How to TOR


Well-known member
Masternode Owner/Operator
This guide will explain how to run a full node (qt-wallet) over TOR and in the later part how to host a TOR hidden service with your dashd.
We assume you are running a full node (qt-wallet) on windows, but Mac will be very similar. First head on over to clearnet URL and fetch the TOR Bundle. Unzip and run the TOR Browser, or install and run the TOR Browser, you should see a web browser window open up after about 30 seconds, you are now connected to TOR.

There are two ways to configure your dash qt-wallet to use the TOR network to increase your anonimity.
  1. Configure the proxy in the UI.
  2. Configure the proxy in the dash.conf.
Advantage of option 1 over two is it is easier, advantage of option 2 over 1 is you are able to configure individual instances of the qt wallet assuming you run more than one at the same time like I do. :p

If the proxy is configured in the dash.conf it will override the setting in the UI.

  1. Configure the proxy in the UI.
    In the QT wallet goto Settings -> Options and choose Network. Enable the checkbox for SOCKS5 :eek: Proxy and enter for the IP and 9150 for the port. :)

    Press OK and close the wallet and restart it, it will now connect to TOR and use that to sync the blockchain and send/recieve your transactions. You will need to remember to start the TOR Browser first each time or else the wallet will not sync.

  2. Configure the proxy in the dash.conf.
    Open the Run Dialog box with Win + R key combo and paste in the blob %APPDATA%\DashCore and press Enter. The folder containing dash.conf is opened, edit it with a text editor and add the line
    Save the file and restart your QT wallet.

To host a TOR hidden service for your dashd you need Linux, Fedora or Ubuntu and the dashd daemon. Start with installing TOR, sudo apt install tor and the extra lines to the torrc file with below command.
sudo bash -c "echo -e 'ControlPort 9051\nCookieAuthentication 1\nCookieAuthFileGroupReadable 1' >> /etc/tor/torrc"
(Re)start TOR with
sudo systemctl stop tor
sudo systemctl start tor
Determine the group your TOR is running under, this differs :mad: from system to system, for example on Fedora it is toranon and on RaspPi it is debian-tor use the command tail /etc/group and refer to the last line for the group name. Next check the group name your your dashd runs under and create the command below for your environment such that you are adding the dashd group to the tor group.
sudo usermod -a -G toranon dash
Shutdown your dashd with dash-cli stop and edit the dash.conf file and add the below two lines.
Restart your dashd and monitor the debug.log for onion word, eg
grep -i onion ~/.dashcore/debug.log
It should print your onion address similar to below and that means you are connected and running a TOR hidden service.
2020-06-26 14:00:51 tor: Got service ID rjj3r2qp4r5h4tfk, advertising service rjj3r2qp4r5h4tfk.onion:30000
2020-06-26 14:00:51 AddLocal(rjj3r2qp4r5h4tfk.onion:30000,4)
You can further verify it is connecting with sudo netstat -nap|grep dashd and note in the list that the dashd only connects to the localhost on port 9050 and those connections are ESTABLISHED.

Reference ->
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Why even bother with this?

Currently the network protocol is not encrypted, so when you open a wallet to sync it and send transactions your ISP or a snoopy government agency can tap your internet connection and see that you are running a dash node, and mixing if you do it and that you are sending transactions from the wallet, this is not ideal if privacy is important to you. Running the wallet over TOR helps with your privacy because those snoopy agencies can no longer see the traffic on your network, they don't even know if you are operating a dash wallet or not. You should also be using a VPN, and VPN does much the same thing as TOR is doing for you, but costs you money, don't use a free service they don't protect you.
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Additional tip for this guide. You can force the QT wallet (client) to connect ONLY to TOR Hidden Service nodes. Simply add the following line to your dash.conf file.

I will be updating the DASH Masternode Zeus to automatically configure masternodes as a tor hidden service which should ensure there are plenty of nodes online for you to connect to. When you enable this option and restart, you should see it only connecting to onion nodes, similar to the below. You may have to delete your peers.dat file before restarting. If you do, you may have to add the first onion node manually from the console using addnode <hostname>.onion:9999 add to get it started.

This guide will explain how to run a full node (qt-wallet) over TOR and in the later part how to host a TOR hidden service with your dashd.
We assume you are running a full node (qt-wallet) on windows, but Mac will be very similar. First head on over to clearnet URL and fetch the TOR Bundle. Unzip and run the TOR Browser, or install and run the TOR Browser, you should see a web browser window open up after about 30 seconds, you are now connected to TOR.

There are two ways to configure your dash qt-wallet to use the TOR network to increase your anonimity.
  1. Configure the proxy in the UI.
  2. Configure the proxy in the dash.conf.
Advantage of option 1 over two is it is easier, advantage of option 2 over 1 is you are able to configure individual instances of the qt wallet assuming you run more than one at the same time like I do. :п

Если прокси-сервер настроен в dash.conf , он переопределит настройку в пользовательском интерфейсе.

