DASH on the Aquidabã Tennis Open

Me too. I love travelling: I'll let you know when I'm near, so that we can chat while having some liquid bread (AKA vitamin B) :grin: I'd also be glad to receive you here in Brazil. It would be very nice!

Here, some illustration from the tennis open:
raganius - Excellent job, great work! I'm speechless to see what you've been doing! AWESOME! You're one of the pioneers in the cryptosphere.. Not enough words to describe how excellent your work is and how awesome you are! :)
Me too. I love travelling: I'll let you know when I'm near, so that we can chat while having some liquid bread (AKA vitamin B) :grin: I'd also be glad to receive you here in Brazil. It would be very nice!
I will attempt to play you at tennis but I am not very good, my real game is table tennis so be warned :wink:
Although, the intent moving forward is to get funding approval before a project is started, I still support the effort you put forth. I also want to point out that you clearly defined where the funds were used, the activity, and the intended purpose. This is key for proposals.

I would also suggest that you post a detailed report about how effective you think this was. Maybe outline specific people you talked with and connections you made. Also point out any changes you would make if you were to do it again. If anything, I bet you are closer to getting the tennis open to accept DASH next time and have them support some advertising.

My votes are in for a big yes.

Maybe you can submit a proposal for DASH operated vending machines or something else creative you are thinking about.

Solarminer gave us this great idea of a report, assessing the results of this campaign. I am working on it.

I will leave here a "draft" of the report, with what I have written up to now, and I am open for suggestions.

I have also decided to select 10 of the most important merchants in the city of Angra dos Reis, and submit a survey, with a simple questionnaire asking for their opinions on DASH and important pertinent subjects.

I will post here the English translation of the survey, as well as its results.

The Report, posted below can still receive improvements, as I am still woking on it.

Thank you.
REPORT: DASH on the Aquidabã Tennis Open Campaign


It is with the bold objective of turning the city of Angra dos Reis into the Brazilian DASH capital that the DASH on the Aquidabã Tennis Open Campaign took place. Of course, this is a middle to long term goal, because a lot must be done in order for it to become a reality. But these are the necessary first steps.


There were four parallel initiatives during this campaign:
  • The sports event sponsorship in itself;
  • The disponibillity of the online material on the webpages at www.mercadoDASH.com, www.DASHnegocios.com, and www.DASHpag.com;
  • The active contact with merchants, with visits and meetings in their business premises;
  • A final survey with 10 selected merchants.


The Business Cards
Very important for networking, and keeping in touch. It contains a phone number and email address for further contacts, and, most important, the url for the website with more detailed information.

The Flyers
Great for mass distribution. Contains not only the same informations from the business cards, but also many more interesting and attractive slogans and facts, in order to stimulate curiosity about DASH.

The Banners
The idea with the banners is the constant exposure of the DASH brand it allowed during the 40 days they were displayed at the tournament site. Anyone around could see it, and the logo image will be registered in each person's mind. Nice slogans and key sentences were also there, as great curiosity stimulators. Finally, the DASH related websites’s urls advertised on the banners, drove users into the those internet pages for more info.

The T-shirts
They were shared by all the other sponsors to the event. The best places to put the logo, in my opinion, are on the sleeves. Second option of preference is a big logo at the front. The back part of the Tshirt was for small logos of various different sponsors, sharing the space: it's cheapear, but is still able to give the logo a good deal of exposure.

The Caps
A nice item. Displays the DASH logo in it’s front, highlighting it. It was made with quality materials, in order that people will want to use it not only in loco, during the tennis open event, but also everywhere, at work, at school, in the streets, at the beach, in shopping malls, etc.
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Not only the public participating at the tennis open event were reached by this campaign. As a result of the door to door visits to the main merchants in the city of Angra dos Reis, there is a great number of the most varied sort of services and stores.

Here is a list with examples of the kinds of businesses reached:
  • games store
  • computers parts and accessories stores
  • computer repair maintenance stores
  • computer schools
  • printing services
  • stationery stores
  • coffee shops, delicatessen, bakeries
  • bars and restaurants
  • fast food
  • imported goods, perfums
  • clothes
  • beauty parlours
  • groceries
  • cable tv and internet provider
  • bike repair
  • motocycle store
  • jeweleries
  • travel agencies
  • small hotels, inns
  • amongst others.


As a last tool to better assess the possibilities of the city of Angra dos Reis to become the Brazilian DASH capital, 10 of the most important merchants if the city were given a simple questionnaire on their opinion on key subjects.

These were the merchants who were selected to answer the submitted public opinion survey:
  • Printing services;
  • Computer parts and repair;
  • Real estate agency;
  • Jewellery;
  • Bodybuilding;
  • Video Games;
  • Stationery store;
  • Chain of fast food restaurants;
  • Chain of Japanese food restaurants;
  • Cable TV, telefone and Internet provider;
The results of this survey were an important source of experience. The most important is the fact that the merchants were not confortable answering some of the questions. Some complained that the survey touched two delicate issues, "the banking system" and "the government corruption". Some merchants have asked for privacy, and to not have their answers identified, and some merchants simply decided not to answer.

