Masternode owners, let's stop voting on dumb sh*t. We need FOCUS.



No more t-shirts, rain ponchos, meet-ups, MMA fighters, aerial shows, conferences, podcasts, sponsorships etc.

What is the outcome that we are seeking?
Nothing will come close to Evolution in terms of influencing price, number of transactions and adoption. So Evolution must be prioritized, and everything else is secondary.

Do we want the price of Dash to rise?
Integrating Dash with exchanges like Coinbase & similar overseas will do more than anything else.

Do we want the number of transactions to increase?
Allowing e-commerce platforms to accept Dash (Shopify, Volusion, BigCommerce) will do more than anything else.

Do we want more people to know about Dash?
Spend money on online advertisement (Google Adwords). Instead of paying $20 to have a user install a wallet, we can track a conversion for $0.15. We are a digital currency, let's not advertise on soccer matches or in acrobatic airplanes.

Ask yourselves, do we really want to "create brand awareness" in Africa? If you're in the 1st or 3rd world, how many people around you are comfortable paying to a crypto address? How many know how to secure a wallet? If you expect cryptos as they are today to somehow catch up in Africa, where the the average IQ is 70, you're just being delusional.

Here what I propose:

Vote NO on anything that is not MAJOR.
VOTE NO, even if it's a "good idea". Do it because we need more FOCUS and better proposals. It's not only wasting our money, it's also wasting our time and energy. When you see 30 budget proposals being approved you get a sense that things are happening, while in fact nothing important is going on. Also discourage pre-proposals that are not major.

Thanks for reading.
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Part of the problem is the budget is still not full. Competition is how to solve this, as the best proposals will tend to float to the top. I don't think there is necessarily anything wrong with funding some of these initiatives you mentioned when they still do something to spread awareness about Dash and when there is not a selection of even-better alternatives.
So Evolution must be prioritized, and everything else is secondary.
Do you feel like Evolution is not prioritized ? I feel it is. We have the Core Team working on it with virtually an unlimited budget : if they need money for more hiring or stuff that would make Evolution comes faster, the network would just vote for it. But money is not the only matter. First of all there is a shortage of competent developer for what it seems to be. Can't remember where but I heard that any developer with a minimum of competence would have the choice between 14 jobs because of that ICO crazynisess.
Second of all, for what I understand, there is a certain maximum pace an organization or a team can go if it wants to do things rights. Third of all, we are breaking new ground and unexpected shits happens that need to be dealt with.

Do we want
Yes, we do. Everything that you talk about (exchange integration, ecomerce platform accepting dash, etc) are great and I'm pretty sure many people would agree to it. So, why do you not do it ? Why does not anybody does it ? Because wanting does not always means being able to. Right now, our powerful body that is taken seriously and can negotiate is the Core Team and its plate its full. But still, they are working everyday on getting new business in.

The solution ? Having another body take care of that. But that's not just a thing that you say : "let's nominate three random people that would go knock the coinbase door" to get satisfaction.

The reasons above are exactly why I believe any project is interesting as long as the budget is not full and as long as Core Team gets all funds it needs. Because it allows us to build a decentralized body and future DAOs that, in the future, will have the experience and the team in it that will look like Core Team, will have a big budget, and will be taken serious out there to secure deals. That's how it works : one or few people starting a what seems to be a small project then taking importance thanks to news ideas, initiative and trust they gained in the community.

For what I have seen of @DashRacer does, he is doing much more than having a plane at Dash colours. He is a great advocate for Dash and with the trust he gained I would definitely support some other proposal he'd have that would not necessarily need to be sport or sponsoring related.

Don't either forget that we are a decentralized body. Having some guys taking care of promotion of Dash in Africa does not takes ressources out of Evolution ! Furthermore, those are people that would have heard of Dash a little and which will need much less time to be convinced when the big guns come. Plus, any disruptive evenement scare people so it will take a while before people see the greatness of blockchain and technology. But before accepting it, they sure need to be aware of it (even though they reject if at first). And to do that, with an unspent business, almost anything is positive.

When you want to start a nice fire, what you do is you put some little balls of newspaper which is what is doing every proposal around the world. Preparing small part of the world to Dash. Then Evolution will come and lit that up.

I don't discuss that fact that ROI is not good. But as compared to what ? To centralized industry standard ? And, does that even matter when we have a unspent budget ? We are inventing a new decentralized world here so, sure, we should definitely look at the best practices of the past world, but we will necessarily need to think and do things differently from the past if we want to change things, right ?

VOTE NO, even if it's a "good idea". Do it because we need more FOCUS and better proposals.

