Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

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  • Yes

    Votes: 84 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 15 14.3%
  • I do not know, I need more information

    Votes: 6 5.7%

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No es fácil el trabajo que se hace para que Dash crezca en nuestro país, pero los emprendedores que creemos en que podemos lograr una nueva economía, más sustentable y descentralizada creemos en que la nación Dash es el camino
El Pasado Sabado 14 de Julio se llevo a cabo el tercer evento de la comunidad Dash Barquisimeto, en el salón Cuara del Hotel Jirajara, Donde los asistentes pudieron disfrutar de la ponencia titulada “Criptoactivos: Intercambios y Billeteras Virtuales” dirigida por Jaime Sandoval.

Sandoval quien es el presidente de la casa de intercambios venezolana MENEX. Inicio la ponencia dando una breve explicación de la tecnología blockchain y las diferentes criptomonedas. Exponiendo las diferentes ventajas del uso de estas. asimismo hizo mención de las principales cualidades de DASH Digital Cash, la rapidez de sus transacciones, la seguridad y su estructura de red, teniendo los Masternodos y su gobernanza descentralizada como un valor agregado, siendo la organización DASH la que permiten llevar a cabo este tipo de eventos, que generan espacios para lograr un mayor impacto de los criptoactivos

Seguidamente se destacaron las diferencias entre una casa de cambio convencional con una casa de intercambios de criptoactivos, despejando dudas de como obtener las diferentes monedas digitales en el país, en especial DASH Digital Cash, asimismo comento sobre su proyecto y como registrarse para poder comenzar a realizar intercambios luego de que la superintendencia de criptoactivos publiquen las regulaciones con materia de criptos en el país.

Para finalizar nos invita a investigar y aprender acerca de la blockchain, la cual llamo el corazón de la cuarta revolución industrial, y asi aprovechar las ventajas de este mundo en nuestra vida cotidiana.

Last Saturday, July 14, the third event of Dash Barquisimeto took place in the Jirajara´s Hotel, where attendees could enjoy the presentation entitled "Criptoactives: exchanges and digital wallets" by Jaime Sandoval.

Sandoval who is the president of the Venezuelan exchange house MENEX. started the presentation giving a brief explanation of the blockchain technology and the different cryptocurrencies. Exposing the different advantages of using it. He mentioned the main qualities of DASH Digital Cash, the speed of the transactions, safety and net structure, having the masternodes and decentralized autonomous organization as an added value, being the DASH organization the one that allows to carry out this type of events, generanting spaces to achieve a greater impact on the people in general.

Next,he exposed the differences between a conventional exchange house and a cryptoactive´s changes house, clarifying doubts about the ways to obtain the differents digital currencies in the country, specially DASH Digital Cash, also comment of his project and how to register to start make exchanges, Finally he invite the atendees to investigate and learn about the blockchain, which is the heart of the fourth industrial revolution, and take advantage of this world in the regular living.

Our founder Eugenia Alcalá participated as a speaker at the Cryptocurrency Forum 2018 organized by @ideprocop,
where the legal and tax aspects of the use of cryptocurrencies in Venezuela were discussed, and the possibility of standardizing
the accounting systems to cryptocurrencies, @dash_venezuela explained in the event the potential that means for accountants to
have more than 300 merchants accepting cryptocurrencies.

I have to add Mr. Shinji Kazama to the list of generous donors for our crowdfunding. Thank you very much!!!


We want to share the satisfaction of knowing that the Dash community, from everywhere in the world, knows, follows and supports our work for the benefit of more than 500 entrepreneurs and merchants, about 20 communities, NGOs, as well as small and large companies. Venezuelans that today accept Dash as a form of payment and donation, and who already know the differentiating features and benefits of our currency.

We have received more than 148 Dash in the form of generous donations and loans, that testify that they believe and trust our work.


We know that behind each of your contributions there is the certainty that the experience gained in Venezuela will not only transform the economic landscape of this country, but also make it a reference model for other nations in the world where Dash will position itself as an economic alternative capable of producing wealth and development for its citizens.

Dash Venezuela has an extraordinary team made up of more than 20 people, and others who participate directly or indirectly in our events, workshops, communities, conferences and training days.