There was also one respondent who complained that the questions were proposed in order to allow only one possible answer, biased in DASH favour. Actually, the idea behind the survey was to introduce an "inherent allert" about the subjects that justify the cryptocurrencies (government, financial and banking system problems). So, to be honest, it was actually a "feature" intended for the survey, to be, indeed biased, but always honest, as long as it's "alert message" is efficiently transmitted.
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  • Direct contact with the public (networking)
  • Introduction of the basic notions which justify the cryptocurrencies (Global financial, banking, etc)
  • Awareness of the option for a substitution of the fiat-banking system
  • Monetary and Tributary situation in Brazil as a reason to opt out
  • Presentation of DASH on a practical way (Mostly by use of the DASH Android wallet)

An advantage to be emphasised, regarding the real life face to face contact is the fact that most part of the people we talk to have no idea that cryptocurrencies exist, allowing them to protect themselves from the injust financial system. Also, there are no “crypto-prejudice”.


The most remarkable problem is fear. Some people’s questions are:
  • Is it legal?
  • Is it safe?
  • Isn’t it too difficult its adoption?

Other worries people demonstrate are:
  • There are no customers, so there’s no reason I should start accepting it.
  • Where can I spend it? No businesses accept it around here.
  • I need fiat money to pay my suppliers.
  • What about accountancy? How am I supposed deal with it?

And, also, for some people, the idea of an alternative currency sounds like something bordering illegality, or of dubious reputation (like a ponzi scheme, a scam, for example). A solution to overcome this vision is, definitely, by introducing DASH to the people in an environment of SPORTS, of education, or of humanitarian efforts, for instance, so that the dubious reputation is eliminated by the good resulting image.


For sure, there are many points to be perfected, especially because I had no previous experience in such actions. But from all that I have lived during these days of the campaign, there are two suggestions for improvements that come to mind:

Small, fast and practical open courses on the subject of the cryptocurrencies
There is a great potential of winning good users and merchants if such simple one or two days courses are offered, preferably for free. Such courses would cover the most important philosophical basic justification to the cryptocurrencies, but, most important, they would introduce attendees to the DASH usage in a practical way.

Athletes sponsorship
Maybe better than the sponsorship of specific events, the sponsorship of good young and talented athletes seem to be a very important step towards the successful marketing of the DASH brand. Better yet if DASH does it in different parts of the world, with different sports modalities.

A young, but talented, well selected athlete will not demand high expenses. In return the brand “DASH” will be visible, with the logo exposed in competitions, trainings, TV exhibitions, etc.
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Marketing and sports walk hand in hand. The great brands are aware of this, and are always present in sports events.

The most well known and preferred investment on the sports market is sponsorship. And that’s because of its basic characteristic of enhancing the value and positioning of the sponsor’s brand on its target market.

According to estimates from the main marketing companies, the global entertainment sector moves, each year, US$ 1 trillion. From this total, around US$ 360 billion fuel the sports industry (Eduardo Marini. Uma Jogada Bilionária. Isto é. January 5, 2000. http://www.istoe.com.br/reportagens/30750_UMA JOGADA BILIONARIA )

Sports sponsorship is one of the marketing promotional activities that has developed the most along these last years. The expectations regarding the success of this kind of sponsorship have been exceeded. Estimates show that the amounts invested worldwide in this activity have grown more than a thousand per cent during these last 25 years, reaching the sum of US$ 69 billions in 2010. (Tzanetin. Por que as empresas investem no esporte? FutMKT. April 30, 2012. http://www.futebolmarketing.com.br/2012/colunas-por-empresas-investem-esporte)

"Sponsorship revenues projected by FIFA Brasil 2014 - patrocinadores -are 10% higher than those obtained in the last World Cup in South Africa" (Débora Montesinos. FIFA to reap US $1.4 billion in sponsorship revenues from Brazil 2014. Portada, January 27, 2014. http://latam.portada-online.com/201...lion-in-sponsorship-revenues-from-brazil-2014)


Source: Kyle Stock. Is Nike Spending Too Much on Superstars? BloombergBusiness, March 21, 2014. http://www.bloomberg.com/bw/articles/2014-03-20/is-nike-spending-too-much-on-superstars

According to Melo Neto (Francisco Paulo de Melo Neto. Administração e Marketing de Clubes Esportivos. Sprint, Rio de Janeiro, 1998) sponsorship presents three basic objectives:sales increasing, brand valorization and empowerment, and the improvement of the company’s communication with its customers and partners. But, in the specific case of sports sponsorship, the main objective is the empowerment of the brands, given the strong appeal that sports exerts on the media, the size of this market, and the gain of reputation by the brand, by associating its name to the athletes, events and teams.

