Dash to speak and exhibit at the 3rd Latin American Bitcoin Conference - Mexico


So, are those the booklets Lebubar was talking about on BCT? What's inside of them? How many were printed? (are they being handed out to people?) I wish I could see them!
Did you chack the oficial streaming channel? And video? It's good enough?

I mean there is two options for the Evan talk.
I can take a video with my camera. But you will not have in live. And I don't think I'll be able to take and post live picture.

So guys and gals this is your choice :
Video not live (and we know that there is a live streaming chanel form orginazer) OR live picture upload on slack.
Did you chack the oficial streaming channel? And video? It's good enough?

I mean there is two options for the Evan talk.
I can take a video with my camera. But you will not have in live. And I don't think I'll be able to take and post live picture.

So guys and gals this is your choice :
Video not live (and we know that there is a live streaming chanel form orginazer) OR live picture upload on slack.

My opinion - our additional version of video is more important. because you can focus it only on Evan (if you could seat next to scene), not the other 3 presenters...

Organizer makes mainly "general" scene.