DashPay - WooCommerce Plugin [coming soon]


Dash Core Group
This is not a release, just a "coming soon" announcement.

What - A WooCommerce plugin which allows direct payments to a Dash-Electrum wallet. Or any BIP32 wallet, but it uses the Electrum derivation paths, so the payments should just "magically" appear in an Electrum-Dash wallet.

When - I took a really horribly, terribly written Bitcoin plugin (but unbeknownst to me at the time) and tried converting it for Dash. But it had several dependencies that were really Bitcoin-specific and when I dug in, realized just how poorly it was "engineered". So then I took the initiative to start learning the WP and WooCommerce ecosystem, and decided to re-write it for Dash, correctly. All the individual pieces are functioning, and I'm in the process of stitching them together correctly. It's coming together nicely and looks like I'll be able to release within a few weeks -- I estimate about 3 - 5 at this point.

Where - The interwebs of course.

Why - Because Dash needs something like this. (Bitcoin does too to be honest, but my focus for now is Dash.)

More info:

I should state up-front that I'm not going to be able to release this as an open-source product, at least initially. I was going to do that at first. Then it started taking a LOT of my time — and I've got to draw a salary as well (I am not currently employed by anyone but myself). This is the only commercial endeavor that I'm working on and where 80% of my waking time goes. (The other 20% goes to eating, administrative overhead, etc.)

I am kinda conflicted about this, as I'd really love to open-source this. But given that I have to eat, have been living on savings, etc., I really can't justify that to myself or my family.

A few weeks ago I'd considered a budget proposal for this, to fund the development of a community-sponsored plugin, as well as managing the project (as I was going to co-ordinate it with another dev team/company). But I've foreseen some problems with that approach, in that the MN voting community has flip-flopped in the past. I'm not comfortable with putting in a massive effort to create something only to have that effort questioned later, or for me to not supported at all by a retroactive vote reversal. There are also licensing issues with community-supported things like this, which I can see becoming an issue, especially after the events of the past 3-4 weeks or so.

So, because I have to, ya know, eat, pay rent, etc, and since I really don't have faith in budget proposals being carried through to fulfillment at this moment in time, I have to make this a commercial product. I really wish that I could just open-source this and hope to open it up in the future if possible.

It's intended audience is online business owners, and a small one-time payment for a premium WooCommerce Gateway shouldn't be a problem for any business owners at any rate.

I'll try and give updates on a semi-regular basis (maybe every couple of weeks or so). I'll release a screencast of the prototype soon. It will require current versions of WordPress, PHP (w/the GMP and bcmath extensions), and WooCommerce. And probably Linux, since I have no way to support Windows and also don't care.

Today I created a state transition diagram to manage invoice status through the transitions of the invoice life-cycle. It's things like this which weren't working so well in the previously reference horrible, horse-shit Bitcoin payment plugin, so I'm taking the longer, more proper approach to engineering it. That's an example of why it's taking so long -- I really was not a PHP or WP dev before this, and I've been learning all that and trying do things right the first time. I definitely don't want to just throw out a hack-job. This is another reason why it will be worth purchasing. It should be engineered well.

Thanks for reading, and let me know if you have any questions regarding the functionality of the plugin.
This is not a release, just a "coming soon" announcement.

What - A WooCommerce plugin which allows direct payments to a Dash-Electrum wallet. Or any BIP32 wallet, but it uses the Electrum derivation paths, so the payments should just "magically" appear in an Electrum-Dash wallet.

When - I took a really horribly, terribly written Bitcoin plugin (but unbeknownst to me at the time) and tried converting it for Dash. But it had several dependencies that were really Bitcoin-specific and when I dug in, realized just how poorly it was "engineered". So then I took the initiative to start learning the WP and WooCommerce ecosystem, and decided to re-write it for Dash, correctly. All the individual pieces are functioning, and I'm in the process of stitching them together correctly. It's coming together nicely and looks like I'll be able to release within a few weeks -- I estimate about 3 - 5 at this point.

Where - The interwebs of course.

