Masternode owners, let's stop voting on dumb sh*t. We need FOCUS.

I have a few thoughts on this...

1: We should spend more of our budget. Preferably all of it. We are getting it wrong when we allow the price of proposals to rise so high. I see what you are saying when you suggest that too many seemingly disconnected proposals look like poor focus, but that's because we are a large organisation without proper specialisation. We need separate focus groups who understand each area in detail, to make good decisions in each space. We survive without it, somehow, but there are a lot of problems and we cant change. When the necessary changes are suggested the proposals fail.

2: Dash Central is in dire need of attention. It looks cludgy and old, but also it is full of bugs. I have 3 masternodes but when I vote it always only shows two of them as having voted, the third seems to fail. I am told the votes have been registered, but dash central does not see them. Then the block number they have mined up to only shows on one of the masternodes, and they always show a warning message that they are not working. Also people seem to have too many problems creating a proposal, I think the process is not user friendly. Also, I think it is too susceptible to spam. I would propose that we put a developer on it for a month, if proposals were cheaper and workable.
A masternode owner that gets it. I appreciate you.


NOT a masternode owner

P.S. The fact that aerial show actually passed triggered me so hard...
Agree with RGXDK. But this will hopefully be fixed by itself as number of proposals grow as TroyDASH says

The thing is we are voting everything against not issuing the coins. So even if the return is 1.01 for every dollar, its worth it.

If there was a way to reserve the coins not spent and add them to the treasury over the next x number of months we might be more selective.

Someone should suggest this?
What do you think about make voting fee? Not a big but connected to proposal amount. Like one vote (NO or YES) 0.001% of proposal. Then MNO will think twice if they can get benefit from such proposal later or no.
What do you think about make voting fee? Not a big but connected to proposal amount. Like one vote (NO or YES) 0.001% of proposal. Then MNO will think twice if they can get benefit from such proposal later or no.
Voting should be encouraged. By their votes, we can distinguish the stupid masternodes from the spies. In the future, all money belonging to spy-masternodes will be confiscated.
As i got "disagree" for my last message let me explain. Now MNO do not feel that they spend own money. Most of them just see lots of YES and vote the same. Crowd effect.
But if each MNO should pay at least a little fee for the vote he will investigate if the whole network will benefit from this proposal or no. And of course MNO will get indirect income by exchange rate growth if their decision was right.
As i got "disagree" for my last message let me explain. Now MNO do not feel that they spend own money. Most of them just see lots of YES and vote the same. Crowd effect.
But if each MNO should pay at least a little fee for the vote he will investigate if the whole network will benefit from this proposal or no. And of course MNO will get indirect income by exchange rate growth if their decision was right.

The spies have no problem to pay the vote fee. They are financed by their employers, and have unlimited money. So this is not a remedy.
Then split MN ownership fee to allow more new players come aboard. "proof of individuality" is a bullshit in crypto world. What will be the next proposal? Upload ID to use dash?
Proof of individuality protects anonymity.
Read first, then post your disagrement there.
Proof of individuality protects anonymity.
Read first, then post your disagrement there.

I have read your proposal. But i totally disagree. Core spirit of crypto is decentralization. Lots of people become MNOs for savings and investment. They dont care about public meetings. But their funds supply exchange rate growth. If you will attempt to change situation dash will be cheap as dirt and price will fall like hundreds of other shitcoins.
We should encourage MNO for good voting. And the best encourage is good income. If they will see that their decisions can lead to price growth they will devote much attention for correct voting.
I have read your proposal. But i totally disagree. Core spirit of crypto is decentralization. Lots of people become MNOs for savings and investment. They dont care about public meetings. But their funds supply exchange rate growth. If you will attempt to change situation dash will be cheap as dirt and price will fall like hundreds of other shitcoins.
You are spreading FUD. Of course it wont happen.
Proof of individuality will strength and tight the community bonds, and make Dash stronger.
@demo You respond just like a bot! But you write like a fallible human. Although I agree that proof of individuality is very important, I do not understand how it will "strength and tight the community bonds, and make Dash stronger." (sic) I think that this is a crucial issue.... my background for this is debate is direct giving to extremely poor people. We need proof of individuality to prevent fraud. Is there an algorithm or protocol that we can use? So I would really like to hear more about how we can uniquely identify poor people?
@demo You respond just like a bot! But you write like a fallible human. Although I agree that proof of individuality is very important, I do not understand how it will "strength and tight the community bonds, and make Dash stronger." (sic) I think that this is a crucial issue.... my background for this is debate is direct giving to extremely poor people. We need proof of individuality to prevent fraud. Is there an algorithm or protocol that we can use? So I would really like to hear more about how we can uniquely identify poor people?
It is written in my proposal, how you can identify people and at the same time keep their anonymity. Poor people can be identified after the proof of individuality. Poor people are unable to sign masternodes with their proof of individuality, so they are obviously Dash poor. They may of course have hidden treasures elsewhere , but unrelated to Dash.
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