Together we are stronger! We are sure that we will continue to count on the support of the DAO, and your contributions are a pleasing testimony of this. The size and quality of our initiatives would not be possible without the support of the MNOs and the recognition of the entire community with which, we are sure, we can count on to reach the 219 Dash goal that we will use for our July’s conference and keep undefeated our record of large and successful conferences over a year.

Thousands of Venezuelans have already turned their attention to Dash - Digital Cash. We have managed to reach the first places in the download of wallets and traffic in the page More than 500 commercial projects have participated in our educational activities. We have managed to establish alliances with 22 communities in Venezuela and we are establishing relationships with other communities in Latin America that have contacted us to know and replicate our best practices. All this is thanks to our effort and the support of the DAO.

Now we have to add our thanks to the generous people who have donated or loaned us Dash:

  • @FabioBossi
  • fount4inhead
  • Siakisboy
  • thethrowaccount21


  • @AlejandroE#7535
  • @Bphxsundevil#4406
  • @dancefordistribution#8642
  • @Dandy#7870
  • @DashUser33#2452
  • @Goobadoo#5788
  • @Mastermined#4926 in behalf of the Dash Force Team
  • @Raptor73#4632
  • @solarguy#8081
  • @Ultimatecrypto#1065

And so many others donators who have done it anonymously!

We want to be the first Dash Nation and our enthusiasm is intact, that is why the entire Dash Venezuela team will continue working tirelessly to spread the knowledge, adoption and massive use of Dash Digital Cash in our country.

To help us get to our goal of 219 Dash, you can make your donation here:



In the name of a team, an alliance and a country, we want to say:

Good morning to all the appreciated community of Dash.

I am very pleased to be in this moment writing the final report of the Pilot Plan of the National Program of Communities, where various informative and educational activities were carried out within 17 geographical communities throughout the Venezuelan territory.

This pilot plan was carried out between the months of May and June, including the first two weeks of the month of July, where Meetups and Conferences for students, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs and the general public were held in 17 cities of Venezuela showing various aspects of Dash Dinero Digital, its use, convenience, pages of exchanges, security, wallets, DiscoverDash registrations and other business listings, use within companies, in human resources, import and export, legality within our country, among many other topics that were covered during these two months.

Each community works for the attainment of the goals to be achieved, many times being able to make their events with adversities such as the lack of light or transportation, due to the structural failures that exist in Venezuela in these basic services. But this beyond the support of the leaders gave them more momentum because they are looking to help their Venezuelan brothers and show them that the best way is through Dash.

Below you will find a table with all the activities carried out with their respective results which are very satisfactory since we manage to serve almost 1300 people (goal 600), more than 150 entrepreneurs and with more than 900 installed wallets and more than 1500 transactions, thanks to the practical activity where the use of Dash is made known by sending a small giveaway to the attendees and as an additional practice to send donations to different social causes, such as Regala Una Sonrisa, the World Youth Choir Chapter Venezuela, Taldema Foundation , Foundation Without Tabu among others.

Thanks to the whole community and the MNOs for trusting in our work and allowing us to continue creating the 1st Nation Dash of the world.

Español: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Buenos Días a toda la apreciada Comunidad de Dash.

Me complace muy profundamente estar en este momento redactando lo que es el informe final del Plan Piloto del Programa Nacional de Comunidades, donde se llevaron a cabo diversas actividades de índole informativa y educativa dentro de 17 comunidades geográficas a lo largo del territorio venezolano.

Este plan piloto se llevó a cabo entre los meses de Mayo y Junio incluso abarco las primeras dos semanas del mes de Julio, donde en 17 ciudades de Venezuela se llevaron a cabo Meetups y Conversatorios para estudiantes, emprendedores, empresarios y público general mostrando diversos aspectos de Dash Dinero Digital, su uso, conveniencia, páginas de Exchange, seguridad, billeteras, inscripciones en DiscoverDash y otros listados de comercios, uso dentro de las compañías, en los recursos humanos, importación y exportación, legalidad dentro de nuestro país, entre muchos otros temas que se abarcaron a lo largo de estos dos meses.

Cada comunidad trabajo por la consecución de las metas a alcanzar, muchas veces pudiendo hacer sus eventos con adversidades como la falta de luz o transporte, debido a las fallas estructurales que en Venezuela se viven en estos servicios básicos. Pero esto más allá de ahuyentar a los líderes les dio más impulso pues están en la búsqueda de ayudar a sus hermanos venezolanos y demostrarles que la mejor forma es a través de Dash.