And, again, I agree with you the things you propose. Why don't you propose what we need (or somebody else) ? I would certainly vote for what you've proposed above but I think the reasons why this is not happening lies somewhere else than just question about money or focus.

What you are suggesting is if like everybody who has done a proposal had the choice between a 100 dollars proposal and a 1 million one and that they had chosen to go with the 100 dollars. So, yeah, in that case, they'd need to focus. But it's not that we don't want to vote for it, it's just that there is not.
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The problem with the budget system, and I pointed this out from the very beginning, is that it has no value balance. It's a big pile of free money the mismanagement of which has only one negative side-effect; it makes DASH look stupid and incompetent. Feedback which is easily ignored by hiding in an echo chamber. Who cares, big pile of money to squander foolishly next month.

@TroyDASH actually points this out without realizing it. The budget isn't full, so we don't have to make choices.

If the budget had a value comparison, say;

Is this project worth extracting funds from the blockchain? Or is it better off left in the blockchain?

Right now it's allocated no matter what. Why not hookers and blow? There's no reason NOT to do stupid things.

eCoin was advertised on TV at JFK airport when I caught a connecting flight... DASH needs to realize there are two kinds of first mover now.

The new kind is losers who create a stigma. If you don't beat them, you'll have an uphill battle to convince the masses that you're different. They don't know the differences. It'll just be finger pointing and name calling.

I don't like the idea of promoting DASH as an investment vehicle. Ponzi is out. But, you've got to start doing SOMETHING even if DASH is the most broken right now as it has ever been... The 'tards are going to create a stigma, government is going to start taking it seriously... As if Bitcoin retards haven't done enough damage already... DASH is the only crypto with the feature set capable of being a positive thing. If the minds are made up, especially the politicians', before you even see the light of day... You should have done this two years ago. The "it's not ready yet" bullshit is killing you and your heads are shoved so far up your own asses that you refuse to acknowledge it.
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Part of the problem is the budget is still not full. Competition is how to solve this, as the best proposals will tend to float to the top. I don't think there is necessarily anything wrong with funding some of these initiatives you mentioned when they still do something to spread awareness about Dash and when there is not a selection of even-better alternatives.

The budget will never be full.

Ps: whoever hit the Disagree button, calculate the budget when Dash is at $1k, $10k and $100k. Price, and subsequently budget, increases exponentially while expenses linearly.
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The budget will never be full.

That might turn out to be the case, but your post is heavily referring to priorities. There are no budgets regarding Evolution, exchanges, e-commerce, or online advertising which are failing to be funded because we are funding other things instead. I vote for budgets in your example categories whenever there are any.
That might turn out to be the case, but your post is heavily referring to priorities. There are no budgets regarding Evolution, exchanges, e-commerce, or online advertising which are failing to be funded because we are funding other things instead. I vote for budgets in your example categories whenever there are any.

We are a DIGITAL CURRENCY. What are we doing adversing on rain ponchos, t-shirts and decals? Online advertising is hundreds of times more efficient. Do we want to advertise Dash to someone that is google searching "best crypto currency to invest" or do we want to random person on the street looking at a fricking Dash Poncho?

This is just a waste of everyone's money and we should stop this immediately.
I don't agree. I usually filter out at least 95% percent of online adverts out of habit, because there are so many of them.
Interesting shirt text stays a lot longer with me, or some other interesting idea that is realized IRL.
I also disagree, there are some excellent budget proposals that may not be major but can have a real impact to the people asking for funding
and at the same time have benefits to Dash. It could encourage people to spread awareness and it could grow our Dash community.

Last thing we should do is only focus on major budget proposals, because it could get the price of Dash to grow.
The market will do what the market will do... price is heavily subject to cyclus movements and can move in irrational looking patterns.

I consider all these smaller budget proposals as seeds that we plant in the hope they grow out to something much bigger in the future.
I don't agree. I usually filter out at least 95% percent of online adverts out of habit, because there are so many of them.
Interesting shirt text stays a lot longer with me, or some other interesting idea that is realized IRL.

Your individual experience filtering ads obviously doesn't affect the average, so it is irrelevant. Also this is a business, we are tracking for a specific real conversion event, such as "user downloading a Dash wallet". Fluffy imaginary terms like "text stays a lot longer with me", whatever that means, have no role here.
It could encourage people to spread awareness and it could grow our Dash community.

This bullshit of "spreading awareness" needs to stop. What the hell is awareness? How do you track it to see if it is "spreading"? What the hell is "spreading" anyway? It's is not actionable, quantifiable or trackable.

