Masternode owners, let's stop voting on dumb sh*t. We need FOCUS.

Except "awareness" is not a business metric.

Yes, we get it, you swear only by the number. I'd be happy to vote for any project with good apparent ROI it if is better than the project you seem to be rejecting. But you know what ? There is not enough proposal describing what you say. If I read this thread correctly, we all AGREE with you that more project with metrics would be good for Dash, just stop repeating it. And, again, crying about it won't change that fact. Why don't you do something about it instead of telling the Masternode to basically do nothing ?

To sum up :

RXDK's logic : we need to stop funding project with no clear metrics because it prevent us (1) from focusing on projects with clear metrics and/or (2) it is dilluting the money.

(1) Prove me how project with no clear metrics does take time, money, energy out of project with metrics. Because it DOES NOT
(2) I made my mind long time ago on that topic : as far as I'm concerned, the money dilution through the budget spending is way insignicant on the final price at the end of the day. But I wouldn't mind that you'd bring a mathematical explanation showing that it is significant if you think I'm wrong.

The other's people of this thread's logic : fund small project will (1) get more people to know about Dash (even if it's 1 more person, it's still 1 more person than before). (2) as long as trust is paramount in our community, a million dollar proposal will probably not pass from a new community member (while it would if it has already received some funds and did what he said he did), so we need small project even with unclear metrics.

That being said, but it's another topic. I will repeat my stance : I am in favor of saving unspent budget every month (I agree it will improve the quality of voting and proposals) but I am against accessing unspent funds from the past.
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And, again, crying about it won't change that fact. Why don't you do something about it instead of telling the Masternode to basically do nothing ?

Because "doing nothing" is exactly what I am proposing. Read the title of this thread... slowly. You didn't even get the basic premise of my argument, how can you attempt to make a summary of what I said?
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I don't know. IMO we've wasted far more Dash on line items that *are* quantifiable and have horrible metrics (ATMs), than on line items that are unquantifiable. Not to say all unquantifiable projects are good, but I don't think this should be a prerequisite to considering a proposal. Target audience is important. But if you are saying we are paying $20 for conversions when we could be paying $0.15, then where is the proposal for the latter? Let's all vote for it. I believe
@Mark Mason and @dashdisciple were working on putting together a proposal in this thread

Yes I've already spoken with him, he will put up the proposal this month!
If there's too much easy money at this point in the development of Dash and crypto currency in general, how would people feel about having fewer opportunities to hand it out? Say, from 12 to 6 or even down to 4 times per year?
If there's too much easy money at this point in the development of Dash and crypto currency in general, how would people feel about having fewer opportunities to hand it out? Say, from 12 to 6 or even down to 4 times per year?

Sorry I can't follow when you use vague words and sentences.
Because "doing nothing" is exactly what I am proposing. Read the title of this thread... slowly. You didn't even get the basic premise of my argument, how can you attempt to make a summary of what I said?

Hum, I want to disagree on that. It seems that you are the one that can even get your own argument. Or you don't know the rules of language and communication. In your thread, the important word is FOCUS as you put it in capital letter (if you didn't know that capital letter emphazise something, then you are forgiven). You propose to do nothing, true, but not for the sake of it (please be honest), let me quote your own words : "VOTE NO, even if it's a "good idea". Do it because we need more FOCUS and better proposals". It is clear in that sentence that you establish a link between "voting NO" and that "focus" and "bringing better proposal". For you voting No will bring focus to the community and better proposals.

That's your argument and I disagree. I just don't think there is a correlation between voting NO for what you call "minor" proposals and having more better proposals. And I have explained why while yourself keep claiming that correlation that you can't prove (for somebody that likes metrics your arguments profundly lack of).
Hum, I want to disagree on that. It seems that you are the one that can even get your own argument. Or you don't know the rules of language and communication. In your thread, the important word is FOCUS as you put it in capital letter (if you didn't know that capital letter emphazise something, then you are forgiven). You propose to do nothing, true, but not for the sake of it (please be honest), let me quote your own words : "VOTE NO, even if it's a "good idea". Do it because we need more FOCUS and better proposals". It is clear in that sentence that you establish a link between "voting NO" and that "focus" and "bringing better proposal". For you voting No will bring focus to the community and better proposals.

