I have already packed almost half the caps received inside the "kit", ready for distribution (a boring, repetitive, task... but made easier by my doing it while watching the interesting Antonopoulos interview suggested by Tante)
Usually such sports events attract a great public, many potential DASH users.
I am not sure if Brazilian tennis lovers could become DASH users in nearest years...
but... I definitely sure that your photos (main part of whole idea!) from this tournament and DASH logos everywhere on them - will help us to promote DASH all round the world - basically for people who have never played tennis! :grin:
I am not sure if Brazilian tennis lovers could become DASH users in nearest years...
but... I definitely sure that your photos (main part of whole idea!) from this tournament and DASH logos everywhere on them - will help us to promote DASH all round the world - basically for people who have never played tennis! :grin:
His English is really bad, I do not understand alex-ru 90% of the time.. If this continues he'll be making Dash to be a joke to many newbies and confusing them at best.yo
the tennis community are more mid class people than (example) soccer fans !
so the tennis approach is totally right !
any action brings a reaction, sure this will create ripples !
is he gonna convert 400 Tennis fans, i do not think so,
but if he manages to convert 10 (low example) it is already a win win as 10 new people tell their 3 best friends ....
do i really have to spill out what the positive in this event is ?
this is a proper grass roots effort and respect to raganius for taking this on
as grass roots is the hardest way to go (none of us have ever done anything like this)
"DASH all round the world - basically for people who have never played tennis"
i am not sure if you are trying to make a joke,
but it comes across as you are 'taking the piss' (as we say in proper UK english) of his efforts
and i hope you are NOT !
is he gonna convert 400 Tennis fans, i do not think so,
but if he manages to convert 10 (low example) it is already a win win as 10 new people tell their 3 best friends ....
do i really have to spill out what the positive in this event is ?
this is a proper grass roots effort and respect to raganius for taking this on
as grass roots is the hardest way to go (none of us have ever done anything like this)
"DASH all round the world - basically for people who have never played tennis"
i am not sure if you are trying to make a joke,
but it comes across as you are 'taking the piss' (as we say in proper UK english) of his efforts
and i hope you are NOT !
That is why photos are more important than event itself! IMHO
without the event
no photos of an event !
correct ?
so maybe some encouragement for that event
would be helpful.
Damn good work!Next weekend the Aquidabã Tennis Open starts. I am quite happy with the results so far, in what regards DASH as being promoted in that event. Here is a very succinct summary of what's being done, and also of what I expect will be the fruits, for the long term, of this work:
First of all, before the event, there has been a non stop work of "DASH awareness spreading", with DASH's logo all around, the cap, the flyers, the websites, the visits: As I have already said here, I have been "from door to door" talking to people, explaining DASH, better, explaining the most basic ideas, since "what is money" or "money vs currency" to "what is and why a cryptocurrency is better than fiat currency". And that is because these people are the so called "civilians" (or better, cryptovirgins, as I find most suitable :wink.
The cryptovirgins are a special audience: they have never heard about Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency.... But now, 100% of the ones I've been with, already know DASH.
Some like the idea. Some have a hard time trying to understand it. Some clearly hate it. BUT, they got to know it exists. And they have got no "cryptoprejudice" (from this audience, I might hear "I love USD and BRL", but no one will say "DASH is trash because MumeruCoin is the only one". Their minds are open, and they are curious to know, at least.
I've been to most of the merchants that are within reach. I've been talking to their customers. I've been talking to my friends and in the stores and services that I myself am a customer. And the idea is to be as simple as possible with explanations. No long boring texts to be read (who wants to read long texts, anyway?). Better to show the wallet working. Better to expose the logo all around to the public. Better to entice their curiosity!
The idea of linking DASH to sports is not bad, IMO. And, curiously, it seems to be working quite well, for it is the sports people here the ones who showed to be more interested. Nowadays, for example, I already got the people at the gym to install their android wallets. And there's the tennis people. Also a jujitsu coach, well known here. These guys might not become DASH millionaires, but at least, they wear DASH caps while training their pupils, they got a DASH wallet in their smartphones, and they are doing the "advertising" in their day-by-day lives.
