P2Pool P2Pool repository and python modules

moli, better if jakehaas create pull request, and eduffield add it.
but you can as you suggest.

we need one master git repository.
poiuty is right, this really should be on the master repo.

I'm going to do a few more edits/fixes today, then create a pull request against the darkcoin/p2pool-drk master repo for Evan to merge.
All of our pools have been modified to include Version 3 and
IDENTIFIER='7242ef345e1bed6b', PREFIX='3b3e1286f446b891'!
moli, better if jakehaas create pull request, and eduffield add it.
but you can as you suggest.

we need one master git repository.
Pull request created:

This pull request rebrands everything Darkcoin to Dash. It also bumps the version to 3 to be compatible with the rest of the network.

To make sure deprecated nodes don't cause issues, the IDENTIFIER and PREFIX have been updated.

x11_hash and dash_subsity have been separated into their own repos for maintainability.

There are also small bug fixes here and there.
I am starting to mine Dash and want to use local p2pool. I have searched around and looking for confirmation. P2pool-dash cannot run in Windows correct? If it can, anyone got a good link on method?

I am starting to mine Dash and want to use local p2pool. I have searched around and looking for confirmation. P2pool-dash cannot run in Windows correct? If it can, anyone got a good link on method?

Here's a guide for p2pool mining on Windows: https://dashtalk.org/threads/windows-mining-walkthrough.54/

I hope that helps, if not, you can post there or here again.

EDIT: You might want to browse for more info and guides under "Mining Guides":
Ug. Wait. What is the correct/official versions of p2pool-dash/drk, dash/darkcoin-hash & dash/darkcoin-subsidy we are supposed to be using now? I just witnessed my version total hashrate drop to less than 40mhs.

There's too many repos - can't we have just the one repo that everyone works on? With an up-to-date guide for noobs?
Ug. Wait. What is the correct/official versions of p2pool-dash/drk, dash/darkcoin-hash & dash/darkcoin-subsidy we are supposed to be using now? I just witnessed my version total hashrate drop to less than 40mhs.

There's too many repos - can't we have just the one repo that everyone works on? With an up-to-date guide for noobs?
jakehaas , elbereth ,poiuty and a few others fixed/worked on the code and jakehaas submitted a pull request to dash master repo here:


You can also follow this other thread on their work: https://dashtalk.org/threads/attention-p2pool-users-and-node-operators.4591/
That's exactly my point, I wasn't even aware of that one, so there's another repo to confuse matters. I repeat: What is the correct/official versions of p2pool-dash/drk, dash/darkcoin-hash & dash/darkcoin-subsidy we are supposed to be using now?

There should be one repo where everyone contributes, not several repos where a few contribute - it makes no sense & confuses everyone.
That's exactly my point, I wasn't even aware of that one, so there's another repo to confuse matters. I repeat: What is the correct/official versions of p2pool-dash/drk, dash/darkcoin-hash & dash/darkcoin-subsidy we are supposed to be using now?

There should be one repo where everyone contributes, not several repos where a few contribute - it makes no sense & confuses everyone.

Complain to the core devs not accepting the pull request to the "official" p2pool-drk...
That's exactly my point, I wasn't even aware of that one, so there's another repo to confuse matters. I repeat: What is the correct/official versions of p2pool-dash/drk, dash/darkcoin-hash & dash/darkcoin-subsidy we are supposed to be using now?

There should be one repo where everyone contributes, not several repos where a few contribute - it makes no sense & confuses everyone.
What I understand is originally someone named "dstorm" took care of the p2pool code but he stopped doing it. Then vertoe took over. But now vertoe is gone, so some members are trying to work on this, and they're waiting to hear from eduffield to merge their code. So we need to give them some time to get this altogether but I'm sure they'll get this straightened out. Don't worry. :)
I used to use dstorms version till it went out of date, then vertoes till it went out of date, then the "official" one that is out of date & doesn't work correctly. Having to jump around from one repo to another in an effort to finding a correct & working version is just daft & both p2pool & dash suffers as a result. I & others have had to close my node because of this - I'm not worried, but it's bad organisation that harms the p2pool network & dash in general.

One repo that is kept up to date is all that is required to solve the problem.