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Dear MNO's, this is an interview with Craig Mason where we talk about the details of our proposal. Let us know your comments and questions. (Many thanks to Craig for this nice talk).
Hello Dash Community! We are excited to introduce you the pre-proposal for a Massive Adoption Program for Merchants.

Important links:
Pre-Proposal document:
Survey results:
We will visit 2000 merchants in the next 3 months in Caracas, in order to convert at least 600 into Dash accepting businesses.
In Venezuela there have been important efforts from successful initiatives to promote the Dash adoption, such as Dash Caracas, making more than 2000 new users download their wallets and “getfreedash” with its effective referral system. However, we look with concern that the number of users has an exponential growth, while the number of merchants or businesses where they can spend to obtain goods and services grows very slowly, being unbalanced the user-merchants ratio.
We did a market research which shows that almost 91% of merchants would be willing to accept Dash only if they have enough information about how to use it and the legal aspect. We will teach them about this issues, but we will to do it massively. You can find the results of the surve in this link:


Dash Merchant Venezuela
Dash Merchant Venezuela aims to balance the users-merchants rate and achieve DASH adoption by small, medium and big merchants in a massive way. Providing them with the appropiate information through a professional and nearby institution that can provide them with support. They need with legal, technical, financial, accounting and tax advice to accept Dash as a payment method in their businesses.
General Strategy:
1- We will visit 2.000 merchants in Caracas, Venezuela.
2- Pitch them what is DASH and why is the best way to accept payments in Venezuela and improve their cashflow.
3- We will ask merchants to accomplish some requirements. If they complete the following list, we will give them a "training tip" of 5$ in Dash :
- Put the "Dash Accepted here" sticker in their business.
- Post on their social media that they are accepting Dash.
- List their business in
- List their business in the Android app "Criptolugares" which is also a merchant directory.
- List their business in the merchant directory of
4- We will have 2 sales team: Team #1 will cover the east of Caracas, and Team #2 will cover the west.
5- We have segmented the merchants in 3 groups in order to make different approaches:
- VIP: Hotels, airlines, big chains (supermarkets, franchises), gourmet class restaurants, high clothing, turism.
- A: medium restaurants, coffee shops, cars workshops, medium companies.
- B: little businesses, new entrepreneurs, "Kioskos" (little stores in the middle of the street), etc.
6- For a deeper understanding from merchants, we will give free courses regarding:
- How to accept DASH as a payment method.
- How to setup their DASH wallets.
- How to buy and sell DASH with Bolivares.
- Cryptocurrency legal framework in Venezuela.
- How to integrate DASH in their cost structure.
- Tips and recommendations.
This courses will be given 3 days per week (Monday, Wednesday and Fridays)
7- Referral Strategy:
- Every merchant will win 10 points for each merchants they refer to us.
- When they get 50 points (5 referred merchants) they will won a $15 prize in Dash.
- In this way we will reach more merchants with less effort.
Alejandro Echeverría: Project Manager. 24 years old. He is the founder of Dash Help Venezuela, the first official support center for Dash (and any cryptocurrency) in the world. He is also advisor for some teams in the Dash Community like Dash Argentina and Dash Youth Venezuela. Dedicated himself to make profitable business models (Easymed, TuGruero-, Ctrl+C-USB). DASH Forum/Discord: AlejandroE. Linkedin:
Alejandro Andrade: Sales Manager, 25 years old. Chemical Engineer from Universidad Simón Boívar. (Caracas, Venezuela) He was sales manager from "Baterias Duncan" the biggest car battery manufacturer in Venezuela. His last job was in "Galleteria Puig" as a Project Manager. (Ig & Tw: Aleandrade92, Discord and Dash forum: Andrade92. Linkedin:
Bruno Modica: Sales Manager. 39 years. Degree on publicity in Universidad Nuevas Profesiones (Caracas). More than 13 years on clients and team management. Sales specialist. He was the Head of Marketing for Latam of a documentary production company that works in Venezuela, Ecuador and Colombia. He also was Executive analyst for key clients in the biggest coupons portal web of Venezuela, having more than 250 clients in his own portfolio. He actually works in as Strategic Alliances Director.

We will work in alliance with some Venezuelans and non-Venezuelans teams that have been funded by the Dash treasury, in this way we will work alligned and coordinated to achieve the same goal: massive adoption of Dash in Venezuela. Following are the allies:
- Dash Venezuela: led by Eugenia Alcalá (algodon.franelas). Dash Venezuela has organized more than 6 Dash Conferences (Dash Caracas) and they will help us organizing the educational courses for merchants. Besides, they will rent us the space of their office for this purpose.
- Dash Help Venezuela: led by Alejandro Echeverría (AlejandroE). Dash Help Venezuela is the first support center of Dash (and any cryptocurrency) in the world. They have provided support and assistance in the Dash Caracas conferences, and they have solved more than 200 issues per event. They will provide us presencial support on the courses for merchants.
- led by Nate (djcrypto). is a marketplace where the payments are exlusively in Dash. We will help Nate with the recruitment of online merchants for this website. In this way we will increase the exposure of merchants and also we will help in its directory.
- Feedbands: he is working on Dash ads for google and different websites. He and his team will help us sending traffic from merchant to our website ( In this way we can catch more merchants every month.
Contact information:
[email protected]
Thank you very much for your time and for reading our pre proposal!
If you wish to help us, you can donate here, we deeply apreciate it.
DASH Address: Xt3aUU7SBEhfDumxHUZnq5uA8GE2NnmNXb
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