Abajo encontraran un cuadro con todas las actividades realizadas con sus respectivos resultados que son muy satisfactorio ya que logramos atender casi 1300 personas (meta 600), más de 150 emprendedores y con más de 900 billeteras instaladas y más de 1500 transacciones realizadas, gracias a la actividad practica donde se da a conocer el uso de Dash enviando un pequeño giveaway a los asistentes y como adicional la práctica de envió al realizar donaciones a diferentes causas sociales, como Regala Una Sonrisa, el Coro Mundial de Jóvenes Capitulo Venezuela, Fundación Taldema, Fundación Sin Tabú entre otras.

Gracias a toda la comunidad y a los MNO por confiar en nuestra labor y permitirnos seguir creando la 1era Nación Dash del mundo.



Last edited:
Hello friends, we are still in the process of raising funds through our crowfunding for the month of July,
the goal is to raise just enough to cover the expenses of the month, and to offer our event with the same
quality with which We have worked so far. Help us!!

Hello, I speak to all of Masternodos directly, the 19 liders of the communities of Dash in Venezuela, we decided to put together ideas, contributions and efforts to design a model of divulgation based on knowledge and experience obtained through Dash Caracas' conferences, model which we assure will give place to the birth of real Dash Nation, we know that there's a lot of interesting proposals but we believe that what has been planted in Venezuela cannot be left to die, with all the work done in 2018, don't let this opportunity go and vote for the proposals best designed to add more to your inversions.
Sincerely, Richard Jerez, lider of the community of Dash in Los Teques, capital of state Miranda, Venezuela.
I also have this proposal in dashboost while creating 3000 new Dash transactions
Hello Dash Community! We are very glad this is actually happening. We (DASHIFICATION) trully believe that Venezuela is going to be the first Dash Nation, not only because it is a great solution for many things in our country, but also because all of the Venezuelan communities are really working to achieve it every day throughout the country.
We are relatively new as a formal user on Dash Forum, but we have been assisting to Dash Venezuela´s conferences, meetups and events, learning and digging in Dash world to really know how it works, what people want and how we can help to build a Dash nation.
Thats why we strucutured a process that consolidates all of the great ideas that are ocurring, some new approaches we think are great for this brand, and a lot of energy from this team!
In fact, since some months we´ve been talking and consolidating this project inspired by Dash Venezuela (Eugenia), and since some weeks ago, doing some activities in house that finally resulted on our final preproposal.
Dear Community, and MNO´s we know great initiatives are wonderful, but we also believe that only capitilizing all of the efforts with one great goal is the real way to achieve a Dash Nation, with a solid brand and the guarantee that anyone that comes close and knows Dash will enjoy and learn at the same time, creating emotional connections that will last in time.
We are very pleased of beeing part of this, and very glad that Venezuela as a Dash nation is happening!

Thank you Dash Venezuela for inspiring us and for working together!


Countrywide massive adoption strategy

Dash Caracas was the first Dash Community in Venezuela, and since its foundation the Dash phenomenon in our country has been huge and without precedents. That is why we founded Dash Venezuela, an organization that works without a rest to make of Venezuela the 1st Dash Nation, helping all of the leaders of Dash Communities and projects in Venezuela to work in a collaborative environment, and making of Dash the most popular cryptocurrency in Venezuela.

You can find all about DASH Caracas’ events here:

You can find everything about DASH Venezuela here:

We will be working in alliance with the communities of:

  1. Cripto UCV

  2. DASH Barquisimeto

  3. DASH Baruta

  4. DASH Costas de Aragua

  5. DASH Guarenas-Guatire

  6. DASH Higuerote

  7. DASH La Guaira

  8. DASH Libertador

  9. DASH Los Teques

  10. DASH Maracaibo

  11. DASH Maracay

  12. Dash Monagas

  13. DASH Puerto La Cruz

  14. DASH Valencia

  15. Dash Valera-Trujillo

  16. DASH Valle de la Pascua

  17. Dash Bolívar

  18. DASH Táchira
Including Dash Caracas, we are 19 active communities in Venezuela, and we are going to open 2700 new wallets in activities such as meetups and workshops, where we are also going to detect new entrepreneurs and merchants to teach them how to accept Dash as payment or donation.

