Dash has a Decentralized Governance system based on collateralized masternodes. If you have a Dash address with 1000DASH, you can set up your own masternode, and have a say in the direction of Dash. It's something like shareholders in a company, only P2P.How does some1 vote?
Dash has a Decentralized Governance system based on collateralized masternodes. If you have a Dash address with 1000DASH, you can set up your own masternode, and have a say in the direction of Dash. It's something like shareholders in a company, only P2P.
So I can't vote without 1000 dash?
There is a great high level explanation about governance in this video.
Yea I watched it. THanks tho!
OK in that case let me supplement my answer to your question. Dash's governance system relies in its masternode operators which are the people running the collateralized nodes on the Dash network. The reason why this governance system works is because you are relying on people that are invested and have a stake on the network success but also are providing infrastructure and services to the network, so it is not only about stake but also about participation.
By using this ingenious model Dash is able to remain pure Proof of Work for security where it matters but also drive the network decisions based on the risk and involvement of stakeholders. Is not only about owning some Dash, we will have many people that will invest in a little DASH or simply use it for its many advantages, instant confirmations etc, but not all users wish to or will get invested to the level of running infrastructure and participating in governance. Even more so in the future when we reach a more mainstream audience.
So it is not a system in which everyone is equal that would be more akin to socialism which we dont support, it is really a system that fosters open free market participation and people can take as much risk as they are able to. This is why anyone that meets the requirements can become a masternode without needing permission, but it is not an intrinsic right that comes just from holding DASH it is more involved than that. In the future many users wont be involved in running the infrastructure and governing the network, they will just be users and enjoy the decentralized financial services the network offers. We are still at the early stages of the project so many people joining now are joining as investors, infrastructure suppliers and governance representatives but this will change over time specially when more user friendly services are released and more people will join just as standard users.
As always, very eloquently put.
No matter what the market value, 1k Dash staked on a MN will always earn you a fixed dividend for the service you provide to the network. That is hard-coded. Extremely interesting as we all well know. The more network "power" you have, the higher the risk you actually endure, but not from a divindend point, but from decision-based market conditions. Your own direct opinion and vote governing the functional aspect of the network. Brilliant!
Make me!VOTE!
O RLY? Then why isn't participation mandatory? Create an "abstain" vote option to force them to at least show up... Also enables the ability to retract a vote without having to oppose. With this addition, proof of participation can exist without forcing a yes/no.so it is not only about stake but also about participation.
Maybe. I paid ~$0.007 for each of my DASH. Even if I'm a complete retard, if my nodes become worth $100,000 each, I'm going to take shit seriously. Right now I don't bother voting. I'm going to let the children mess up and learn the hard way, maybe...Wouldn't the people who got in cheap basically run the show?
Maybe. I paid ~$0.007 for each of my DASH. Even if I'm a complete retard, if my nodes become worth $100,000 each, I'm going to take shit seriously. Right now I don't bother voting. I'm going to let the children mess up and learn the hard way, maybe...
In The Ethics of Voting, I argue that citizens have no standing moral obligation to vote. Voting is just one of many ways one can pay a debt to society, serve other citizens, promote the common good, exercise civic virtue, and avoid free-riding off the efforts of others. Participating in politics is nothing special, morally speaking.
However, I argue that if citizens do decide to vote, they have very strict moral obligations regarding how they vote. I argue that citizens must vote for what they justifiedly believe will promote the common good, or otherwise they must abstain.
That is, voters should vote on the basis of sound evidence. They must put in heavy work to make sure their reasons for voting as they do are morally and epistemically justified. In general, they must vote for the common good rather than for narrow self-interest. Citizens who are unwilling or unable to put in the hard work of becoming good voters should not vote at all. They should stay home on election day rather than pollute the polls with their bad votes.
"In support for this non-political strategy, some non-voters claim that voting does not make any positive difference. "If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal," is an oft-cited sentiment attributed to anarchist Emma Goldman.[17]
In addition to strategic non-voters, there are also ethical non-voters, those who reject voting outright, not merely as an ineffective tactic for change, but moreover because they view the act as either a grant of consent to be governed by the state, a means of imposing illegitimate control over one's countrymen, or both. Thus, this view holds that through voting, one necessarily finds themselves violating the non-aggression principle. Herbert Spencer noted that whether a person votes for the winning candidate, votes for a losing candidate, or abstains from voting, he will be deemed to have consented to the rule of the winning candidate.[18]"
The way abstaining works now, there's no way to parse it in Proof of Service. The most important feature of masternodes is open loop and unmonitorable. And thus, unenforceable.And what do you mean there is no abstain in voting? Thats craziness! Let's not go against thousands of years of evolution guys!
Make me!
No, really. Make me. Fix the budget system. Make voting part of the proof of service. Its the most important thing that MNs are supposed to be doing, and they aren't required to do it... We have retards participating when they shouldn't, and smart people ignoring it because they'd rather money hose from the deck of their boat while failing to do the main, most important thing that MNs are supposed to be doing...
O RLY? Then why isn't participation mandatory? Create an "abstain" vote option to force them to at least show up... Also enables the ability to retract a vote without having to oppose. With this addition, proof of participation can exist without forcing a yes/no.
Abstain currently == Null.
Create the abstain option so that there can be a differentiation between those not even bothering to pay attention, and those who are showing up, but don't feel fit to influence the outcomes.
Go look at the thread about the retail integration proposal. Retards abound with retard demands. Make them think about it a little....
Yes == Yes
No == No
Not even paying attention == Abstain
Better way:
Yes == Yes
No == No
Abstain == Abstain
Not even paying attention == Null
Rack up enough Nulls in X number of blocks and Proof of Service punts you. No more payments for losers who don't do their job.
Better; don't punt them. Let them keep servicing IX and Mixing, but don't pay them!
If you refuse to show up for work, do you still think you're going to get a paycheck? DASH is currently allowing that.
I don't agree. Let's vote.This shouldn't even become a "proposal" it's common sense and should become part of DGbB naturally in the next protocol update.
There is a great high level explanation about governance in this video.
why are you still here?Advertising the hardcoded numbers 45-45-10
And everyone applauded.
But no one can explain why 45-45-10 is right, and any other combination is wrong.
How sad... Random Hardcoded numbers, whithout a theory behind, are wrong, and they should be voted.
Otherwise this will be the cause of dash's death.
why are you still here?