Dash to speak and exhibit at the 3rd Latin American Bitcoin Conference - Mexico

For me the sound in the live stream is ok. I doubt Evan's phone can do better than the mic. The live video quality is also not bad, I'd vote for pictures. Thanks for your affords Lebubar!


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Check the comments

startale 1 day ago
If there's time please do a quick interview with the guys from DASH! Also ask them to come to Anarchopulco...that would be awesome. Maybe they can do a short presentation as well. I think funding for this would be a no brainer through the DASH governance system. :) Have fun!

1 day ago
Huge interview with Evan Duffield already planned and sponsored. :) agreed their funding modle is huuuuge
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Wasn't Evan supposed to speak already? Did I miss it? Because it seems like they are not following the schedule on the live stream.

Whoever came up with the idea of explaining Daash by relating it to Bitcoin is my fucking Public Speaking hero.

Is this late 2016 early 2017 basic prototype thing on the site a typo?

Anyone seeing the (no doubt Trollero) in the chat? He's like, hey everyone listen to me.....hey I'm here. Let me say something totally stupid....hey I'm here......
Lol, not that far through yet, came across Taos post with this and I guess he'll be a lonely troll for quite a while :)


  • zml p
    Dash is NOT decentralized, you guys still have to depend on Evan's secret code to turn on and of the "sporks", otherwise the masternodes won't get paid, that is very centralized

  • studi0z

    secret ?

  • zml p


  • zml p

    does anyone know where the spork code is?

  • Juan Manuel Dominguez

    if you guys have another question please let me know and I will ask them when the AMA starts

  • Azul Apps

    zml Evan is removing that part of the code, it's temporary

  • zml p

    no he can't

  • Azul Apps

    yes he can, he's the main dev

  • zml p


  • zml p

    he hasn't been able to figure it out
To look at it from another angle: the following, if accurate, raises a whole lot of red flags for me, as we were promised a very basic working prototype by the January 2016 conference. Moving that up 14 months without explanation is suspect:

"We plan to release a very simple prototype version of this software in late 2016 or early 2017 at the latest."

Also, I remember Evan saying it would take a long time to implement Evolution, but 5 years is really, really, long in software development. Just an observation.

Don't want to ruffle any feathers, these seem like legit points to me and I look forward to finding out more about this.


  • zml p
    Dash is NOT decentralized, you guys still have to depend on Evan's secret code to turn on and of the "sporks", otherwise the masternodes won't get paid, that is very centralized

  • studi0z

    secret ?

  • zml p


  • zml p

    does anyone know where the spork code is?

  • Juan Manuel Dominguez

    if you guys have another question please let me know and I will ask them when the AMA starts

  • Azul Apps

    zml Evan is removing that part of the code, it's temporary

  • zml p

    no he can't

  • Azul Apps

    yes he can, he's the main dev

  • zml p


  • zml p

    he hasn't been able to figure it out

I think removing the spork would be pretty simple....
Anything can be automated :)

if protocol = <84.99% - spork = 0
if protocol = 85% compliance - spork = 1
if protocol drops to = 65%, once the above is achieved - spork = 0

just need to find the right algo, so ta speak

automate it :p

2.2 The first decentralized payment gateway
What we want is to remove these barriers whilst keeping the process trustless and decentralized, by creating a webenabled cryptocurrency that can be integrated seamlessly into existing eCommerce markets without any use of centralized services. This enables us to provide a more competitive payments option that is easy to use, cheaper than centralized systems and above all, trustless and decentralized, helping to drive mainstream cryptocurrency adoption.

4.4 Pay to username / email
If your payee doesn’t exist in the system, you can pay to their email. This will send them an email through the network. By following the instructions in this email, they can sign up through the dash.org website and join the network to claim the money you sent them.
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