But kot, DASH's voting system was born from the assumption (at least I understood it this way) that the many investors were intelligent enough to make their decisions, enough to protect their investment.
This new path DASH is taking seems to be heading towards a completelly different direction: "you are not smart enough: ergo you need to be protected by acorrupt commitee".
In my opinion DASH's problem nowadays lies on too many stupid proposals being made, by clueless people. We should tweak this: the source of proposals (and not the decision making procedure, because there is no problem with the decision makers, at all).
Why don't we demand, for example, that a proposal should only be possible with the previous approval from a Masternode address signature? That would create an initial "filter", because only if the proposer has previously convinced one of the Masternode owners (thus, at least coherence would be expected from the proposal) will his proposal be available for full discussion and voting.
edit: proposals SHOULD be interesting enough to attract VOTES. ABSTENTIONS should be considered the NORMAL state of things (and it should not be seen as a lack of participation from MS owners). IF THE PROPOSAL IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH as to attract enough votes, than this is the proposer's problem, and not a lack of participation problem. Investors do not need to be forced to consider STUPID proposals.
I confess I can barely read this forum anymore, with some of the ideas being posted recently here (just like I can barely visit that BTCtalk forum), because some people are creating a circus alike to the politicians' circus: it might feel awesome for then to be in this parliament like place....but these same stupid people are not even Masternode owners, I am sure...
edit 2: oaxaca, after I re-read this post I was affraid you might think I am attacking you. Not at all. Please understand that I respect and admire you, and I know that you are a great and important member of this community, always contributing with great ideas and efforts.
My problem is with the many ideas that invaded this community after the voting mechanism was brought to life. Those ideas are very similar to those of the the gramscianism that nowadays reign in the country where I live, and that makes me feel really sick.
This new path DASH is taking seems to be heading towards a completelly different direction: "you are not smart enough: ergo you need to be protected by a
In my opinion DASH's problem nowadays lies on too many stupid proposals being made, by clueless people. We should tweak this: the source of proposals (and not the decision making procedure, because there is no problem with the decision makers, at all).
Why don't we demand, for example, that a proposal should only be possible with the previous approval from a Masternode address signature? That would create an initial "filter", because only if the proposer has previously convinced one of the Masternode owners (thus, at least coherence would be expected from the proposal) will his proposal be available for full discussion and voting.
edit: proposals SHOULD be interesting enough to attract VOTES. ABSTENTIONS should be considered the NORMAL state of things (and it should not be seen as a lack of participation from MS owners). IF THE PROPOSAL IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH as to attract enough votes, than this is the proposer's problem, and not a lack of participation problem. Investors do not need to be forced to consider STUPID proposals.
I confess I can barely read this forum anymore, with some of the ideas being posted recently here (just like I can barely visit that BTCtalk forum), because some people are creating a circus alike to the politicians' circus: it might feel awesome for then to be in this parliament like place....
edit 2: oaxaca, after I re-read this post I was affraid you might think I am attacking you. Not at all. Please understand that I respect and admire you, and I know that you are a great and important member of this community, always contributing with great ideas and efforts.
My problem is with the many ideas that invaded this community after the voting mechanism was brought to life. Those ideas are very similar to those of the the gramscianism that nowadays reign in the country where I live, and that makes me feel really sick.
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