Pre-Proposal Discussion - OpenBazaar / Dash Integration

Lol, it'd be nice :) Can you see what the first errors where? I'd imagine it's a dependency problem but like you say, it could be a broken update. I had something missing when I tried to get it compiled and I had a right pain correcting it but it failed right at the start, once it had everything it needed it ran fine.
It probably is, but I didn't note them, and my memory is too short to remember. I did glance at them as they went by, but with my video card mining on one, and the other compiling in screen, I couldn't scroll back. I'll try again tonight :) I'm also preparing myself emotionally for a switch over to Windows 10. I want to install all the dependencies and stuff for QT import, if I can do it. and I don't want to do it before I upgrade. But I fear upgrading so much! :sad::mad::what::confused: I keep putting it off. But I want to do it on my machine before I mess with everyone elses. And they're all asking me to do this for them, so I got to get it done. I really hate windows, but many of my games don't work on ubuntu :oops:
I think, if anyone is interested in something like Open Bazaar, that they should spend the time before the next Dash version comes out getting to know the code. I'm not a coder, 'cause every time I try, I make some syntactical error, and can't find it. I'm just not detail oriented enough, Ugh, so I hate it, LOL. But I'm going to try to understand what people have written and see if I can't maybe chart the files, and organize what's what so that the next coder can see in an instant what's there.

Maybe I can help in that way? We'll see. I may get too frustrated trying to understand and not be able to do this, but I hope to learn along the way :)
Its a waste of time me looking at python but its probably well commented so should be able to get some somewhere to start at least. Not sure how much time I'll get though, I'm trying to do something with Qt but I hate OO, damned objects are the wrong... everything. Will have a flick through it tomorrow.
Tante: One of the tutorial links that stan.distortion had left mentions some errors (about 1600 of them), I got that too when after compiling and all was well. I think they just have it on a really high code debugging mode enabled or something.

Overall my impression on OB at this point in time is that we need to wait at least another month to get to the point where we can build a requirements doc. I know that I read something about a November Beta test so hopefully around that time we'll get something more substantial to play with. Will definitely be keeping an eye on the repository :)
Tante: One of the tutorial links that stan.distortion had left mentions some errors (about 1600 of them), I got that too when after compiling and all was well. I think they just have it on a really high code debugging mode enabled or something.

Overall my impression on OB at this point in time is that we need to wait at least another month to get to the point where we can build a requirements doc. I know that I read something about a November Beta test so hopefully around that time we'll get something more substantial to play with. Will definitely be keeping an eye on the repository :)
You might be able to get help and more info if you get on their slack.
Already posted this in the brainstorming session
But this thread seems more appropriate.

I think we're a natural for hosting Open Bazaar, so that stores never close (just because you want to turn off your computer) and we could charge a very tiny fee for a more robust system, always on, hosts your items, etc...

I really like this idea, Could Dash maybe work out some agreement with the OB developers to integrate Dash into their core program along side bitcoin for use of the masternode network, for lets say a year to begin with.

They would probably like the 3000+ Servers to be running OB in the beginning until real adoption kicks in
And we would be integrated from the start at a core level.

Then anybody copying the code to make theyir own version of OB would also include Dash
Ok, I'm giving it another try. Saw a few errors fly by about variables, but more have gone by, too fast to read

Grabbed it, "method has no argument; name already defined.... no name "" in module ""

I totally forgot to download the latest, can I stop this gracefully? LOL
Kill it, kill it with knives!! Sry ;) Yeah, just kill it. Not sure if you need to do a make clean or something with python but it wont do anything irreparable. Started reading up on the networking but not far, should be easy enough to make sense of though.
I've been thinking that maybe this new DAPI that is going to be made for Dash Evolution can be used as an easy way to plug Dash into Open Bazaar, or vise versa for fitting OB into a MN service?

ROFL Stan, OK, will do (stil running, LOL)

Like I said, I'm udating to windows 10 then I want to see if I can port this to QT. I'm sure it'll be way over my head but hope to learn a lot trying :)
Ah, stupid me, how could I have forgotten they wrote that the errors and failure could be ignored! I started it up after another compile and it seems to be working. Working on the client now.