Nowadays there is a huge number of companies which associate their brands to musical, sports, cultural and, more recently, socio-environmental responsiblity events. Sponsorship is one more marketing tool, bringing experience to the consumers, aiming to obtain their loyalty or at least to win their sympathy. (Marcelo Azevedo. Patrocínio: retorno através de visibilidade, vendas e comportamento. Patrocínio & Marketing, August 24, 2009. https://marcelosazevedo.wordpress.c...traves-de-visibilidade-vendas-e-comportamento)

Some benefits brought by sponsorship actions:
  • Institutional promotion;
  • Targeted marketing;
  • Customers loyalty;
  • Services and products promotion;
  • To get in touch with opinion leader professionals;
  • To be recognised as a promoter of ideas and of content;
  • To generate new mailings;
  • Tax incentives;
  • Mass social recognition;
  • Generation of spontaneous media;
Source: Marcelo Azevedo. Benefícios do Patrocínio. Patrocínio & Marketing, June 10, 2009. https://marcelosazevedo.wordpress.com/2009/06/10/beneficios-do-patrocinio

One of the advantages indicated by Pozzi and Oliveira, regarding sports sponsorship as media, lays in the fact that most part of the messages, during an sports event transmission, reaches a captive viewer, in a moment of relaxation and, therefore, much more receptive to such messages. (POZZI, L.F; OLIVEIRA, M. Patrocine o Evento Certo. Mercado Global. São Paulo, n.99, p.13.15. 1996.)

Sports are a very good investment option, not only for companies, but also to the media, and this is what gives its strong quality of omnipresence. (Ricardo Guilherme Monteiro de Almeida; Profª. Drª. Heloisa Helena Baldy dos Reis. Análise da Relação do Patrocínio Esportivo entre Clube e Empresa no Futebol Brasileiro. Convibra Administração, 2010.http://www.convibra.com.br/upload/paper/adm/adm_909.pdf)

"Considering the huge amounts involved, you would imagine sponsors of athletes and events have clear answers when asked about their return on investment (ROI). You would be wrong. Industry research reveals that about one-third to one-half of US companies don’t have a system in place to measure sponsorship ROI comprehensively." (Jeff Jacobs. Is sports sponsorship worth it? McKinsey&Company, June, 2014. http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/marketing_sales/is_sports_sponsorship_worth_it)

DASH must link its image with good initiatives, and SPORTS is an important option.
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(original survey, as submitted to merchants)


Por favor, compartilhe conosco suas opiniões
acerca de alguns assuntos relevantes na atualidade.
Seu ponto de vista é muito importante para nós.

Considerando as proposições abaixo, por favor, escolha as opções que melhor refletem suas opiniões nos temas tratados:
1. Em suas atividades profissionais e em sua vida pessoal, os indivíduos hoje em dia estão cada vez mais dependentes de serviços bancários, e de cartões de crédito.
Gostaríamos de saber quanto ao seu grau de satisfação com a qualidade, em geral, desses serviços, prestados a você, à sua empresa, e às pessoas que lhes são próximas, inclusive no tocante aos altos juros praticados, custos e taxas cobradas?

( ) Estou bastante satisfeito. Nunca tive problemas com a qualidade desses serviços a ponto de me afetar com maior relevância.

( ) Sou indiferente quanto à qualidade desses serviços. Em nada influenciam minhas decisões ou minha vida pessoal ou profissional.

( ) Estou muito insatisfeito. Os serviços bancários são prestados como se fossem favores, com poucos funcionários disponíveis para prestar um serviço minimamente aceitável, não obstante os bancos cobrem altíssimas tarifas de seus clientes, e historicamente recebam lucros astronômicos, e benefícios provenientes do Governo, às nossas custas. Havendo uma forma de me proteger desses abusos, certamente quero de conhecer.

( ) Outros. Por favor explique: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

2. Você já sofreu com problemas devido às enormes e demoradas filas bancárias?
( ) Sim.

( ) Não.

3. Você já teve problemas causados por cartão roubado ou clonado, ou foi vítima de golpes, como receber cheques sem fundos, ou moeda falsa?
( ) Sim.

( ) Não.

4. O sistema financeiro internacional conta com a falta de conhecimento, por boa parte da população, por não saberem a diferenca entre dinheiro e moeda corrente. As pessoas também não sabem que as moedas, como o Real, são simplesmente impressas ou emitidas com base na vontade, muitas vezes irresponsável, de seus emissores. O que sempre acaba causando graves problemas que prejudicam o comércio, as indústrias, os serviços, a população como um todo. Poucas pessoas sabem, também, que até mesmo bancos podem agir temerariamente, causando grandes prejuízos à sociedade, e sem qualquer responsabilização ou punição, sendo até mesmo protegidos pelo governo, que usa o dinheiro que sai do nosso bolso, através de medidas como o PROER, por exemplo.
Qual a sua opinião a respeito da crescente crise política e econômica que estamos atravessando?

