[dashninja.pl] Dash Masternode Ninja - Free Masternode Monitoring

Hi everybody!

A new member is here)

This Ninja is an awesome tool. A few months ago there were about 300 masternodes, today there are almost 1200! Is there any chart showing the number of masternodes vs time?
I wanted to store that info, but have not. So no. Not yet and I won't have it until the beginning.
Chaeplin's page had such stats.
I wanted to store that info, but have not. So no. Not yet and I won't have it until the beginning.
Chaeplin's page had such stats.
Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately, Chaeplin's page does not respond.

Actually I wanted to create a chart with the following quantities vs time:

1) number of active masternodes
2) DRK price in $ as well as in BTC
3) total supply of DRK
4) masternode reward as the fraction of the block value (10, 20, ... %)

If someone has chart 1), please share as a csv file ! Thanks in advance)
Updated monitoring nodes to and

Also updated the Masternode Monitoring page:

HTML v2.0.2 / JS v2.0.7 (20141113)
  • Corrected data shown for disabled monitoring nodes.
If you manage to
have x amount of MN addresses put into the search field,
and it saves that automatic, and shows me only these selected/saved addresses
in the list
that would make a huge improvement !!

just in idea
chaplins page had that feature and for multiple MN's it really helps
I know, I really would like to add tons of features but I have almost no free time... :/

i totally hear you
i am NOT asking
just talking ! i know we will get there

great page anyway !! Tx for hosting ....>

Regexp search: <input type="text" class="global_filter" id="global_filter">

$('input.global_filter').on( 'keyup click', function () {
$('#mnlist').DataTable().search($('#global_filter').val(), true, true).draw();
} );

and maybe some css for global_filter

Pleeeeeease ;)
Elbereth you rock men!
Flare you pop men :)
Guys you are great band :D
Lol! :grin:
Feature request: show all requested addresses even if they do not appear in the mn list, with some kind of color-code flag so we can go figure out why the little bastards disppeared... Maybe pink or purple for being so ghey... When you've got a big fat stack of masternodes, and 4 drop off the network entirely for no reason, it's hard to screen for the missing ones.
Feature request: show all requested addresses even if they do not appear in the mn list, with some kind of color-code flag so we can go figure out why the little bastards disppeared... Maybe pink or purple for being so ghey... When you've got a big fat stack of masternodes, and 4 drop off the network entirely for no reason, it's hard to screen for the missing ones.
I wish I had problems like that... :rolleyes:
I've got 4 that I absolutely cannot get to show up in masternode list. They worked fine initially, changed nothing, refuse to show up. It would be nice if they weren't just ignored by regexp, but were still shown, as unlisted, in purple...

OT, but found reason; local client start-many is falsely claiming:

lies said:
2014-11-16 23:33:58 - No sutable vin found

This statement is false. All addresses were and still are locked. They all have exactly the same 1000 DRK they started with. Nothing changed. start-many is failing to recognize that which it previously had no problem recognizing.

Restart local client.

masternode start-many over and over again, it pick up a missing node randomly on one pass or another. After re-running it about 30 times (giving time for propagation, checking masternode list from the nodes themselves), all are back in the list.

Sumthin's goofy...
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