And there is also my dentist, my landlord, my clients as an attorney, the guy from the grocery, all merchants at the mall, the nightclub I usually go to, the many many tourists who eventually saw DASH's logo somewhere here, etc... All these people now know DASH is an option, and are potential merchants... or at least, potential dashers.
Lots of people, rich or poor... not millions of people (I cannot make such miracles hehe), but hundreds, at least (let them multiply this effect from now on).
There has been many occasions when people came to me on the street, or at the shopping mall, to ask me: "hey, are you are the DASH guy? How does it work?", etc.
I believe I am succeeding to do exactly what I have proposed myself to do: to make DASH known to the people around me. Because I know that, sooner or later, each of these people will help, in a way or another, to spread DASH and to make it stronger.
It does not mean that 100% of all these people will dedicate their lives to DASH. But, at least, 100% of them (only now) know what it is about.... And let's not disregard the fact that this is a world where 99.99999% of the people don't even imagine money can be independent from banks or the government.
Regarding the tournament itself, it will be the "closing milestone" of these efforts of mine. Each participant, including the staff, have already received their caps, the t-shirt and the DASH flyer explaining briefly what it is about, and directing them to the related web pages. Until the end of the championship (middle September) I'll be around during the matches, to show the wallet to the people who might be curious about it, etc. There are also the newspapers to cover it, the TV, radio, etc. Of course, alone I could not afford paid advertising in these media, but I hope they at least show our logo in one or another of the images they do.
To be honest, I really don't think it was such a huge expense to do all that has been done, if we consider what can be reached with it. It's true that it IS a lot of money for a single person to bear all alone (as has been in this case.... and I confess, for me, it was quite expensive as an investment... But I have already made the expenses from my pocket anyway, and no one else is to blame but me if it is too heavy in my budget).
I repeat. What is done is done. Now I hope it will be worth, not only the money and efforts, but especially the time spent, for time is the rarest and most valuable in life.
Would I do it all again? I'm not sure. Too much work with so little support. I might be able to gather enough courage and money for a future similar effort, but it will only depend on "will I be able to gather enough?"
Finally, regarding the photos, I'll do my best to make some photos of the event myself. I am sure many of the participants will make photos themselves, and I might also receive some of these pictures. I really hope that such images be useful, as yet another of the fruits from these efforts. But, TBH, IMHO (I hope I am wrong), they might play some short time impact... that's all.... because: who will see these pictures? With "what eyes" will your audience receive them? Please remember that (if I am not mistaken) this usual audience (the ones this community is intending be "showing off" the event's pictures) is exactly the same audience already reached by our regular "press release" so far... and I don't really see "an event going on in some far away jungle country" to change their minds from monero, bitcoin or nxt, whatever, towards DASH.... This usual DASH audience is no cryptovirgin and (this is my opinion) it is the cryptovirgins who we should be aiming to if we want DASH to really spread and grow healthly.
All I've been doing, I've been doing with love: These works, I've dedicated to DASH, because I do believe in our cryptocurrency. And I hope it will benefit all (not only us, in our community.... I mean, the whole world, for this is DASH's role ).
That is fan-tastic Raganius, awed by your dedication to something you believe in
What is the postage to the UK?
So well put, this is my thinking as well about taking ourselves out of our own little worlds, I love to travel and hope we can meet one day and you are always welcome to come and visit if you are in or around England :grin:Thank you, Sub-Ether :smile: I consider these works to have been very successful up to now, not only for DASH, but especially for me, because I am getting to meet so many nice people who I didn't even imagine live in the same city I do, and I have been making some great new friends (some of them very excited with DASH, I must mention). I am reallyso glad, excited and surprised!
I guess the secret is to break "isolation" and leave the comfort zone: communicating/getting in touch with new people will always bring great change in our lives... and that's really marvellous!
Thank you again. I love you my friends!
So well put, this is my thinking as well about taking ourselves out of our own little worlds, I love to travel and hope we can meet one day and you are always welcome to come and visit if you are in or around England :grin: