Ledger hardware users important information & Post-Spork 15 activation issues with Ledger


Well-known member
Once spork 15 activates there could be a problem for Ledger users to issue Dash transactions through Ledger Live, specifically when it involves DIP2 masternode payments (MN payments after DIP2 got activated).
For example : you set a ledger hardwallet address as payoutaddress in your deterministic masternode configuration, there is a chance you can not use Ledger Live to send your new masternode payments out once spork 15 activates.



The Dash Masternode Tool will need to be used in that situation, untill certain fixes are implemented by Ledger. However the Dash Masternode Tool only supports the Ledger Nano S as ledger product so far.
The seeds of Ledger products can be used on each ledger product, so if you have a Ledger Blue or a Ledger Nano X, you should (in theory) be able to import their seed into a Ledger Nano S and then use Dash Masternode Tool to send those DIP2 transactions out.

This all does rely on you actually having a Ledger Nano S, available to use. Which is why i'm creating this post : Make sure when using a Ledger product, that you have atleast a Ledger Nano S as backup so you can use the Dash Masternode Tool when needed !!

Link to Dash Masternode Tool : https://github.com/Bertrand256/dash-masternode-tool/releases/tag/v0.9.22
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Looks like we have our first report of Ledger hardware wallet issues with DIP2 UTXOs after spork 15 activation :

This is from the Dash Central shoutbox

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What happened in our case (My assumption) is that we did a transaction for an X amount and went out on the 2 wallets however after that transaction we started to get errors, checking the logs from Ledger Live it says the following

Ledger Live Logs

at t.catch.t (/Applications/Ledger Live.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/dist/internals/webpack:/src/api/network.js:34:28)\\n    at <anonymous>\\n    at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:228:7)\"}"},"level":"warn","message":"✖ CMD libcoreSignAndBroadcast error","pname":"renderer","timestamp":"2019-04-03T22:24:00.582Z","type":"cmd.ERROR"},{"data":{"code":0,"message":"{\"status\":500,\"url\":\"explorers.api.live.ledger.com/blockchain/v2/dash/transactions/send\",\"method\":\"POST\",\"name\":\"LedgerAPIErrorWithMessage\",\"message\":\"Missing inputs\",\"stack\":\"Error\\n    at CustomError (/Applications/Ledger Live.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/@ledgerhq/errors/lib/helpers.js:20:18)\\n

Like the API for ledger is not working properly since the send endpoint is giving us a 500 Error.

Then we tried to send using the DashMasternodeTool Address and we got the following error

An error ocurred while sending transaction:

-26: 16: mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed

(singature must be zero for failed CHECK (MULTI) SIG operation)

So please we would like to see how can you help us.

Thank you.


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I got a DIP2 masternode payment out from my Ledger Blue using the Dash Masternode Tool, which means that Ledger Blue is also directly compatible with Dash Masternode Tool.
No need for a workaround with a Ledger Nano S it seems, when using Dash Masternode Tool (at least not when sending DIP2 transactions out).

And i can confirm that my Ledger Blue can not send DIP2 masternode payments out directly through Ledger Live (at the end you get a message about missing inputs).
I waited 105 confirmations before i tried to send it out directly through Ledger Live.

Edit : this is a bit off topic but it would be nice if Masternode Dash Tool could implement some kind of addressbook in the Transfer Funds/Wallet, where we can add new addresses (together with a name field), select an address and possibly delete an address.
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I got a DIP2 masternode payment out from my Ledger Blue using the Dash Masternode Tool, which means that Ledger Blue is also directly compatible with Dash Masternode Tool.
No need for a workaround with a Ledger Nano S it seems, when using Dash Masternode Tool (at least not when sending DIP2 transactions out).

And i can confirm that my Ledger Blue can not send DIP2 masternode payments out directly through Ledger Live (at the end you get a message about transaction not found, if i remember correctly).
I waited 105 confirmations before i tried to send it out directly through Ledger Live.

Edit : this is a bit off topic but it would be nice if Masternode Dash Tool could implement some kind of addressbook in the Transfer Funds/Wallet, where we can add new addresses (together with a name field), select an address and possibly delete an address.
after HOtfix5 DMT works perfect.
ledger live keep giving the same issue.

Thanks for the updates.
Edit : this is a bit off topic but it would be nice if Masternode Dash Tool could implement some kind of addressbook in the Transfer Funds/Wallet, where we can add new addresses (together with a name field), select an address and possibly delete an address.

That's a good idea. I have been planning this for some time, but doing it in a safe way requires some effort/time - the address book must be encrypted so that malware can not spoof addresses.
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That's a good idea. I have been planning this for some time, but doing it in a safe way delays requires some effort/time - the address book must be encrypted so that malware can not spoof addresses.
you can check the address book function in mercury cash and let me know if we can help, im not the it guy, but for sure our team will be willing to help
Thanks. I'll look into it.

Is there a strategy plan right now with regards to getting Ledger hardware wallets directly compatible again with DIP2 transactions ?
Is DCG in contact with Ledger ? Or are you in contact with Ledger ? Or should we (the users) contact Ledger directly ?

Dont get me wrong, i love your Dash Masternode Tool and i will continue supporting it. But at some point i would like to be able to use Ledger Live
(PC and Phone app), when it comes to creating Dash transactions from my Ledger wallet and have Dash Masternode Tool as backup tool.
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Is there a strategy plan right now with regards to getting Ledger hardware wallets directly compatible again with DIP2 transactions ?
Is DCG in contact with Ledger ? Or are you in contact with Ledger ? Or should we (the users) contact Ledger directly ?

As for the "normal" financial transactions related to DIP2 inputs, the Ledger devices are fortunately supporting them, although after analyzing the firmware code, I have the impression that it is a bit accidental. The only thing Ledger company needs to do now is to fix their client app (Ledger Live). I'm not in contact with Ledger in this matter - tbh, I don't use Ledger wallet to control mainnet collateral, so I can't reproduce the problem to use it as an aid in preparing description for the Ledger support. To my knowledge, DCG isn't in contact with them as well, although I may be wrong. I think, that this task can (and should) be handled by the community members who use Ledger wallets - the more people will send a request regarding problems with Ledger Live, the faster they will fix it.

Dont get me wrong, i love your Dash Masternode Tool and i will continue supporting it. But at some point i would like to be able to use Ledger Live
(PC and Phone app), when it comes to creating Dash transactions from my Ledger wallet and have Dash Masternode Tool as backup tool.

I fully understand and I also prefer if for the daily financial operations are used the official client apps.