Here you can see our detailed budget:



In order to be aligned as allied communities, we are going to hold one monthly reunion, to make training activities and work meetings, aside of the daily communications via Telegram, and our weekly hangout meeting.

Here you can see our detailed budget:


Here you can see the summary budget and total request for this proposal:


Dear MNOs, please read and vote for this proposal. Thank you very much!
No donations since this last request?

I can see dash previously going in and out of the address: Xj6u9bcjegcro6ycFeEn8HTg4sBRCQ6ZpZ

Might it be better if you announce a crowdfunding sprint, say for seven days, and in that time you don't move any funds so that we can easily see how much has been raised for that period? Just a thought.
No donations since this last request?

I can see dash previously going in and out of the address: Xj6u9bcjegcro6ycFeEn8HTg4sBRCQ6ZpZ

Might it be better if you announce a crowdfunding sprint, say for seven days, and in that time you don't move any funds so that we can easily see how much has been raised for that period? Just a thought.

Yes. That, or something similar to that so we know where you stand on fundraising, in the event the treasury does not have sufficient funds at the end of the voting period.
Report 10th Conference

7th Journalists workshop

On July 27th 2018, our seventh journalist workshop, entitled

“Dash Digital Cash and other cryptocurrencies for journalist”

was held in Espacios Curvi




8:30 a.m.

Our protocol team received the journalists attending the journalists' workshop, upon arrival, the journalists received a welcoming coffee break and interacted with each other.

9:00 a.m.

The journalists entered the room to start the workshop, our communication team started the workshop explaining the topics and participants to the activity, the founder of Dash Caracas, Eugenia Alcalá, the speaker of the 10th conference, Aarón Olmos, and two case of success of entrepreneurs.


9:15 a.m.

The founder of Dash Caracas and Dash Venezuela, Eugenia Alcalá begins her presentation on Dash Digital Cash and other cryptocurrencies for journalists.


"Instead of staying in the bad, we decided to think how Dash could become an opportunity"

Eugenia Alcalá - @DashCaracas


10:30 a.m.

The speaker of the 10th conference of Dash Caracas explains to journalists the central theme of his presentation, why a Dash is worth what it is worth.


"One thing is price, one thing is value, and another thing is cost, and you have to differentiate it well to understand what supports cryptocurrencies"

Aarón Olmos - @aaronolmos


11:00 a.m.

Kevin Hernandez, entrepreneur of the Steelus brand, explains to journalists how Dash Digital Cash has served for the growth of its brand, a company dedicated to manufacturing that has managed to import their material and export their products using Dash.


"Dash has fulfilled my dream, has made my brand go beyond the borders"

Kevin Hernández - @steelusonline


11:20 a.m.

Yotibel Moreno, representative of the Habla Foundation explains to journalists how the donations received through Dash Digital Cash have allowed to increase the activities of the organization, a foundation that promotes information for the prevention of child abuse.


"We have received donations, we have participated in Dash conferences, and it has allowed us to take small steps to grow"

Yotibel Moreno - @hablafundacion


11:40 a.m.

The protocol team and communications team helps journalists to install the Dash wallet in their devices to test its operation using a give away granted by Dash Caracas and sent to the wallets of our allied foundations.



12:00 p.m.

After the journalists' workshop, different media interviewed the founder of Dash Caracas, Eugenia Alcalá and the speaker of the 10th Conference, Aarón Olmos.



10th Dash Caracas Conference with Aaron Olmos

On July 28th 2018, our tenth conference, entitled
"Why a Dash is worth what it is worth?"
was held in the Colegio Santa Rosa de Lima


8:00 a.m.
Thanks to the work of our Logistic Staff and the service provided by our Registration Team, the registration began, we welcomed 372 people, they received their materials for the conference, one folder with instructions on how to download the Dash wallet in their phone, paper and a pen for them to be able to take notes during the conference.

Also, they received help from the Support Team, who assisted the in
downloading the Dash Wallets, and other technical questions they asked.


8:30 a.m.
After entering the theater, our assistants participated in a coffee break.


