-leading security practice, record-breaking marketing and operation experiences, top-notch R&D powerhouse, and most credited customer service system. As Huobi operated the digital asset exchange safely and stably for more than 4 years and managed over $1 billion USD and served millions of customers, Huobi is known as the world-class brand and the largest exchange (by BTC Volume) in China.

Due to recent regulations in china Huobi is now based out of Singapore with a new webpage ( )

2. What’s the proposal for?

We are the leading global digital asset exchange – We would like to integrate Dash in our exchange. Not only bring Dash to our millions of users from 130+ countries and regions all over the world, but also make them Dash fans. We will spread Dash’s technology and unique characteristics to the Chinese market through our website announcements, articles, videos and training. Since Huobi is one of the largest exchanges in China and we’ve been operated for four years, we own great reputation in digital asset industry. Listing Dash on our exchange will definitely increase the popularity and liquidity of Dash in China, even the world.

3. What will we do?

a. Exchange. We will list Dash/BTC and Dash/USDT trading pairs on and create millions of Dash hot wallets for our users and cold wallet for our platform.

b. Air drop. We will air drop Dash to all our bitcoin and litecoin traders, encourage them by this to use Dash, experience the Speed, try it out and see the difference in Dash and its technology. We will launch promotions to introduce Dash to our users and make them well aware and educated in Dash.

c. Marketing. We will post announcements on our website and Social Media which will be exposed to our millions of users, Dash will definitely get more popular in China. Huobi’s marketing channel will includes:

Twitter: 35k Followers

WeChat:160K Followers

Chinese Media:, BitKan, BTC123, AICoin

WeChat &QQ Group: more than 100 groups

Huobi Brilliants’Talk Show: 8 million audiences in total

Take the case of ETH launching on Huobi for example.

A. WeChat:

a,《【重要通知】ETH上线火币网,狂送ETH!》to tell users ETH launched in Huobi, get 21259 reading

b.《【科普】以太坊到底是什么?有何价值?》to tell users value of ETH, get 14231 reading

c. Huobi Brilliants’Talk Show:《【科普】比99%的人早懂以太坊(上)!》and《【科普】比99%的人早懂以太坊(下)!》to do online direct broadcast, get 30+Wechat goups and get 23K reading in total.

B. Chinese Media


Huaxia Times:

All of the Chinese bitcoin industry media such as, BTC123, AICoin and BitKan,released articles above.

C. Market quotations analysis websites,,FX168 and so on.

4. What do we think of Dash?

Bitcoin’s community has been struggling about the block size expansion for several years. But Dash community is very solid and united. We think a cryptocurrency with such team backup can only get better and bigger in the long run. Bitcoin is just the first cryptocurrency like BTCChina, which was the first exchange in China. But BTCChina has almost vanished in the Chinese market. We think Dash has a great opportunity to surpass Bitcoin, Huobi Pro will have a win-win cooperation with Dash and wants to be part of that push forward.

This budget proposal is part of our Marketing Strategy already, as we are explaining with this, to the general Cryptocurrenmcy Community, how Consensus can and should work in a Decentralized Project / Team. The timing with the recent (and coming) BTC fork is prefect to show how Dash accomplished it’s consensus with the Budget System

Above all, we’d like to request 1005 Dash for our proposal.

1. 5 Dash reimbursement for the proposal cost.

2. 1000 Dash for air drop (see Point 3.) to our bitcoin and litecoin users, who are our active trading users on our exchange. There are hundreds of thousands of active bitcoin and litecoin trading users. Each of them can get about 0.001-0.01Dash.

3. Extra marketing and technical development costs (integration) will be handled by Huobi ourselves.

We are looking forward to a successful cooperation with the Dash Community and Core Team

If you want to know more about Huobi and, please click here:

Update on Nov. 12:

Dear Dash community members:

Thanks everyone for the discussions here! Based on your feedback, we have made:

1. Clarification announcement:

2. A Q&A summarizing major questions discussed with our answers here for your convenience and will keep it updated:

Please let us know if you have future questions for the proposal. Your opinions and suggestions are valuable to us.


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Very exciting stuff!!!

1)Can we please ensure instantsend is enabled for dash.

2) Secondly, can we have escrow of the 1000 dash by dash core until Huobi integration is complete and ready to airdrop to users.

3) can anyone think of how we can further extend/optimize the proposal to ensure this integration has the right amount of marketing and 'hype'. This is our chance to show how we have consensus through governance and we don't fork a new coin every few months when someone disagrees etc etc. instant/privatesend and the roadmap to scale with Evolution.
Secondly, can we have escrow of the 1000 dash by dash core until Huobi integration is complete and ready to airdrop to users.
Second that. I am sure the core has thought of that, but it would be good to see some sort of confirmation. Maybe Green Candle can act as the escrow service.
Idea to create more excitement :

1) first 100 or 1000 or 10000 to claim their dashs would get (a bit more) dashs as compared to others that would receive automatically.

