camosoul , I looked into other plugins and think that I get the gist of what you're saying.
I've recorded a screencast in response to these concerns regarding the order/processing of payments:
Edit: Linked to the new video, much higher quality.
That's an excuse based on valid point.
Compare apples with apples. Yes. We already know the dynamic for CCs isn't the same as for Crypto. But then you build a bridge too far.
There's a reason coinbase doesn't do what you're doing.
Set up coinbase payments and see how that works.
When payment is detected, then automagically push the button.
Use coinbase's system.
You don't push the button. It pushes the button for you.
When you click "pay with coinbase" an overlay comes up on the screen, with QR, etc. When it realizes that the payment has been sent, poof, order complete.
The Fintech Paradigm has adapted to this, because this is best.
I'm not saying your plugin sucks. Don't take it that way.
I'm saying that coinbase didn't use this valid point as an excuse. They found what works EVEN BETTER and did that.
Call it a future update. You're working hard man. I'm not coming down on you... I'm saying that what works for CCs isn't what works for Crypto. You've already pointed that out and we agree. I'm voting for your proposal as soon as my MN migration is complete... It's kind of a job... ;-) My only major complaint with the proposal is that you're not asking for anywhere near enough money.
It's not that the paradigm is different. It's what you've done about it, or failed to do about it, that is wrong. See coinbase's example for how it's done right.
Why not be every bit as slick and perfect as that when you already did 98% of the work? To get it wrong at the last second?
The easiest way to see how coinbase does it, is to buy an amazon gift card with egifter.com - it automagically completes the transaction. I string together tx triggered events across multiple platforms like this.
Go to amazon.com and place my order all the way up to the payment part where you can put in a gift card code.
I open a new tab and go to egifter.com, where I buy an amazon.com gift card, and select pay with bitcoin. The coinbase overlay appears with the address and amount and the 15 minute countdown.
I open another tab... Go to shapeshift.io. I select dash to btc. I put in the amount of BTC I want, which I copy/pasted from the coinbase overlay on egifter's site. I also use that address for the payout address on shapeshift.io. I submit. shapeshift.io tells me what DASH address I need to send how much DASH to.
I open my DASH core wallet, and send from darksent balance to that address. Don't use IX, because shapeshift.io doesn't support it and WILL IGNORE THE PAYMENT. Shapeshift.io then instantly shows that it received the payment, and is awaiting trade. This usually takes less than 5 minutes, which is good, becuase the countdown on egifter has been rolling this whole time. As soon as the trade occurs, they send out the BTC to the egifter/coinbase address, and that automatically happens. Now all I ahve to do is copy/paste my amazon code into the coupon code section, and check out. A few days alter my crap shows up.
It's a big chain reaction without pushing buttons for any of the crypto part. All of these sites detect the tx and then just do it. No button pushing. That's how it's done.
Shapeshift.io has that shameful lack of IX followed by the even worse problem of ignoting an IX TX even after it hits the blockchain!
Now, even among crypto and tech savvy people, who the hell does that other than me? Do you really expect me to tell my customers to do that? They can barely type in their CC numbers, and often just email it! or take a picture of the card and email it! OMG, effing amazing stupidity and dangerous...
This is why I don't accept BTC, either... It's absurd. Also, the fact that I have to use a middle man, like coinbase, who can impose restrictions. I partly understand. coinbase currently implements Obama's sick lie of "Operation Choke Point." Fraudulently declaring all gun-related sales as "high risk" when in reality,t here is no such thing as a transaction that is lower risk. And where is the risk with crypto, anyway? There is none! That's one of crypto's major selling points. But coinbase would get leaned on if they didn't go along with it, so they persecute all non-democrat business as they are ordered by the current regime.
I can exchange it if I want to. Which I don't. The exchange doesn't need to know what my business is. They can't find out if I don't tell them. They can't persecute me unless they do it by name without even the bullshit excuse of going along with an evil regime that's persecuting those it disagrees with using lies and slander with no basis in reality. I can exchange somewhere else to protest their collusion with evil. I can do whatever the hell I want, dammit! It's DASH, bitches!
Whether it be IX or not, you have to detect the TX. IX isn't so important online as in face-to-face TXs. But, at least don't get it as horribly wrong as shapeshift.io does and ignore it altogether just because it's IX!