Participants began to enter the hall, where they waited for the conference to begin, while they watched short videos that explained what is blockchain technology, what are cryptocurrencies, and what is Dash, in order to help them understand better the new material brought by the speakers.



9:30 a.m.
Our moderator, Nathalia Acosta opened our event.


10:00 a.m.
Begins the conference:
"Dash Digital Cash and its opportunities in Venezuela"

by Eugenia Alcalá, founder of Dash Caracas and Dash Venezuela


"We have hope because now we have ways to overcome the economic barriers using Dash"

Eugenia Alcalá - @DashCaracas


11:00 a.m.
After the presentation of the founder of the community, the speaker made his presentation

"Why a dash is worth what it is worth?"
by Aarón Olmos (Twitter: @aaronolmos)
Economist, Business Finance Specialist, Teacher and Researcher at IESA, UCAB / UAH


"Venezuela is a case study for many cryptos who want to experience what has happened with Dash"

Aarón Olmos - @aaronolmos


11:45 am

After the presentations, the World Youth Choir Venezuela performed some songs from their repertoire and told the audience how Dash helped them to travel to China to represent Venezuela.



12:00 p.m.
Our moderator conducted an open Q&A Session, answered by the following panelists:
Aarón Olmos (Twitter: @aaronolmos): Economist, Business Finance Specialist, Teacher and Researcher at IESA, UCAB / UAH and speaker of the preceding conference.
Cristhian Díaz (Twitter: @ActivDigitales): IT, specialist in cybersecurity and cryptoactives.

Eugenia Alcalá Sucre (Twitter: @dashcaracas): Founder of Dash Caracas, focus on entrepreneurship.



12:45 p.m.
Eugenia Alcalá (@DashCaracas), explains what will happen in the afternoon, in our special activity called Dash City.


1:00 p.m.
After the conference, the Entrepreneurship Team, along with the Logistics Staff, help more than 30 entrepreneurs set up their stands, in order to participate in the festival called Dash City and received 372 people who had been waiting in line to participate of this activity.

At Dash City, people received a Dash giveaway of 0.0166 (4 USD), and they were able to spend it buying services or products offered by the entrepreneurs (who accepted only DASH) that included food, beverages, clothes, accessories, art, technical support, tourism, non profit organizations, and more.


Every time they buyed something, the transactions are registered in our database


After the conference, different media interviewed the founder of Dash Caracas, Eugenia Alcalá and the speaker of the 10th Conference, Aarón Olmos.


In the 10th conference of the cycle, Dash Caracas included the development of business meetings with companies and entrepreneurs from different sectors.

Entrepreneurs, general public and businessmen, clarified their doubts about Dash and how to use it in our interactive tables, more than 35 people were received.



You can find the rest of the photos of this event here:

We would like to thank the owners of master nodes and other members of the Dash community who supported us through donations and loans to develop this conference.

And special thanks to all the Dash Caracas, Dash Venezuela Teams and the rest of the communities, who have worked with passion and professionalism, doing an amazing job!!!




Total attendees: 372

Total Journalists at workshop: 12

Total Journalist at Conference: 17

Total entrepreneurships at Dash City: 30

Total Transactions: 1570
Hello everyone!
I want to thank the community and all of the MNOs who voted for our last proposal entitled:
Countrywide massive adoption strategy
USD 38,350.00
for opening 2,850 new wallets
that is 13.45 USD per person

(you can see the proposal here:

We got 11% positive votes!!!

Unfortunately, there was no budget left, so we are not going to get funded. A lot of people have shown a lot of support, and ask us to provide an address so they can donate.

We are so grateful to r/ who is also supporting the promotion of all the proposals that we did not make in the last cycle.