( ) Não concordo que estejamos atravessando uma crise. A situação atual no país é normal e plenamente controlável sem maiores prejuízos à população.

( ) Sou indiferente quanto à existência ou não de crises. Aqueles que controlam os Poder e a Economia sabem o que estão fazendo, e seus atos em nada me prejudicam.

( ) Estou muito insatisfeito. Pago impostos altíssimos, e não vejo qualquer contrapartida que justifique tantos tributos. Acho absurdo que o dinheiro suado dos cidadãos seja utilizado de forma totalmente irresponsável, para benefício de alguns poucos indivíduos maliciosos. Se eu há uma forma alternativa, que possa me ajudar a proteger meu patrimônio, tenho muito interesse em saber como funciona.

( ) Outros. Por favor explique: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

5. Você acha que uma opção austera, que proteja o cidadão de temeridades econômicas e políticas seja importante?
( ) Sim.

( ) Não.

6. Na sua vida profissional e pessoal, você tem interesse em conhecer uma alternativa mais rápida e mais segura, que te livre da ineficiência, da demora, e das altas taxas, dos bancos e dos cartões?
( ) Sim.

( ) Não.

7. A DASH é uma criptomoeda. Uma forma alternativa de circulação monetária que usa a criptografia para proteger seu dinheiro. Forma uma rede, através da Internet, que funciona como sistema de pagamentos de abrangência mundial. Seus usuários podem receber e enviar pagamentos de forma instantânea para qualquer outro usuário, em qualquer lugar do mundo. Comerciantes podem se beneficiar da segurança do sistema, em que é impossível ocorrer os golpes comuns aos serviços bancários e dos cartóes de crédito: estão protegidos de clonagem, falsificações, lentidões, taxas extorsivas, dentre outros tantos problemas que são inexistentes no sistema DASH. As criptomoedas são reconhecidas por governos em todo o mundo, e até mesmo os bancos estão começando a utilizar e se beneficiar dessa revolução. Para a Receita Federal brasileira, por exemplo, as criptomoedas são equiparadas a ativos financeiros. E o melhor, para começar a utilizar a DASH basta instalar o aplicativo em seu celular ou computador, gratuitamente!
Considerando que você pode começar a utilizar o sistema DASH agora mesmo, de forma gratuita, podendo experimentar para conhecer melhor e comprovar susas vantagens. Quais são pos principais benefícios você considera que a DASH pode trazer à sua vida pessoal, ou mesmo profissional? (Por favor, marque todas as opções que aplicáveis)

( ) Uma alternativa aos serviços bancários, acelerando e barateando minhas transações financeiras, recebimentos e envios de pagamento para qualquer lugar do mundo, e pagamentos de compras, com uma maior segurança.

( ) Poderei utilizar como um meio de pagamento alternativo a ser disponibilizado para a conveniência de meus clientes, com uma maior segurança, a maior rapidez dos recebimentos imediatos e, por possibilitar me livrar das extorsivas taxas bancárias e dos cartões, me beneficiando inclusive com a possibilidade de um aumento em minhas margem de lucros.

( ) Outros. Por favor explique: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Obrigado por participar!
Saiba mais em
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(English translation and results of the above presented survey)


Please, share with us your opinions
about some currently relevant subjects.
Your point of view is very importan for us.

Considering the following propositions, please, choose the the options that better suit your opinions regarding the subject in question:
1. In their professional activities and in their personal life, people nowadays are more and more dependents on credit card and bank services.
We would like to know, what are your satisfaction levels with the quality, in general, of these services provided to you, to the company you work on, e to the people around you, including what regards the high interest rates, the costs and the fees charged?

( ) I am very satisfied. I have never had any problems with the quality of these services, enough to disturb me seriously.

( ) I am indifferent with what regards the quality of these services. They have no influence in my decisions, or in my personal or professional lives.

( ) I am very dissatisfied. Bank services are provided as if they were mere favours, with few clerks available as would be necessary for a minimally acceptable service, even though the banks charge very high fees from their customers, and that historically they earn astronomical profits, and benefits from the government, at our expenses. If there's a way for me to protect myself from these abuses, I certainly want to know about it.

( ) Others. Please, explain: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.


2. Have you ever had problems with the huge and slow bank queues?
( ) Yes.

( ) No.

3. Have you ever had problems caused by stolen or cloned cards, or have you ever been a victim of scams, like receiving bad cheques, ou counterfeit currency?
( ) Yes.

( ) No.


