The Social Fork of Dash
This last post is not directed to the individuals who have already made their educated judgments about what HempSweet would offer or even what it is. This post is to the few (seems that way at least) in this community that see the social code (ethics) as equal value to the computer code. I did not plan the timing of this proposal to be here at the exact point in time where the stake holders in Dash have a decision to make. Right now is the exact moment you will be able to look back and say "yea, that was when everything was different." I was there for it with Bitcoin, I was there for it with Ethereum......more as just a spectator and student.
This is the moment you get to decide whether Dash is going to be decentralized or centralized. If we assume there truly is a "Decentralized Governance" with one masternode, one vote then what ever is decided is the will of the people. If Dash is somehow decentralized in its decisions then a look at speaks without doubt the direction the community wants to go. The only thing I can say is good luck, maybe Dash will handle its centralization better than Bitcoin or better than Ethereum or Ripple or Litecoin or.......the list goes on forever.
Whatever motivated John and I to dedicate ourselves to the hemp industry, crypto-liberty tech and HempSweet is obviously important to us, but I did not even forsee this HempSweet proposal to the Dash community would be the very specific proof of ethics. Right at this moment there are many who saw the early vision of Dash, which contained both a social and digital contract to carry the weight required to liberate those who want it. You worked hard for years and now are in a place of abundance, wealth and power. Whether you wanted it or not masternodes are faced with the challenge that relative to the number of humans who have existed is extremely rare, but the choice most have made is very common.
- Do you blindly move forward with the sole purpose of enriching your life alone with money as your idol and your ordained authority (central control) as your Shepard. For this proposal it is obvious what your orders are to do......burn the money rather than build something different?
- Or do you take a step back, realize what you have already gained and then start to look around at others to see where you might be able to enrich their lives as well, which in the end allows for a special kind of success that cannot be bought or traded. The choice is simple when you have nothing to lose, but I also know what it is like to make that decision when you have so much at stake that could be lost.
I know there is a list of rationalizations like this is 'just to complicated' 'just to risky' 'or not approved by central authority.' There will always be a reason that makes it okay for you to move on without much thought, but take it from someone who has been on both will think back to this moment. If you do then just learn from it and then pass on that knowledge through example. You can never go back and change the past (unless your Vitalik), but each day is an opportunity to start over again. The light we see in Dash is just a reflection of the light each of you hold. -namaste
I'm sad to see this proposal not passing as I truly believe it would have made a difference! I think the proposal was just too big to float at this point in time unfortunately.. There have been several proposals before that have not passed, getting revised and then passed. I would urge you to submit a smaller proposal for the next cycle to prove to the community what you can do. I hope this is not an all-or-nothing kinda thing and that this will be possible. Thank you for your continued effort to better this world! And I'm sure everything you and others have written have learned many about several problems we face. I wish you all the best moving forwards~