Last year, Robert Więcko (kot) - under the guise of "Project Manager", made a proposal to attend a "monthly blockchain, Bitcoin and startup event". In that proposal, there was no direct mention of Coinfirm or compliance. Here is the original proposal...
As events unfolded, it became apparent that Mr Więcko was being disingenuous with his proposal. In an interview with Amanda, Pawel Kuskowski (CEO and co-founder of Coinfirm) admits he had reached out to Mr Więcko prior to the event. None of this was directly stated in Mr Więcko's proposal, but given the enormity and implications for dash, one might think it was materially important. Here is the interview between Amanda, Mr Więcko and Kuskowski. The interview was held after funding had passed. The relevant statements begin at 3:06 and confirmed at 9:56...
It should also be noted, within dash Mr Więcko's job title is "Project Manager" yet his background is in banking and, in particular, compliance. This is confirmed at 27:05 of Amanda's interview. Perhaps Mr Więcko's job title at dash should be "Compliance Officer"?
To be clear of the facts, here is the meetup page that states the event was being presented and hosted by Coinfirm and the Coinfirm Blockchain Lab. Again, this meetup page was not disclosed to MNOs in Mr Więcko's proposal. You can see Mr Więcko's name at the bottom of the page...
Mr Więcko has correctly stated that in his financial world, there are rules and regulations. And it is my understanding that when someone is attempting to raise money, they should not omit something that is materially significant. I suggest to you, dear reader, given Mr Więcko was in full knowledge of Coinfirm's attendance and intention, and given his opacity during his money raising, that such matters should be raised with securities regulators.
Last year, Robert Więcko (kot) - under the guise of "Project Manager", made a proposal to attend a "monthly blockchain, Bitcoin and startup event". In that proposal, there was no direct mention of Coinfirm or compliance. Here is the original proposal...
As events unfolded, it became apparent that Mr Więcko was being disingenuous with his proposal. In an interview with Amanda, Pawel Kuskowski (CEO and co-founder of Coinfirm) admits he had reached out to Mr Więcko prior to the event. None of this was directly stated in Mr Więcko's proposal, but given the enormity and implications for dash, one might think it was materially important. Here is the interview between Amanda, Mr Więcko and Kuskowski. The interview was held after funding had passed. The relevant statements begin at 3:06 and confirmed at 9:56...
It should also be noted, within dash Mr Więcko's job title is "Project Manager" yet his background is in banking and, in particular, compliance. This is confirmed at 27:05 of Amanda's interview. Perhaps Mr Więcko's job title at dash should be "Compliance Officer"?
To be clear of the facts, here is the meetup page that states the event was being presented and hosted by Coinfirm and the Coinfirm Blockchain Lab. Again, this meetup page was not disclosed to MNOs in Mr Więcko's proposal. You can see Mr Więcko's name at the bottom of the page...
Mr Więcko has correctly stated that in his financial world, there are rules and regulations. And it is my understanding that when someone is attempting to raise money, they should not omit something that is materially significant. I suggest to you, dear reader, given Mr Więcko was in full knowledge of Coinfirm's attendance and intention, and given his opacity during his money raising, that such matters should be raised with securities regulators.