  1. Настройте прокси в пользовательском интерфейсе.
    В кошельке QT перейдите в «Настройки» -> «Параметры» и выберите «Сеть». Установите флажок для SOCKS5 :эк:proxy и введите для IP-адреса и 9150 для порта. :)
    View attachment 10215
    Нажмите OK, закройте кошелек и перезапустите его, теперь он подключится к TOR и будет использовать его для синхронизации блокчейна и отправки/получения ваших транзакций. Вам нужно будет каждый раз сначала запускать браузер TOR, иначе кошелек не будет синхронизироваться.

  2. Настройте прокси в dash.conf .
    Откройте диалоговое окно «Выполнить» с помощью комбинации клавиш Win + R , вставьте в большой двоичный объект %APPDATA%\DashCore и нажмите Enter . Открывается папка с dash.conf , редактируем ее текстовым редактором и добавляем строку
    Сохраняем файл и перезапускаем QT-кошелек.

Чтобы разместить скрытую службу TOR для вашего dashd , вам понадобится Linux, Fedora или Ubuntu и демон dashd . Начните с установки TOR, sudo apt install tor и дополнительных строк в файле torrc с помощью команды ниже.
sudo bash -c "echo -e 'ControlPort 9051\nCookieAuthentication 1\nCookieAuthFileGroupReadable 1' >> /etc/tor/torrc"
(Пере)запустить TOR с
sudo systemctl остановить тор
sudo systemctl запустить тор
Определите группу, в которой работает ваш TOR, это отличается :безумный:от системы к системе, например, в Fedora это toranon , а в RaspPi это debian-tor , используйте команду tail /etc/group и обратитесь к последней строке для имени группы. Затем проверьте имя группы, под которой работает ваш dashd , и создайте приведенную ниже команду для вашей среды, чтобы добавить группу dashd в группу tor.
sudo usermod -a -G торанон тире
Выключите приборную панель с помощью команды dash-cli stop , отредактируйте файл dash.conf и добавьте следующие две строки.
Перезапустите приборную панель и отслеживайте в debug.log слово onion, например
grep -i onion ~/.dashcore/debug.log
Он должен напечатать ваш луковый адрес, как показано ниже, и это означает, что вы подключены и используете скрытую службу TOR.
2020-06-26 14:00:51 tor: Получил идентификатор сервиса rjj3r2qp4r5h4tfk, рекламный сервис rjj3r2qp4r5h4tfk.onion:30000
2020-06-26 14:00:51 AddLocal(rjj3r2qp4r5h4tfk.onion:30000,4)
Вы можете дополнительно убедиться, что он подключается с помощью sudo netstat -nap|grep dashd и отметить в списке, что dashd подключается только к локальному хосту через порт 9050, и эти соединения УСТАНОВЛЕНЫ.

Справка ->
Я сделал первый пункт. Одно подключение к сети и синхронизации нет. Инструкция устарела?
This guide will explain how to run a full node (qt-wallet) over TOR and in the later part how to host a TOR hidden service with your dashd.
We assume you are running a full node (qt-wallet) on windows, but Mac will be very similar. First head on over to clearnet URL and fetch the TOR Bundle. Unzip and run the TOR Browser, or install and run the TOR Browser, you should see a web browser window open up after about 30 seconds, you are now connected to TOR.

There are two ways to configure your dash qt-wallet to use the TOR network to increase your anonimity.
  1. Configure the proxy in the UI.
  2. Configure the proxy in the dash.conf.
Advantage of option 1 over two is it is easier, advantage of option 2 over 1 is you are able to configure individual instances of the qt wallet assuming you run more than one at the same time like I do. :p

If the proxy is configured in the dash.conf it will override the setting in the UI.

  1. Configure the proxy in the UI.
    In the QT wallet goto Settings -> Options and choose Network. Enable the checkbox for SOCKS5 :eek: Proxy and enter for the IP and 9150 for the port. :)
    View attachment 10215
    Press OK and close the wallet and restart it, it will now connect to TOR and use that to sync the blockchain and send/recieve your transactions. You will need to remember to start the TOR Browser first each time or else the wallet will not sync.

  2. Configure the proxy in the dash.conf.
    Open the Run Dialog box with Win + R key combo and paste in the blob %APPDATA%\DashCore and press Enter. The folder containing dash.conf is opened, edit it with a text editor and add the line
    Save the file and restart your QT wallet.