Aaaaand Magic! But no stores no items :(
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Having another quick look through and it appears to use libbitcoin and it looks like UdjinM6 has already ported that over:

I'd imagine it should be possible to split the payment options so any number of lightweight java clients can be included through the same procedure, not that far in yet though. Just making notes here btw, I could be on the wrong track entirely. Sent an invite request to their slack a few days ago but nothing back yet:

EDIT: Related:
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A couple of things from reading through the protocol details, it's mentioned in a few places that there's no plan to support alts and that they should go through services like shapeshift instead. I'm a bit surprised by that, including java clients for any alt that wants to integrate is clunky but looks workable but I'd have thought that would have been considered and a more elegant solution found, payment methods and their associated calls as part of the contracts rather than baked in for example but the notes leave little doubt it's bitcoin only.

Imo it would be worth stepping back and seeing what other options are out there, the payment methods are one reason but imho they're trying to do to much to soon and include absolutely everything from day one rather than getting a bare bones but expandable system up and running and solidifying it while expanding. A lot of money has been pumped into development and they seem to have some smart folks working on it so it could work out well but trying to get that much right on the first attempt of a previously untried idea seems risky to me.

EDIT: Some thoughts when looking over the protocol.

Much of what OB is trying to implement with a standalone network could well covered with the DAPI and distributed storage in Evolution.

Various other systems are being worked on with the same aim and a common contract format for cross platform compatibility could be more useful than targeting a specific platform.

The ratings system seems vulnerable and could well reduce the credibility of the system either by gamed ratings remaining in the system or resets to remove them while developing. Imo a trust network could be a better point to begin as many things could be built on a solid reputation system and inherit confidence from it, including marketplaces.
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Can OB be puled apart to do that? I mean, is it all so mish mashed together that we can't just use a stripped out server and client and use the API to integrate them as separate server and client?stan@
And re SRS and other document deliverables (vs code deliverables)... As soon as we, as the community would decide what exactly we would want OpenBazaar/DASH would like, I can ran it by my company and get project plan and initial estimate. For free.

To do it, someone else but me, should install OpenBazaar, play with it and describe the vision using screenshots/mockups.
back to this, I think I can do this. I am an ebayer since way back. I represent an older generation, though slightly tech savy, I am also wary of having to learn something new. Today is my day, so I'm going to work on this. It might be drwayings on lined paper, LOL, but... hey, you know ;P
$150,000,000 has been poured into OB. The difficulties of pulling the code apart may be well worth it. Reinventing the wheel sounds easier but think about the effort hat went into it that it cost so much! I think that was bogus information I read somewhere I can't find anymore :p
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$150 million?! Fsck! That seems like a crazy figure considering the part that really matters is the contracts and as soon as they're anything like standardised other platforms will adopt and expand them, especially if other aspects are as limited as the currency used as that's usually the first thing that happens to anything released in crypto, it gets ported to different coins.
That's what I read. I read they have already had 50,00,000 and that they were just given another 100,000,000. From some investors or corporations. Oh heck, I must have read some bogus information somewhere. On theire site they say they received 1 million in funding in July. Undobutedly the article I read was BS
A decentralized exchange and decentralized marketplace have to be at the very top of everyone's wishlist right now. Those sort of projects are quite obviously enormous undertakings, but a big part of me really wishes we had the resources the spin our masternode network into answering those calls. It just seems like exactly the sort of "service" our network is made for. And Open Bazaar doesn't even pretend to address privacy concerns - my vision of the "perfect product" would definitely be a secure, anonymous, decentralized merchant platform that uses a secure, anonymous, decentralized currency for transactions. Maybe we could look pass a blockchain initiative to fund the purchase of enough chains and locks to secure Evan and the rest of the dev team to their desks to work on something like this in Q3-Q4 of 2016? One can dream, anyway...

Open Bazaar definitely has all the momentum of the first serious attempt to get it done, but I echo other sentiments in this thread that in its current form (admittedly very immature) it is simply too difficult for the average eBay-er to switch to. Making a thing easy to use necessary follows making a thing work, so I have every faith they'll get around to addressing the problem. We probably do need to pay attention to Open Bazaar's development and keep thinking of ways we could hitch our wagon to their star if they pull the project off.
The client is almost nothing to get up and running, but it doesn't do anything without the server on the same machine. I wish I could code, but I'd have to think that since they are already 2 separate repositories, and they don't need to be seperated, there's got to be a way to do this! If someone who could do this, hopefully they'll put in a proposal :)