That's your argument and I disagree. I just don't think there is a correlation between voting NO for what you call "minor" proposals and having more better proposals. And I have explained why while yourself keep claiming that correlation that you can't prove (for somebody that likes metrics your arguments profundly lack of).

Because #1 not diluting the currency supply is better than spending the network's money on projects with doubtful ROI and #2 because of the opportunity cost. Thanks for your contribution but this is targeted to MNOs only.
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Because #1 not diluting the currency supply is better than spending the network's money on projects with doubtful ROI
1) the dilution is insignificant, it will get us a few cents more per Dash while non quantifable ROI project could bring us much more and 2) " an opportunity cost represents an alternative given up when a decision is made" - what alternative do we give up (if budget was full and if we were a centralized team I would see your point, but we're not) ?

Thanks for your contribution but this is targeted to MNOs only.
Thanks for that again very deep argument. Don't tell me that you really think that every Masternode owner on the forum have put the badge on ? ;)
1) the dilution is insignificant, it will get us a few cents more per Dash while non quantifable ROI project could bring us much more and 2) " an opportunity cost represents an alternative given up when a decision is made" - what alternative do we give up (if budget was full and if we were a centralized team I would see your point, but we're not) ?
Thanks for that again very deep argument. Don't tell me that you really think that every Masternode owner on the forum have put the badge on ? ;)

Put the badge on and I'll take you seriously then. It's hard to do it otherwise, especially when you behave immaturely saying I'm "crying about" things when others are trying to have productive conversations.
I still dont like the tone of this thread, the title of this thread states "let's stop voting on dumb sh*t" which OP then directly connects to :

rain ponchos
MMA fighters
aerial shows

That is a lot of dumb sh*t generalizing if you ask me and it is obviously a highly biased personal opinion, which OP then tries to enforce upon the Dash community.

Most of the budget proposals that fall in above mentioned categories (MMA fighters maybe the only exception) passed and got funding, meaning they got support from
the Dash community. Yet OP considers them all as "dumb sh*t" proposals, unwearthy to vote yes on and urges masternode owners to vote no on also (even if they are good ideas).
All in the name of focus and getting better proposals, which is really a strange way of looking at it.

OP then brings arguments to the table that are more focussed on shortterm results, like prioritizing Dash Evolution when its already prioritized through additional funding, focussing on
exchanges (also overseas) when it was already announced during the Dash conference that Dash will be getting 20 Fiat/Dash pairs this year alone (this does not mean that Dash price automatically
profits from that by the way... a lot more factors influence the price), focussing only on ecommerce and online advertising in a time when Dash is trying to expand its customer base and its brandname regnonition
internationally (which indeed includes third world countries because they have such a large population that do not have access to the banking system and could really benefit from knowing about Dash).

I sense a real disconnect between OP who seems more focussed on shortterm goals and the rest of the Dash community that is in it for the longterm and wants Dash to operate more and more on a global level
through funding promotions/sponsorships and giving Dash presentations, no matter in what country or in what world region.
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Put the badge on and I'll take you seriously then.
There are so many indicators beside Masternode badge that can help you decide to take someone seriously or not in this forum. If you only take seriously MNO's argument, then we really have nothing in common (which I hinted quite a while ago tbh) about Dash vision and I will stop there, above all when you ignore questions.

you behave immaturely saying I'm "crying about"
True that, I got carried away and I apologize about that. I could have used other words to express the fact that you seem to complain about not having good proposal yet not proposing any (by the way I notice that you had already started the same topic some months ago ;)). But you can't say that you tried to set a nice tone starting a thread insulting many projects that got funded (and the people who voted for it, as rightfully observed by qwizzie).
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As someone coming from the online advertising world, I do sympathize with your basic idea, but quotes like this:

Africa, where the the average IQ is 70

... really turn me off from your argument. Where do you take such numbers from? I hope you understand IQ ≠ education!

