I agree that this would be great if genuine. You mentioned you are in touch *with them.* Are you satisfied that this is genuinely an accountable activity of the exchange (vs. some isolated guy who works there, but is on his way out looking for his own retirement boost)? Of course, once they have those funds, who knows what really happens. We've seen that enough times before...80% 'integration' 20% air drop. I would prefer knowing that the Dash team had some coordinating element here, but if bone fide, I like it.
it is Huobi and they are the real thing !
the contacts are 100% legit !
yes we are in touch with the team , the contact came over or China Team (alexy and raico)
and i was helping out in communications and some ideas.
air drops are not nessacery our/my style
but i know that in china this really works and is used across the platform.
Huobi has a very good name on the mainland and is respected + under the top 3 exchanges since a long time
We at Dash struggled a long time to get adopted in the top 3 exchanges and now seems the time
in our conversations i made the Huobi team aware of our process (proposals) expects transparency and data afterwords to report back to community and MNO's
what i personally like here is
4. What do we think of Dash?
their approach to do a proposal to show the other communities how governance and consensus is supposed to work (vs just forking BTC style), and the PR huobi wants to build around that . Specially in china (huge volume) where the market is 80-90% (i am guessing) BTC, this is a great PR / Marketing idea / push !
(they are running this as a personal experiment, they will then report to their community / traders)