Why - Because Dash needs something like this. (Bitcoin does too to be honest, but my focus for now is Dash.)

More info:

I should state up-front that I'm not going to be able to release this as an open-source product, at least initially. I was going to do that at first. Then it started taking a LOT of my time — and I've got to draw a salary as well (I am not currently employed by anyone but myself). This is the only commercial endeavor that I'm working on and where 80% of my waking time goes. (The other 20% goes to eating, administrative overhead, etc.)

I am kinda conflicted about this, as I'd really love to open-source this. But given that I have to eat, have been living on savings, etc., I really can't justify that to myself or my family.

A few weeks ago I'd considered a budget proposal for this, to fund the development of a community-sponsored plugin, as well as managing the project (as I was going to co-ordinate it with another dev team/company). But I've foreseen some problems with that approach, in that the MN voting community has flip-flopped in the past. I'm not comfortable with putting in a massive effort to create something only to have that effort questioned later, or for me to not supported at all by a retroactive vote reversal. There are also licensing issues with community-supported things like this, which I can see becoming an issue, especially after the events of the past 3-4 weeks or so.

So, because I have to, ya know, eat, pay rent, etc, and since I really don't have faith in budget proposals being carried through to fulfillment at this moment in time, I have to make this a commercial product. I really wish that I could just open-source this and hope to open it up in the future if possible.

It's intended audience is online business owners, and a small one-time payment for a premium WooCommerce Gateway shouldn't be a problem for any business owners at any rate.

I'll try and give updates on a semi-regular basis (maybe every couple of weeks or so). I'll release a screencast of the prototype soon. It will require current versions of WordPress, PHP (w/the GMP and bcmath extensions), and WooCommerce. And probably Linux, since I have no way to support Windows and also don't care.

Today I created a state transition diagram to manage invoice status through the transitions of the invoice life-cycle. It's things like this which weren't working so well in the previously reference horrible, horse-shit Bitcoin payment plugin, so I'm taking the longer, more proper approach to engineering it. That's an example of why it's taking so long -- I really was not a PHP or WP dev before this, and I've been learning all that and trying do things right the first time. I definitely don't want to just throw out a hack-job. This is another reason why it will be worth purchasing. It should be engineered well.

Thanks for reading, and let me know if you have any questions regarding the functionality of the plugin.


You are a godsend sir. I will be using this soooo much if it works within wordpress woocommerce.
This is great news, we really need easy ways to accept Dash!

I use wordpress and woocommerce and I agree that people who use them are usually ok with paying something. I have happily paid for a lot of plugins myself :smile:, so I'm ok with some commercial software.

Regarding proposals, if you don't trust the system in its current incarnation (it will change soon and accept contracts so we avoid the flip flop risk), you could do a one time payment proposal. It is difficult to put a price to this, but I'm sure there is a way. Or it could have a limited scope. It could also be beneficial to you because a the moment there is not a huge market, so revenue from sales could be lower than expected. Anyway, whatever you decide is fine, you're the one putting the hours!
Thanks everyone for the support — I was a little hesitant to open up this thread tonight b/c I wasn't sure how it would be received.

It could also be beneficial to you because a the moment there is not a huge market, so revenue from sales could be lower than expected.

With the headlines I'm reading these days, I expect that market to get a bit bigger within the next few months. ;)
Hey if you need any help testing the software or anything like that lemme know. Also might be good to set up a simple donation address until you decide how to fund this thing ( commercial sales or via proposal using DGBB). I would donate to you.
I absolutely 100% agree you should be rewarded for this! I've been quite vocal about how bad we need this sort of tools for merchants!

Preview Screencast. I intended to post this about a week ago, but kept wanting putting it off for [reasons].

This is about twice as long as it should be, but gives an idea of what it will look like when complete.

It's probably about 10-15 days out from release at this point.
Btw that D is commonly used for DOGE I believe. Is there a chance you can use proper Dash symbol?

https://www.dash.org/promotional-graphics/ has

but no link and no usage/copyright info.

pinging fernando and raze :rolleyes:
In general I hate those currency symbols, including dollar one. I think they just make things more complicated and I prefer to use actual words :smile:. I agree that the D used in the plugin is usually associated with Doge, not Dash...