Besides, no matter how you with your superior IQ may be looking down on Africans, fact is that underdeveloped, "unbanked" areas could easily provide a much more fertile breeding ground for real everyday-use cryptocurrency adoption than the developed world where we compete with reward credit cards, Alipay, Paypal, WeChat, Visa, SEPA etc. and where most (not all, but esp. newer) peoples' involvement with cryptocurrencies so far is to gamble on which one to "hodl" and for how long to get rich quick.
As someone coming from the online advertising world, I do sympathize with your basic idea, but quotes like this:

... really turn me off from your argument. Where do you take such numbers from? I hope you understand IQ ≠ education!

Besides, no matter how you with your superior IQ may be looking down on Africans, fact is that underdeveloped, "unbanked" areas could easily provide a much more fertile breeding ground for real everyday-use cryptocurrency adoption than the developed world where we compete with reward credit cards, Alipay, Paypal, WeChat, Visa, SEPA etc. and where most (not all, but esp. newer) peoples' involvement with cryptocurrencies so far is to gamble on which one to "hodl" and for how long to get rich quick.
Is it a little bit biased ?
As someone coming from the online advertising world, I do sympathize with your basic idea, but quotes like this:
... really turn me off from your argument. Where do you take such numbers from? I hope you understand IQ ≠ education!

Besides, no matter how you with your superior IQ may be looking down on Africans, fact is that underdeveloped, "unbanked" areas could easily provide a much more fertile breeding ground for real everyday-use cryptocurrency adoption than the developed world where we compete with reward credit cards, Alipay, Paypal, WeChat, Visa, SEPA etc. and where most (not all, but esp. newer) peoples' involvement with cryptocurrencies so far is to gamble on which one to "hodl" and for how long to get rich quick.

Try finding out what the average IQ in Africa is. My personal IQ has nothing to do with the argument. Did you really just waste everyone's time commenting on the thing that got you triggered?
jimbursch, I expected more from you.

By definition, the median IQ in Africa is the same as it is for every human being in the world: 100.

Replace "IQ" with "weight" or "height" and see how dumb your reply sounds.

Your statement that it is something less is simply false and absolutely racist, which detracts from any serious consideration of any other points you are trying to make.

Africa is a location, not a race. The average IQ in Africa is way lower than the average IQ in east Asia. Spending 30 seconds in google would have saved you from embarrassment. If you think cryptocurrencies as they are today are going to catch-up in a Sub-Saharan country before they do in South Korea or the US, you're just being delusional.

+A for bias and being triggered
-F for reason and logic.
-F for facts and research.

See me after class.

Ps: here a bit of reality for you.

Average national IQs according to IQ and Global Inequality (2002)

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See me after class.

We are going to end up down a rabbit hole if we continue the Africa IQ discussion, so I'm willing to just set that aside and agree to disagree about the racist overtones.

For my sake, let's just say that your point is that Dash is wasted being promoted in a poor country, and would be better spent in a relatively richer countries. Let's also set aside that you seem to be throwing out a whole continent without regard to the fact that there are plenty of relatively rich people there who would benefit from Dash (people who live in cities with sections that have first-world infrastructure).
There are other studies with a different result. The study A systematic literature review of the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africans by Jelte M. Wicherts talks about an average of 82. Especially in the cities the people are perfectly capable of using their phone for cryptocurreny payments. Reaching out to them makes sence although they aren't as rich as people in South Korea so convincing them to use Dash wouldn't led to a drastic price increase like the same amount of adoption in Korea would. Of course it's a problem that there are not more projects in South Korea or Japan because the only thing I have seen there is exchange integration. However voting against projects in Africa does nothing for increased adoption in Korea and Japan.