2) Keep some dashs to incentivize new subscription when press release about Dash intergration is out.
i can confirm that this is Huobi Official
(alexy , raico me are in touch with them direct )
I agree that this would be great if genuine. You mentioned you are in touch *with them.* Are you satisfied that this is genuinely an accountable activity of the exchange (vs. some isolated guy who works there, but is on his way out looking for his own retirement boost)? Of course, once they have those funds, who knows what really happens. We've seen that enough times before...80% 'integration' 20% air drop. I would prefer knowing that the Dash team had some coordinating element here, but if bone fide, I like it.
Yes. No brainer. We paid over 2000D's to get onto Kraken earlier in the year, and that was without any airdrop (admittedly Dash was 1/10th the price at that point). The fact that the funds are going towards stimulating the user base to 'try' dash can only be a good thing. It would be a massive marketing and PR win.

I also agree that funds should be escrow until integration complete and airdrop date is agreed.

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Main reason why we do this is because Dash would like a foot in the door with the Chinese market, now that your are not even offering Dash-CNY why would considering sponsoring you ? You need us harder than we need you !

A couple of mentions on social media app's is not really cutting it for me. There should be a better deal, something like speaking out loud that you personally believe that Dash will surpass bitcoin and ltc based on the current functionality of dash vs them or something of the sort (obviously your language is more political correct than how I am say it)

Further more this feel like a slap in the face (free for small projects and we the bigger project need to pay ?):
Huobi Pro Launch Decentralized Blockchain Asset Exchange Projects with Airswap, Kyber, and 0x Project
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Main reason why we do this is because Dash would like a foot in the door with the Chinese market, now that your are not even offering Dash-CNY why would considering sponsoring you ? You need us harder than we need you !
If I understand well, they are proposiing to pay for the integration. The budget request would only be to give dash away to its users to create interest. As @Stealth923 stated, it would be nice to have the funds in escrow until the integration is done.
1.Honestly,we are sorry for instantsend not available on recently

2. It is a good idea.

Very exciting stuff!!!

1)Can we please ensure instantsend is enabled for dash.

2) Secondly, can we have escrow of the 1000 dash by dash core until Huobi integration is complete and ready to airdrop to users.

3) can anyone think of how we can further extend/optimize the proposal to ensure this integration has the right amount of marketing and 'hype'. This is our chance to show how we have consensus through governance and we don't fork a new coin every few months when someone disagrees etc etc. instant/privatesend and the roadmap to scale with Evolution.
And again Dash is paying an entry fee while others get in for free. Would be 4th time now. Kraken, Payza, TenX, now this. I'm getting sick of this special treatment.

If you need money to integrate Dash InstantSend or PrivateSend, please lay out the costs and we can vote on that. But please no airdrop. Giving away 1000 Dash for free to random speculators who will sell it anyway is definitely not something I'd support. Dash needs more users, not more speculators/day-traders.

If you really don't need a single Dash for this integration (assuming no IS/PS support), then just add Dash for free. There is literally zero value in giving away 1 Masternode worth for immediate sell-off and empty PR purposes. If people want Dash they can get it. At many places. We're a well established Top 10 cryptocurrency, not some brand-new unknown project that needs that kind of publicity stunts for awareness.

Escrow or not, this would be a monumental waste of funds imo. Definite no from me in the current form.
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And again Dash is paying an entry fee while others get in for free. Would be 4th time now. Kraken, Payza, TenX, now this. I'm getting sick of this special treatment.

If you need money to integrate Dash InstantSend or PrivateSend, please lay out the costs and we can vote on that. But please no airdrop. Giving away 1000 Dash for free to random speculators who will sell it anyway is definitely not something I'd support. Dash needs more users, not more speculators/day-traders.

If you really don't need a single Dash for this integration (assuming no IS/PS support), then just add Dash for free. There is literally zero value in giving away 1 Masternode worth for immediate sell-off and empty PR purposes.

Escrow or not, this would be a monumental waste of funds imo. Definite no from me in the current form.

I get what you are saying but getting our foot into the Chinese / Asian market is a very hard nut to crack. Having a big name like Huobi be our sponsor and advocate for Dash over bitcoin is worth the 1000D alone... This will help stimulate user adoption throughout the region.

Secondly, the Dash treasury helps us keep growing but can also be a negative in that we need to pay for adoption. I dont mind paying, as every integration will raise usage, price and adoption. If we keep saying no because x,y,z coin got on for free, we wont get anywhere.
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You could add Altcoin/DASH trading pairs. That would be cool and I think even world first
That would start to make it look like a worthwhile deal, specially seeing I would benfit from it as a trader, due to the fact that bitcoin transactions from exchange to exchange are to expensive and slow, ETH is not meant to be used as a currency.
3. What will we do?

b. Air drop. We will air drop Dash to all our bitcoin and litecoin traders, encourage them by this to use Dash, experience the Speed, try it out and see the difference in Dash and its technology. We will launch promotions to introduce Dash to our users and make them well aware and educated in Dash.

1.Honestly,we are sorry for instantsend not available on recently

These 2 things do not compute ! If you talk about dash it's speed vs ltc you need to use instant send, because the block-time for dash and ltc are similar.