4. The international financial system relies on the lack of knowledge, for most people cannot tell the difference between money and currency. People also don't know that currency can be printed ou issued based only on the will, often irresponsibly, of some issuers. It always ends up causing severe problems, harming merchants, industries, service providers, people as a whole. Also, few people know that even banks can act recklessly, enormously harming society, and remain without accountability, unpunished, even being protected by the government, by means the very money takes out of our own pockets, with measures like the PROER*, for example. (* PROER: is a recent exemple of "bailout" measure, in Brazil)
What is your opinion regarting the increasing political and economic crisis that we are going through?

( ) I don't agree that we are going through a crisis. The present situation in the country is normal and is completely under control, without major possible losses for the population.

( ) I am indiferent about if there is or if there is not a crisis. Those who control the State and the Economy know what they are doing, and their acts in no way can harm myself.

( ) I am very dissatisfied. I pay very high taxes, and I see no benefit to justify it. In my opinion it is unacceptable that the citizens' hard earned money is used in a total reckless manner, for the benefit of a few malicious individuals. If there is an alternative way, to help me protect my money, I am very interested to learn how does it work.

( ) Others. Please explain: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.


5. Do you think that an austere option, which protects the citizens from economic an political rashness, is important?
( ) Yes.

( ) No.

6. In your professional and personal life, are you interested in learning about a faster and safer alternative, to free yourself from the banks' and the cards' inefficiency, slowness, and expensive fees?
( ) Yes.

( ) No.


7. DASH is a cryptocurrency. An alternative way of monetary circulation which uses cryptography in order to protect your money. It forms a network, in the Internet, functioning as a worldwide payments system. Their users can receive and send payments, instantly, to any other user anywhere in the world. Merchants can benefit of the security provided by this system, which makes some of the problems common in the bank and credit card systems impossible: users are protected from card cloning, currency conterfeiting, slow services, abusive fees, amongst other problems nonexistent in the DASH system. The cryptocurrencies are recognised by governments around the world, and nowadays even the banks are starting to benefit themselves with the use of this revolutionary tool. For the Brazilian internal revenue service, for instance, the cryptocurrencies are equivalent to financial assets. And the best is that to start using DASH it is as simple as installing the app in your smartphone or computer, for free!
Considering that you can start using the DASH system right now, for free, and that you can try it in order to know it better, and to confirm these advantages. What are the main benefits you consider that DASH can bring to your personal, or even professional life? (Please, check all the options that apply)

( ) An alternative to bank services, speeding my financial transactions, and making them more affordable, in shopping payments anywhere in the world, in a safer way.

( ) I will be able to use it as an alternative payment option to be available for the benefit of my customers, safer, faster, with instant payments, and because it will allow me to be free from the high bank and card fees, making it even possible for me to benefit from a bigger profit margin.

( ) Others. Please explain: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.


Thank you for your participation!
Learn more at
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(original survey, as submitted to merchants)

Por favor, compartilhe conosco suas opiniões
acerca de alguns assuntos relevantes na atualidade.
Seu ponto de vista é muito importante para nós.

Considerando as proposições abaixo, por favor, escolha as opções que melhor refletem suas opiniões nos temas tratados:
1. Em suas atividades profissionais e em sua vida pessoal, os indivíduos hoje em dia estão cada vez mais dependentes de serviços bancários, e de cartões de crédito.
Gostaríamos de saber quanto ao seu grau de satisfação com a qualidade, em geral, desses serviços, prestados a você, à sua empresa, e às pessoas que lhes são próximas, inclusive no tocante aos altos juros praticados, custos e taxas cobradas?

( ) Estou bastante satisfeito. Nunca tive problemas com a qualidade desses serviços a ponto de me afetar com maior relevância.

( ) Sou indiferente quanto à qualidade desses serviços. Em nada influenciam minhas decisões ou minha vida pessoal ou profissional.

( ) Estou muito insatisfeito. Os serviços bancários são prestados como se fossem favores, com poucos funcionários disponíveis para prestar um serviço minimamente aceitável, não obstante os bancos cobrem altíssimas tarifas de seus clientes, e historicamente recebam lucros astronômicos, e benefícios provenientes do Governo, às nossas custas. Havendo uma forma de me proteger desses abusos, certamente quero de conhecer.

( ) Outros. Por favor explique: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

2. Você já sofreu com problemas devido às enormes e demoradas filas bancárias?
( ) Sim.

( ) Não.

3. Você já teve problemas causados por cartão roubado ou clonado, ou foi vítima de golpes, como receber cheques sem fundos, ou moeda falsa?
( ) Sim.

( ) Não.

4. O sistema financeiro internacional conta com a falta de conhecimento, por boa parte da população, por não saberem a diferenca entre dinheiro e moeda corrente. As pessoas também não sabem que as moedas, como o Real, são simplesmente impressas ou emitidas com base na vontade, muitas vezes irresponsável, de seus emissores. O que sempre acaba causando graves problemas que prejudicam o comércio, as indústrias, os serviços, a população como um todo. Poucas pessoas sabem, também, que até mesmo bancos podem agir temerariamente, causando grandes prejuízos à sociedade, e sem qualquer responsabilização ou punição, sendo até mesmo protegidos pelo governo, que usa o dinheiro que sai do nosso bolso, através de medidas como o PROER, por exemplo.
Qual a sua opinião a respeito da crescente crise política e econômica que estamos atravessando?

