This guide will explain how to run a full node (qt-wallet) over TOR and in the later part how to host a TOR hidden service with your dashd.
We assume you are running a full node (qt-wallet) on windows, but Mac will be very similar. First head on over to clearnet URL and fetch the TOR Bundle. Unzip and run the TOR Browser, or install and run the TOR Browser, you should see a web browser window open up after about 30 seconds, you are now connected to TOR.
There are two ways to configure your dash qt-wallet to use the TOR network to increase your anonimity.
- Configure the proxy in the UI.
- Configure the proxy in the dash.conf.
If the proxy is configured in the dash.conf it will override the setting in the UI.
- Configure the proxy in the UI.
In the QT wallet goto Settings -> Options and choose Network. Enable the checkbox for SOCKS5Proxy and enter for the IP and 9150 for the port.
Press OK and close the wallet and restart it, it will now connect to TOR and use that to sync the blockchain and send/recieve your transactions. You will need to remember to start the TOR Browser first each time or else the wallet will not sync.
- Configure the proxy in the dash.conf.
Open the Run Dialog box with Win + R key combo and paste in the blob %APPDATA%\DashCore and press Enter. The folder containing dash.conf is opened, edit it with a text editor and add the line
Save the file and restart your QT wallet.
To host a TOR hidden service for your dashd you need Linux, Fedora or Ubuntu and the dashd daemon. Start with installing TOR, sudo apt install tor and the extra lines to the torrc file with below command.
sudo bash -c "echo -e 'ControlPort 9051\nCookieAuthentication 1\nCookieAuthFileGroupReadable 1' >> /etc/tor/torrc"
sudo systemctl stop tor
sudo systemctl start tor
sudo usermod -a -G toranon dash
Restart your dashd and monitor the debug.log for onion word, egtorcontrol=
grep -i onion ~/.dashcore/debug.log
2020-06-26 14:00:51 tor: Got service ID rjj3r2qp4r5h4tfk, advertising service rjj3r2qp4r5h4tfk.onion:30000
2020-06-26 14:00:51 AddLocal(rjj3r2qp4r5h4tfk.onion:30000,4)
You can further verify it is connecting with sudo netstat -nap|grep dashd and note in the list that the dashd only connects to the localhost on port 9050 and those connections are ESTABLISHED.2020-06-26 14:00:51 AddLocal(rjj3r2qp4r5h4tfk.onion:30000,4)
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