After a few months of work, I can finally share the first official test version of DMT supporting deterministic masternodes.
This version allows you to:
- perform masternode tests on testnet if the masternode collateral is controlled by Trezor. We can thus check various scenarios which we can not perform with the production masternode without risking a loss of position in the payment queue. Fortunately, in the meantime, the Trezor firmware supporting Dash testnet has been published, so these tests are now possible without having to bother with custom firmwares.
- test migration from a non-deterministic masternode to a deterministic or start a new deterministic masternode
Below are the steps that should be done to run a testnet masternode with Trezor:
1. Connect your Trezor and run the wallet window in DMT by clicking the tool button with a brown wallet icon on it.
2. On the left side of the wallet window, a list of BIP44 accounts is displayed, similarly to the Trezor online wallet. If you have not used the Trezor device on testnet before, you should only see one item, labelled as "Account # 1". Click the expand button on the left side of the label to show the first fresh tDash address (it will be displayed in green).
3. Double-click the address and copy it.
4. Send 1000 tDash to the address - it will be your tMN collateral. If you have a problem with getting this amount, PM me - I have some spare and can share it.
5. When entering the masternode configuration in DMT, click the "Locate collateral" button to let the application find and automatically fill in the collateral address, path, TX hash and index fields.
All other actions to be carried out are essentially identical to those for a normal masternode.
After installing and configuring the Dash daemon on your VPS server, you must notifye the Dash network about the new masternode:
a) If spork 15 is active (as is currently on testnet), click the <Send ProRegTx> button at the bottom of the main DMT window to start the "ProRegTx" wizard.
b) If spork 15 is not active, first broadcast the masternode start message by clicking the <Start Masternode using hardware wallet> button, and after eraching the status "ENABLED", do step a)
The sending of ProRegTx transactions using DMT has been described by strophy in his great document:
The documentation is based on the previous beta version of DMT, so it differs by a few details from the current version, but they are not significant.
The presented scenarios should be treated as my proposal and I am open to any suggestions how to improve the process.
As I am currently working on other aspects, there will certailny be many changes in other parts of the application before I release a stable version.