( ) Não concordo que estejamos atravessando uma crise. A situação atual no país é normal e plenamente controlável sem maiores prejuízos à população.

( ) Sou indiferente quanto à existência ou não de crises. Aqueles que controlam os Poder e a Economia sabem o que estão fazendo, e seus atos em nada me prejudicam.

( ) Estou muito insatisfeito. Pago impostos altíssimos, e não vejo qualquer contrapartida que justifique tantos tributos. Acho absurdo que o dinheiro suado dos cidadãos seja utilizado de forma totalmente irresponsável, para benefício de alguns poucos indivíduos maliciosos. Se eu há uma forma alternativa, que possa me ajudar a proteger meu patrimônio, tenho muito interesse em saber como funciona.

( ) Outros. Por favor explique: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

5. Você acha que uma opção austera, que proteja o cidadão de temeridades econômicas e políticas seja importante?
( ) Sim.

( ) Não.

6. Na sua vida profissional e pessoal, você tem interesse em conhecer uma alternativa mais rápida e mais segura, que te livre da ineficiência, da demora, e das altas taxas, dos bancos e dos cartões?
( ) Sim.

( ) Não.

7. A DASH é uma criptomoeda. Uma forma alternativa de circulação monetária que usa a criptografia para proteger seu dinheiro. Forma uma rede, através da Internet, que funciona como sistema de pagamentos de abrangência mundial. Seus usuários podem receber e enviar pagamentos de forma instantânea para qualquer outro usuário, em qualquer lugar do mundo. Comerciantes podem se beneficiar da segurança do sistema, em que é impossível ocorrer os golpes comuns aos serviços bancários e dos cartóes de crédito: estão protegidos de clonagem, falsificações, lentidões, taxas extorsivas, dentre outros tantos problemas que são inexistentes no sistema DASH. As criptomoedas são reconhecidas por governos em todo o mundo, e até mesmo os bancos estão começando a utilizar e se beneficiar dessa revolução. Para a Receita Federal brasileira, por exemplo, as criptomoedas são equiparadas a ativos financeiros. E o melhor, para começar a utilizar a DASH basta instalar o aplicativo em seu celular ou computador, gratuitamente!
Considerando que você pode começar a utilizar o sistema DASH agora mesmo, de forma gratuita, podendo experimentar para conhecer melhor e comprovar susas vantagens. Quais são pos principais benefícios você considera que a DASH pode trazer à sua vida pessoal, ou mesmo profissional? (Por favor, marque todas as opções que aplicáveis)

( ) Uma alternativa aos serviços bancários, acelerando e barateando minhas transações financeiras, recebimentos e envios de pagamento para qualquer lugar do mundo, e pagamentos de compras, com uma maior segurança.

( ) Poderei utilizar como um meio de pagamento alternativo a ser disponibilizado para a conveniência de meus clientes, com uma maior segurança, a maior rapidez dos recebimentos imediatos e, por possibilitar me livrar das extorsivas taxas bancárias e dos cartões, me beneficiando inclusive com a possibilidade de um aumento em minhas margem de lucros.

( ) Outros. Por favor explique: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Obrigado por participar!
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Wow. Thanks for taking my suggestion and running with it. I will sit down and read your posts in more detail.

FYI, I have had little luck with survey's. Maybe a telephone call with a few questions would get a much better and more candid response. Also, a visit in person works best, of course that depends on how far they are away.
This is a really good effort and we have some good ideas into what is holding DASH back and what we need to do to move forward.

The comment about training is interesting. We should create a video on installing the dash client, buying and selling BTC, converting BTC to Dash(shapeshift), and then sending and receiving DASH. Eventually, there will be coindash, cir-cle, en-dash or something and the shapeshift step can be left out. It could also be good to compare how a visa/mc transaction works for a merchant vs a DASH transaction - add in delays/chargebacks/fees/etc.

Maybe we need to start having merchants use DASH in a positive way like accepting tips. Once they see how easy it is they will become users. How about a donation game with this in mind? Anyone displaying a DASH QR code deposit address gets a DASH tip.

Just thinking, it would be a good feature to add a bump pay type deal with phones. I think Apple tried this with Apple Pay. That would make transactions really easy. The merchant enters in the amount and creates the receive address. After the bump the user gets the exact amount with address and then just looks to see amount is correct and clicks send.
This is a really good effort and we have some good ideas into what is holding DASH back and what we need to do to move forward.

The comment about training is interesting. We should create a video on installing the dash client, buying and selling BTC, converting BTC to Dash(shapeshift), and then sending and receiving DASH. Eventually, there will be coindash, cir-cle, en-dash or something and the shapeshift step can be left out. It could also be good to compare how a visa/mc transaction works for a merchant vs a DASH transaction - add in delays/chargebacks/fees/etc.