Anyway, regarding Gunship Italic, that is the typography that the winning design used when we did the logo contest, but we didn't chose it. It is not open source, but when we are using the logo we are using a representation of the font, not the font, so it is ok (raze explained this much better than me). For texts the other font we feature in the that page is Noto Sans, which is licensed under the Apache 2 license:
Preview Screencast. I intended to post this about a week ago, but kept wanting putting it off for [reasons].

This is about twice as long as it should be, but gives an idea of what it will look like when complete.

It's probably about 10-15 days out from release at this point.
That is awesome, great work!!

Just one question: is it possible to keep the currency of the website in USD/EUR/whatever and have the plugin convert to DASH when the buyer selects that specific payment method? I'm assuming it is because you have the exchange rate multiplier option, but couldn't see that in action.
In general I hate those currency symbols, including dollar one. I think they just make things more complicated and I prefer to use actual words :smile:. I agree that the D used in the plugin is usually associated with Doge, not Dash...

Anyway, regarding Gunship Italic, that is the typography that the winning design used when we did the logo contest, but we didn't chose it. It is not open source, but when we are using the logo we are using a representation of the font, not the font, so it is ok (raze explained this much better than me). For texts the other font we feature in the that page is Noto Sans, which is licensed under the Apache 2 license:
https://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Noto Sans
Hmm, ok...
By no means I'm a designer of any kind :grin: but I made a "font" which has only Dash's D instead of currency symbol and it looks like this

I'm not sure how all that copyright stuffs work but I guess it's ok to use vector editor to create a new font based on these glyphs, right? (technically it's a mirrored "C" and "-" glyphs which are ~x1.5 taller and ~x2 thinner)
Or maybe someone can draw it from scratch? raze ?

Anyway, let's say that's just an example for now :rolleyes:
Webfont pack https://transfer.sh/VS2oF/webfontkit-dash.zip
Usage: see included css+html but basically it's
@font-face {
    font-family: 'dashsymbolregular';
    src: url('dashsymbol-webfont.eot');
    src: url('dashsymbol-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
         url('dashsymbol-webfont.woff2') format('woff2'),
         url('dashsymbol-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
         url('dashsymbol-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
         url('dashsymbol-webfont.svg#dashsymbolregular') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
font-family: 'dashsymbolregular';
<div class="size20">Price example: &#164;5 (i.e. 5 DASH)</div>
Hmm, ok...
By no means I'm a designer of any kind :grin: but I made a "font" which has only Dash's D instead of currency symbol and it looks like this

I'm not sure how all that copyright stuffs work but I guess it's ok to use vector editor to create a new font based on these glyphs, right? (technically it's a mirrored "C" and "-" glyphs which are ~x1.5 taller and ~x2 thinner)
Or maybe someone can draw it from scratch? raze ?

Anyway, let's say that's just an example for now :rolleyes:
Webfont pack https://transfer.sh/VS2oF/webfontkit-dash.zip
Usage: see included css+html but basically it's
@font-face {
    font-family: 'dashsymbolregular';
    src: url('dashsymbol-webfont.eot');
    src: url('dashsymbol-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
         url('dashsymbol-webfont.woff2') format('woff2'),
         url('dashsymbol-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
         url('dashsymbol-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
         url('dashsymbol-webfont.svg#dashsymbolregular') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
font-family: 'dashsymbolregular';
<div class="size20">Price example: &#164;5 (i.e. 5 DASH)</div>
You tell anyone about a problem with a font and he will answer with ideas and discuss for a while. You tell UdjinM6 and he'll make one :smile:
Awesome plug-in, easy to use for woocommerce webshop owners. Will you be selling the plugin or will people have to pay a small percentage per transaction?

My advise is to do the second one ;-).
- Download/install for free
- Easy implementation
- Only when used people pay transaction fees
- You can grow as the DASH market/usage grows
- Plug-in has more chance to spread around