Here are some better terms that you should use instead:
  • # wallets downloaded
  • # transactions / period
  • avg value of transactions / period
  • pageviews on a given page

can have a real impact to the people asking for funding
You can do charity with your own money, not with the network's money.
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Agree with RGXDK. But this will hopefully be fixed by itself as number of proposals grow as TroyDASH says

The thing is we are voting everything against not issuing the coins. So even if the return is 1.01 for every dollar, its worth it.

If there was a way to reserve the coins not spent and add them to the treasury over the next x number of months we might be more selective.
I agree that we should be doing something like coinbase for dash

managed by our team. Or something like bisq with utilizing dash's scaleability.

There's nothing wrong with mma advertisement and t-shirt, but we should execute

the priority first.
Agree with RGXDK. But this will hopefully be fixed by itself as number of proposals grow as TroyDASH says
The thing is we are voting everything against not issuing the coins. So even if the return is 1.01 for every dollar, its worth it.
If there was a way to reserve the coins not spent and add them to the treasury over the next x number of months we might be more selective.

Thanks. Not diluting the currency supply (i.e. leaving funds unspent) is way better than spending it on 1.01 returns or anything near it. Also we can just vote to update the network's code so we can access unspent funds from previous budgets.
When you lost the argument and have to resort to ad hominem ....

What is the outcome that we are seeking?
Nothing will come close to Evolution in terms of influencing price, number of transactions and adoption. So Evolution must be prioritized, and everything else is secondary.

Dash Evolution is already prioritized with additional funding, so its an invalid argument. Why throw money at the Core-Team, when they dont need it ?

Do we want the price of Dash to rise?
Integrating Dash with exchanges like Coinbase & similar overseas will do more than anything else.

Unlikely outcome, at best it will raise the price of Dash temperarily. Maybe good for daytraders, but not particular interesting for longterm investors

Do we want the number of transactions to increase?
Allowing e-commerce platforms to accept Dash (Shopify, Volusion, BigCommerce) will do more than anything else.

Nope, current proposals like Alt36, partnership with Cannabis, Bitcart (20% discount on Amazon), the API integration with BlockCypher and the upcoming Dash Evolution will do the trick just fine.

Do we want more people to know about Dash?
Spend money on online advertisement (Google Adwords). Instead of paying $20 to have a user install a wallet, we can track a conversion for $0.15. We are a digital currency, let's not advertise on soccer matches or in acrobatic airplanes.

That acrobatic airplane is a very good example of funding that got us the maximum results as the budget proposal owner did way more than just delivering what he promised, he actually attracted new businesses which
was outside the scope of his budget proposal. All the international Dash promotion and presentation budget proposals that got funded and perhaps will get funding in the future, will get more people to know about Dash.
I doubt some online advertisement will do the same. This does not mean i dont vote yes on good online advertisements, they just dont get higher priority from me over other budget proposals.
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Thanks. Not diluting the currency supply (i.e. leaving funds unspent) is way better than spending it on 1.01 returns or anything near it. Also we can just vote to update the network's code so we can access unspent funds from previous budgets.

Maybe it is just me but I think that voting to access unspent funds from previous budgets would be an extremely unpopular option because of prevailing ideologies.

One of the biggest purposes of "awareness" in my opinion is to promote networking to increase the pool of talent in our ecosystem, because that is our huge bottleneck which is getting in the way of the more ambitious proposals you are suggesting. I think that funding some of these proposals (no, not all of them) will lead to connections being made with influential people who can make big things happen. In particular, meetups / presentations / conferences and @DashRacer come to mind.
One of the biggest purposes of "awareness" in my opinion is to promote networking to increase the pool of talent in our ecosystem, because that is our huge bottleneck which is getting in the way of the more ambitious proposals you are suggesting. I think that funding some of these proposals (no, not all of them) will lead to connections being made with influential people who can make big things happen. In particular, meetups / presentations / conferences and @DashRacer come to mind.

Except "awareness" is not a business metric. Imagine I'm your boss and I tell you to "raise brand awareness by 15%" and you can see where the problem is.
Except "awareness" is not a business metric. Imagine I'm your boss and I tell you to "raise brand awareness by 15%" and you can see where the problem is.

I don't know. IMO we've wasted far more Dash on line items that *are* quantifiable and have horrible metrics (ATMs), than on line items that are unquantifiable. Not to say all unquantifiable projects are good, but I don't think this should be a prerequisite to considering a proposal. Target audience is important. But if you are saying we are paying $20 for conversions when we could be paying $0.15, then where is the proposal for the latter? Let's all vote for it. I believe
@Mark Mason and @dashdisciple were working on putting together a proposal in this thread