The idea of giving (DASH) courses was not actually mine. Here in Brazil the main Bitcoin centers (with the most quantities of merchants) have always been (of course) the bigger cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, followed by Florianópolis, Curitiba and Brasília. But recently there's another city in which the BTC adoption has been growing very fast, and is now becoming the city with most adoption/merchants, overtaking the "most traditional" BTC centers. It is the city of João Pessoa. And that is simpy because a BTC user there decided to start several campaigns in that city. He went to merchants and offered meetings, courses, conferences about bitcoin, etc. Today the results, obtained to BTC by his efforts, are impressive.

Maybe we need to start having merchants use DASH in a positive way like accepting tips. Once they see how easy it is they will become users. How about a donation game with this in mind? Anyone displaying a DASH QR code deposit address gets a DASH tip.(...)

A much simpler (I image) thing anyone here can do, is to get in touch with well known and serious local non-profit organisations, explaining to them how can they start receiving DASH donations by puttin an address/QR code on their website, printed materials, etc. It would be DASH "linked" to the good causes that non-profit defends,

Just thinking, it would be a good feature to add a bump pay type deal with phones. I think Apple tried this with Apple Pay. That would make transactions really easy. The merchant enters in the amount and creates the receive address. After the bump the user gets the exact amount with address and then just looks to see amount is correct and clicks send.

Regarding payment receivements, the "how to do it" is my main concern. What I usually suggest as a simple, but efficient, solution is that the merchant keeps an Internet connected Android device with our (HashEngineering) wallet installed on it. That's an acceptable solution, IMO, while DASH payments do not boom. With time, more suitable solutions will be necessary.

BTW, now regarding marketing, when I first talked about DASH to the owner of a chain of fast food restaurants here, he was very excited with the idea of adopting DASH as a payment option on his restaurants. We are acquainted for quite some time, and I know that he is a very intelligent person, with a "good eye" for business, that's why I was not surprised when (while other "merchants" would have expressed fears and hesitation) the two first things he said were: "It would be great for marketing" and "we receive lots of foreigner tourists here, it would be very convenient" (He also said "that's he future" :cool:). He said he is definitely going to adopt DASH, and I am helping him do it.
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Do you know the BTU User that is spreading the word? Any chance we can swing him to the DASH side? No sense in having everyone switch twice. :smile: Seriously, just getting people aware of BTC is good and the switch to DASH is easy after that. Maybe we can partner with the BTC guys in someway to promote crypto.

Tourists are another good market. Remember when travelers checks were the preferred way to bring funds into another country. I can see DASH playing that role exponentially better. Slogan could be: "Your money is safe from thieves, border confiscations, and can be used instead of local currency."
Do you know the BTU User that is spreading the word? Any chance we can swing him to the DASH side? No sense in having everyone switch twice. :smile: Seriously, just getting people aware of BTC is good and the switch to DASH is easy after that. Maybe we can partner with the BTC guys in someway to promote crypto.

Tourists are another good market. Remember when travelers checks were the preferred way to bring funds into another country. I can see DASH playing that role exponentially better. Slogan could be: "Your money is safe from thieves, border confiscations, and can be used instead of local currency."

:) The name of the BTC promoter I've mentioned is Fábio Anjos. There's an article about him here http://pme.estadao.com.br/noticias/noticias,aracaju-e-capital-da-moeda-virtual-no-pais,5930,0.htm (Just a correction, the name of his city is Aracajú, not João Pessoa, as I thought):

"Aracaju é capital da moeda virtual no País" (Aracajú is the capital of the virtual currency in the country)
"The city of Aracaju (SE) leads among the Brazilian capitals with the bigger number of registered merchants accepting bitcoin. There are at least 50 small to middle sized companies, from traditional commerce to barber shop, it is double the volume of registered companies in São Paulo, and seven times more than Rio de Janeiro."

"Behind this success are the efforts of the petroleum engineer Fabio Anjos. He discovered the virtual currencies last year, during a 'gap' year, and he has decided to invest in it at the beginning of 2015. He set up a startup at the city of Aracajú
(capital of the state of Sergipe) and has started to offer, even as a way to test the acceptance of the product, a fast course about bitcoin, aiming individuals and owners of local businesses. This way Anjos became a kind of a bitcoin evangelist from the Brazilian Northeast.

It's a nice story. I am sure that soon not only he will be with us, but lots of other bitcoiners ;)
I gathered the most images from the Tennis Tournament as I could lay my hands on, and left them at https://mega.nz/#F!xIlg3DhB!N9q2Dpx4f81SiRyIT7zzLQ

Most of these images have been collected from Facebook profiles of the participants. Some photos I have taken myself, and have already been published here, on twitter, on facebook, on www.mercadoDASH.com, etc.

