iBeLink™ DM11G ASIC Dash Miner Support Thread

this result is with Coinmine I experience the same with Supernova. Only NiceHash pool seems to work okay

Hi Etin,
I didn't have very good results with Suprnova but it's been going quite well with Coinmine the last 5 days. I do notice that the hashrate varies quite a bit from minute to minute, but over hours and days now I am consistently averaging above 12 MH/s on Coinmine with all 4 machines. Until I had that one machine go down that is! :)
Hi Etin,
I didn't have very good results with Suprnova but it's been going quite well with Coinmine the last 5 days. I do notice that the hashrate varies quite a bit from minute to minute, but over hours and days now I am consistently averaging above 12 MH/s on Coinmine with all 4 machines. Until I had that one machine go down that is! :)
That's 12,000 MH/s ;)
Hi Etin,
I didn't have very good results with Suprnova but it's been going quite well with Coinmine the last 5 days. I do notice that the hashrate varies quite a bit from minute to minute, but over hours and days now I am consistently averaging above 12 MH/s on Coinmine with all 4 machines. Until I had that one machine go down that is! :)

Thanks MiningGuy. My experience is the same. Coinmine is good but the swings are very erratic which gives me the immpression something is not very right compared to how it works for Nicehash.
Another question how do you handle the noise?
Thanks MiningGuy. My experience is the same. Coinmine is good but the swings are very erratic which gives me the immpression something is not very right compared to how it works for Nicehash.
Another question how do you handle the noise?

LOL - with earplugs or ear muffs! Actually, I am fortunate enough to have a shop in my backyard that is separate from my house so it is at least contained out there. I'm just working on designing my mining room though and I will be incorporating noise control measures. You can still hear the high pitch whine of the fans outside my shop and I don't want to piss off my neighbors, especially when I add a bunch more machines! For sound control I am planning on lining the room with Roxul insulation, then sound isolation clips attached to hat channel rail. Then two layers of 5/8" drywall with green glue compound in-between. It won't be cheap, but at least I'll be able to work in the other side of my shop without hearing protection.
I still do not have my unit... I was finally replied to 7 days ago saying it will be sent out... Then yesterday i get a message asking for a phone number! Has the package actually been posted? So a week has passed after being told that it would be posted and it clearly hasn’t. Seven days is a long time in the mining world and i know people received units 15 days ago… Can you explain the process to me as all i can see is that you are promoting a new piece of hardware which succeeds mine before sending out my unit… I’m happy to be compensated for this but i have lost quite a lot of money pre ordering from you and i’m not sure you are rewarding me for this loyalty.

Feeling very let down!
Hi Andy,
Low hashrates are sometimes limited by the temperature the miner is detecting. What temperatures are shown on the web console page? If it is near or above 38C, it will lower your PLL settings which will affect your hashrate. If temperature is not an issue, can you provide a screenshot of the web console page for me to check if there are other issues involved?

My temps a pretty low, 28/31, the room is well air conditioned... however since a few hours after startup yesterday, the entire 4th bank of blades has stopped working or being recognised - the 4th LED always stays red.. I have tried refreshing (again) the SD card, restarting, rebooting, and powering off for a few minutes then on again.. at startup, I see the 4 LED's go from red to blue in the following sequence: 1, 2, 3, 1&2 go red, 3 goes red, 1 & 2 blue again, 3 blue again, then repeat this loop a few times until finally 1-3 stay blue, 4 never goes blue. :-(
I am currently preparing the TestTool SD image, although not sure how to proceed with it, as the single blade test instrucciones asume that one can connect to the whole blade, and that 1 chip column is blade - so far I cannot even connect to the 4th blade at all :-(
screen capture..


  • Screen Shot 2017-08-18 at 10.42.58.png
    Screen Shot 2017-08-18 at 10.42.58.png
    731.7 KB · Views: 266
TestTool only shows 3 blade groups connected... please advise how to proceed now :-(


  • Screen Shot 2017-08-18 at 15.13.13.png
    Screen Shot 2017-08-18 at 15.13.13.png
    631.7 KB · Views: 209
TestTool only shows 3 blade groups connected... please advise how to proceed now :-(

Hi Andy,
Sorry to hear you are having issues. Just to be sure, have you checked that the data cable and power cable are securely plugged? Sometimes you may need to re-plug the cable and it will detect again.
The Single Blade Test only uses 1 Blade at a time. You need to disconnect Blades 1-3 and only leave Blade 4 connected. You can start from Step 5 where it is trying to detect chips on the blade. If none are still detected, you will need to remove the Panel Board and reconnected starting with the next hashing board.
Did you see my post above iBeLink?

Yes I see your post above and also the ticket that you submitted. However, your issue is being taken care of by a different team/department. We are here to provide miner machine support and unable to assist you directly.
Hi Andy,
Sorry to hear you are having issues. Just to be sure, have you checked that the data cable and power cable are securely plugged? Sometimes you may need to re-plug the cable and it will detect again.
The Single Blade Test only uses 1 Blade at a time. You need to disconnect Blades 1-3 and only leave Blade 4 connected. You can start from Step 5 where it is trying to detect chips on the blade. If none are still detected, you will need to remove the Panel Board and reconnected starting with the next hashing board.

I actually had that problem with one of the machines straight out of the box and it did indeed turn out to be just a loose connector. Hopefully that's all it is for you too!
I am currently in P2PoolMining Chicago (Elk Grove) node ending in .222. Hash is good, ~11.5 GH/s, temp is fine (25-31C), but the payout graph has dropped significantly, and also I'm noticing the Disc[ard] on the Home page shows 44.91%

I'm assuming that the Discard percentage is affecting payout rate..? If so, can anyone point me in a direction to look regarding either configuration/tweak of the miner, or other modification I could make to try and improve things?

Are you on that node with a lot of other users? And is your hashrate one of the highest? I think your payout depends on how many shares you get compared to others in your node. Could it also just be an increase in difficulty?