And here you can find the address for donations:


Hello, as leader of the Dash community in Los Teques capital of the state Miranda, Venezuela, I can estate that the initial impulse the majority of the communities had, has been decreasing due to the lack of budget, though the dedication and the will to continue have kept up active, doing small reunions and acts with organizations and companies around all the country, we are thankful for all masternodos for the recent collaboration, even though it would be very nice for all of us to be able to receive your best donations with the purpose of maintaining our presence and that the users don't feel the project has died down, like some have already commented in social media and when it's clearly visible other projects have started achieving presence in the country. We shouldn't let fall what we have achieved so far. Thank you very much!
Hi, I'm Euzulys Bello leader of the Dash Monagas community, initially we have been doing a great job at the national level with Dash Venezuela, through an alliance where we want to position ourselves as the first dash nation, that impulse that we had has been decreasing Due to the lack of budget, we want to remain active and we all have the willingness to do so, we continue to make small meetings and act with organizations and companies throughout the country, from the Dash Monagas community we thank all the masters for the recent collaboration, although It would be a great help for all of us to receive their best donations in order to continue carrying out this imminent dash revolution that we have achieved at a national level and that does not feel that we have abandoned our project. Thank you
Layer 0 (2).png

Dash Venezuela: Support us in the crowdfunding of our 11th conference

Support us in the crowdfunding of our 11th conference


In Venezuela we do not stop and the achievements in the knowledge and massive adoption of Dash Digital Cash in the country confirm it.

Despite having the support of the DAO, for the third time in a row the absence of funds in the treasury affected the normal development of the "Dash - Digital Cash and other cryptocurrencies for entrepreneurs" cycle of Dash Venezuela, an initiative that has been going on for almost a year has yielded important achievements that today serve as a platform and reference for the success of other projects inside and outside our nation.

Nearly 7K people have received detailed information on the blockchain and Dash Digital Cash and a variety of topics that stimulate and give context to the ecosystem of cryptoactives in Venezuela, approached by national and international speakers of first size.

More than 6.8K new wallets downloaded

More than 29K transactions carried out

70 average merchants per event, trained by Dash Venezuela and doing commercial exchanges making exclusive use of Dash.

More than 100 members of staff who work directly in the events of Dash Venezuela and whose fees are paid in Dash Digital Cash.

78 potencial clients who have participated in our interactive tables where specific doubts of the attending public are clarified and new merchants are registered who wish to adopt Dash Digital Cash as a means of payment.

152 journalists trained before each of the conferences, with which we ensure the correct multiplication of information and promote the leadership of Dash Digital Cash in the market of cryptoactive in Venezuela.

Universities, specialized media, professional associations, industrial chambers and businessmen from the most diverse economic sectors of Venezuela contact us every day to express their interest in learning more about Digital Cash Dash.

This is the result of hard work carried out by the team of Dash Venezuela, and stimulated by the successful effort of allied projects, as well as that of all the communities that make up the ecosystem of the leading cryptocurrency in Venezuela.

Our achievements have exceeded our own expectations and that of the entire Dash community in the world. We have exceeded the range of action of our initial proposal.

We are more than a monthly conference ... we are ambassadors of the first Dash Nation and this is only possible thanks to the trust of the DAO. On behalf of all the members of Dash Venezuela, thank you for maintaining your support!
Countrywide massive adoption strategy


Dash Caracas was the first Dash Community in Venezuela, and since its foundation the Dash phenomenon in our country has been huge and without precedents. That is why we founded Dash Venezuela, an organization that works without a rest to make of Venezuela the 1st Dash Nation, helping all of the leaders of Dash Communities and projects in Venezuela to work in a collaborative environment, and making of Dash the most popular cryptocurrency in Venezuela.

You can find all about DASH Caracas’ events here:

You can find everything about DASH Venezuela here:


It will take place on saturday September 29th in JW Marriott Hotel Caracas, with the participation of Ernesto Contreras - Dash Core’s Bussiness Developement Regional Manager of the Latin America.


Here you can see our detailed budget:



We aim to teach every Venezuelan What is blockchain technology? What are cryptocurrencies? What is Dash - Digital Cash? And how to adopt it as payment or donation method?

We do it by making weekly training sessions for entrepreneurs, merchants, companies, journalists and community leaders for free. We download about 150 new wallets every month, besides the ones in the conference.

Here you can see our detailed budget:



After 12 months of work, our team has grown considerably, and for our meetings and for the training sessions we organize to the team members and the entrepreneurs, we used to rent different venues for the day. Because of the increased volume of the work, now it is cheaper to rent an entire office for the whole month than the individual rents. Here you can see our detailed budget:


Here you can see the summary budget and total request for this proposal:


Thank you very much for your support that has helped me and my team lead this national movement that is really making of Venezuela the 1st Dash Nation.

Dear MNOs, please read and vote for this proposal. Thank you very much!