I hope it is useful for the community.

Thank you all! It has been a nice experience!
:) The name of the BTC promoter I've mentioned is Fábio Anjos. There's an article about him here http://pme.estadao.com.br/noticias/noticias,aracaju-e-capital-da-moeda-virtual-no-pais,5930,0.htm (Just a correction, the name of his city is Aracajú, not João Pessoa, as I thought):

"Aracaju é capital da moeda virtual no País" (Aracajú is the capital of the virtual currency in the country)
"The city of Aracaju (SE) leads among the Brazilian capitals with the bigger number of registered merchants accepting bitcoin. There are at least 50 small to middle sized companies, from traditional commerce to barber shop, it is double the volume of registered companies in São Paulo, and seven times more than Rio de Janeiro."

"Behind this success are the efforts of the petroleum engineer Fabio Anjos. He discovered the virtual currencies last year, during a 'gap' year, and he has decided to invest in it at the beginning of 2015. He set up a startup at the city of Aracajú
(capital of the state of Sergipe) and has started to offer, even as a way to test the acceptance of the product, a fast course about bitcoin, aiming individuals and owners of local businesses. This way Anjos became a kind of a bitcoin evangelist from the Brazilian Northeast.

It's a nice story. I am sure that soon not only he will be with us, but lots of other bitcoiners ;)

related news:
Bitcoin Fever Spreads Across Brazil
Posted by Luke Parker on 27 September 2015

Brazil's economic difficulties aren't quite on par with those of troubled neighbors Venezuela and Argentina, however, it isn't that far behind. According to data from the country's national statistics office (IBGE), consumer price inflation in Brazil has hit record high of 9.57 percent, as measured by Brazil's IPCA index.

These high inflation rates greatly decrease the purchasing power of the Brazilian currency, the Real.


Brave New Coin spoke with Fábio Anjos, co-founder of Brazilian Bitcoin Education startup Rexbit, who anticipates the economic situation in Brazil to worsen over the next 12 months.

A true believer in Bitcoin, Anjos believes that people will use it to protect their money only when the national currency is being devalued on a more frequent basis, such as daily.

“People will discover Bitcoin when the situation becomes critical,” said Anjos, comparing his nation's economic fate to that of his neighbors. “Countries like Argentina and Venezuela are living in a real economic chaos and they are using Bitcoin as an emergency solution.”

Indeed, Argentinians living in Buenos Aires have done an incredible job of spreading bitcoin around their city. There are now more than 140 merchants showing across the greater Buenos Aires region on Coinmap.

However, for the most part, their efforts have been contained to the capital city and the rest of Argentina is nearly devoid of merchants who accept cryptocurrency. Not so in Brazil.

As you can see on the Brazil-specific version of Coinmap, MAPA Bitcoin, which happens to be run by Anjos, bitcoin-accepting merchants are spread far and wide around the populated parts of the country.


The country's largest City, São Paulo, has a couple dozen merchants accepting bitcoin, but nowhere else in the country can compete with Aracaju, a much smaller city on the coast in the northeast, currently showing 54 merchants that all accept bitcoin.

Aracaju, pronounced Araka-zjoo, is the capital of the state of Sergipe, Brazil, and is located in the northeastern part of the country on the east coast, at the mouth of the Sergipe river. It has an estimated population of 632,744, and can now be known as the Bitcoin capital of Brazil for having the highest number of bitcoin-accepting merchants in the entire nation, making it the second highest (behind Buenos Aires) in the entire western hemisphere.


The city has many unspoiled beaches and several world-renowned hostels, as it has recently focused on becoming an affordable tourist destination. With its low cost of living, great public safety record and transportation options, healthy lifestyles, and low inequality, Aracaju has a lot to offer anyone. And now they have a thriving bitcoin economy too.

Aracaju isn't the only city in Brazil with bitcoin businesses popping up. According to the same map, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Curitiba, and the most populous city in the Americas, São Paulo, all appear to be breaking out with bitcoin fever, and another two dozen or so cities across the country have more than a couple of merchants accepting bitcoin in them as well.

Given the small size of Aracaju, with only 1/20th of the population of Buenos Aires, the density of bitcoin-accepting merchants there may be higher than any other city on Earth, saving only the “Bitcoincity” of Arnhem, Netherlands.

Aracaju's high concentration is due in no small part to Anjos himself, his office is located right in the middle of town. His business, Rexbit, offers bitcoin education directly to merchants and other professionals. An introductory course costs 29 Real, which is worth about US$7.30.

In February of this year, Anjos and his co-founder Edson Neto had the idea to offer Bitcoin classroom courses, both in their office and online. They also added consulting to the product line and went out looking for customers.

“We realized that the Bitcoin Market was really small in Brazil and understand that Bitcoin was not an easy task for people in general. So, we decided to develop the Market with education.”