To host a TOR hidden service for your dashd you need Linux, Fedora or Ubuntu and the dashd daemon. Start with installing TOR, sudo apt install tor and the extra lines to the torrc file with below command.
sudo bash -c "echo -e 'ControlPort 9051\nCookieAuthentication 1\nCookieAuthFileGroupReadable 1' >> /etc/tor/torrc"
(Re)start TOR with
sudo systemctl stop tor
sudo systemctl start tor
Determine the group your TOR is running under, this differs :mad: from system to system, for example on Fedora it is toranon and on RaspPi it is debian-tor use the command tail /etc/group and refer to the last line for the group name. Next check the group name your your dashd runs under and create the command below for your environment such that you are adding the dashd group to the tor group.
sudo usermod -a -G toranon dash
Shutdown your dashd with dash-cli stop and edit the dash.conf file and add the below two lines.
Restart your dashd and monitor the debug.log for onion word, eg
grep -i onion ~/.dashcore/debug.log
It should print your onion address similar to below and that means you are connected and running a TOR hidden service.
2020-06-26 14:00:51 tor: Got service ID rjj3r2qp4r5h4tfk, advertising service rjj3r2qp4r5h4tfk.onion:30000
2020-06-26 14:00:51 AddLocal(rjj3r2qp4r5h4tfk.onion:30000,4)
You can further verify it is connecting with sudo netstat -nap|grep dashd and note in the list that the dashd only connects to the localhost on port 9050 and those connections are ESTABLISHED.

Reference ->
I did the first point. There is no synchronization. Is the manual outdated?
I did the first point. There is no synchronization. Is the manual outdated?
No, it is not. If you have followed the guide carefully and after some time there are still no peers connecting to your node, you may need to enter one manually to start it off. Choose any of of the below lines and paste into the console and see if a peer appears on your peers tab.

addnode svepmhfr6pymmhqaszx5vpdigg7snww2tr6u64llba6fk5xkkvzzwsid.onion:9999 add
addnode xjn2wouhpr2jrqtqa3itkccjxfvrpvjgehgkrqltggnei5wl2535eiyd.onion:9999 add
addnode ophmc4xibllakfe6f2otmolueb4glhs7auxvwawq3gtqudvb4lmgv6id.onion:9999 add
addnode buo3et3xvzdjqkpx6iscjz4oexyurhpbpl3is46d653kfitl2gdzm6yd.onion:9999 add
addnode buo3et3xvzdjqkpx6iscjz4oexyurhpbpl3is46d653kfitl2gdzm6yd.onion:9999 add
addnode iombtnmbw22e6phd6o73ol7zgfedyeyf4obglcxgbhpb2vcqyfjuiuqd.onion:9999 add
addnode 3hqsvwklyoq43pdqsch4il5vyfbx7umhfov3nq5ywpjdj32sivwnhaid.onion:9999 add
addnode n6qk3txkficzalfxlpwtlrkkw3jlj55du2zwamdxw3kvwkssgpsslvyd.onion:9999 add
addnode z63fopbnl5skq55co6vyoarjbtc2ytbxcw4tri7xhu2cpb7tvxwwfaqd.onion:9999 add

If still nothing, wait a few minutes and choose another one.

To host a TOR hidden service for your dashd you need Linux, Fedora or Ubuntu and the dashd daemon. Start with installing TOR, sudo apt install tor and the extra lines to the torrc file with below command.
sudo bash -c "echo -e 'ControlPort 9051\nCookieAuthentication 1\nCookieAuthFileGroupReadable 1' >> /etc/tor/torrc"
(Re)start TOR with
sudo systemctl stop tor
sudo systemctl start tor
Determine the group your TOR is running under, this differs :mad: from system to system, for example on Fedora it is toranon and on RaspPi it is debian-tor use the command tail /etc/group and refer to the last line for the group name. Next check the group name your your dashd runs under and create the command below for your environment such that you are adding the dashd group to the tor group.
sudo usermod -a -G toranon dash
Shutdown your dashd with dash-cli stop and edit the dash.conf file and add the below two lines.
Restart your dashd and monitor the debug.log for onion word, eg
grep -i onion ~/.dashcore/debug.log
It should print your onion address similar to below and that means you are connected and running a TOR hidden service.
2020-06-26 14:00:51 tor: Got service ID rjj3r2qp4r5h4tfk, advertising service rjj3r2qp4r5h4tfk.onion:30000
2020-06-26 14:00:51 AddLocal(rjj3r2qp4r5h4tfk.onion:30000,4)
You can further verify it is connecting with sudo netstat -nap|grep dashd and note in the list that the dashd only connects to the localhost on port 9050 and those connections are ESTABLISHED.

Reference ->
1) A pruned node will not work with this? It has to be a full node?
2) Can I run this hidden Tor service on macOS since it's kernel based? If so, will any of these linux types work?
1) A pruned node will not work with this? It has to be a full node?
2) Can I run this hidden Tor service on macOS since it's kernel based? If so, will any of these linux types work?
actually started working with a pruned node after I did a second addnode command. Cheers.