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Please vote 'YES' ! For the Dash Nation !
Please vote 'YES' ! For the Dash Nation !
Please vote 'YES' ! For the Dash Nation !
Yes, I agree a longer term solution would be better but while things are so undecided, I think a short term solution with short term advantages is the better choice.
Btw, on a related note, at the open house Ryan briefly touched on the magic numbers 45-45-10. I think he was basically saying that the numbers and processes should be analysed and optimised. With that in mind, this drop to 1 dash might be a good test to prove us right or wrong. In fact, I would suggest that over the next 12 months we should vary the parameters (proposal costs and reward split) with the view that this is for optimisation purposes. It will, no doubt cause some debate, but at the end of the 12 months we could take a final vote to which combination to accept.
1 DASH will not make *any* trouble. This is 100% safe.
Good points are made on each side :
I will try to propose an other argument in favor of dropping the fee to 1 dash as arguments from both side are valuable.
- High fees prevent worthy project to come to light
- Small fees will flood the network with bad proposals wasting the valuable network time
My question will not be why don’t you to drop the price but what are you so afraid of doing so (given that pertinent argument are made on both side) ?
What are the risks of getting flooded during one month ?
We have that marvelous tools that allows us to vote proposals and then unvote them or change our mind !
Why don’t we vote yes to show that it is better to vote 1 dash, get flooded, acknowledge our mistake, get some experience than keeping a conservative state of mind ?
I believe from observation and experience that success in the long term is based on a adaptation capacity. That means try and error. So let's do it !
Now, if such a rollback is not that easy to do technically, that’s another point, and core team should step forward on that point.
Please vote 'YES' ! For the Dash Nation ! @flare @AndyDark
Sorry if you've already answered this, but would one of you be willing to explain (or point to where it has been explained) what it would involve in order to change the fee and have a rollback plan? How much dev resources would it take, and are there any particular risks or other drawbacks we should be aware of, that haven't been discussed?
This would affect my vote
I guess 10 DASH for this one is because he wants to cover expenses for this and previous proposal ("lower to 0.1")10 Dash for this? Definitely NO
Agree and +1 for 'self-adjusting fee'I guess 10 DASH for this one is because he wants to cover expenses for this and previous proposal ("lower to 0.1")
Don't base your decision based on number of Dash... This is his 2nd proposal regarding this, so he'll just be breaking even if it passes. Kind of ironic this is costing him $750+ just to adjust the proposal costs... ridiculously high in my mind. Will only cost you about $75 to reverse this if it turns out to be a problem!10 Dash for this? Definitely NO
Regarding the proposal - I guess 1 DASH fee would work too, at least we can give it a try. However, as I mentioned in that post, I would be more interested in self-adjusting fee but that's a whole new topic (and yet another proposal) I guess.