It looks like
Evan has something to say about "Jury Duty":
As I said before, IMO DASH is already going in the wrong direction. It should focus on being CASH, but the "voting" part seems to be the main focus to the community now. DASH has already got a good enough voting system, that's all we need, because it is simple.
We do not need some complicated system, with many casuistic rules and exceptions.
We do not want a pool of people to represent ourselves, AT ALL!
At least I do not want DASH to even try to become what I despise from the governments of these countries I so despise.
In DASH each Masternode has got it's brain and its vote. Period. No need for stupid committees. No need for lobbies. No need for information manipulation. No need for lies. No need for deception..........................
IF there is too many proposal and no way to concentrate on it all,
the solution is to tighten the "proposal submission requisites", instead of ELECTING a bunch of corrupt politician to filter information.
Are there too many proposals already? But, strangely enough, some pople here are even complaining that "oh, it's so unfair, DASH must provide accessibility for the impaired poor souls who cannot pay 5DASH for it!!!
Man, what is our problem? Is it too many proposals or to few?