Dash Documentary

We have submitted a proposal for a Dash Documentary, and we want to allow the community to have their say on what will be included in the content of the documentary. We will answer all questions that are submitted, as well as consider every suggestion for the final project.
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A documentary on a project that hasn't even fulfilled its potential?

What is the movie going to talk about for 90 minutes? You need 10-20 min for current features at max. And then a 70 minute explanation on what Dash plans to do? That would be a feature-length ad, not a documentary, which is supposed to provide a historical account on what happened, not what's going to happen.

Dash has done nothing movie-worthy yet. Let it deliver first. Then you might consider making movies about it.

Documentaries such as Rise and Rise of Bitcoin and Banking on Bitcoin have done a considerable amount to increase the exposure and public awareness of Bitcoin and we believe that our documentary can do the same for Dash.

Any evidence for that? Because to me it felt more like they were merely preaching to the choir. Didn't see any price increases in the weeks after their respective releases.

And finally: No pre-proposal and even worse: no escrow at that value = solid no.
A documentary on a project that hasn't even fulfilled its potential?

What is the movie going to talk about for 90 minutes? You need 10-20 min for current features at max. And then a 70 minute explanation on what Dash plans to do? That would be a feature-length ad, not a documentary, which is supposed to provide a historical account on what happened, not what's going to happen.

Dash has done nothing movie-worthy yet. Let it deliver first. Then you might consider making movies about it.

Any evidence for that? Because to me it felt more like they were merely preaching to the choir. Didn't see any price increases in the weeks after their respective releases.

And finally: No pre-proposal and even worse: no escrow at that value = solid no.

Hi Macrochip, thanks for your comments.

The documentary is designed to be about the potential of Dash and Cryptocurrencies, as well as the ground they are making within the financial system. It is not to discuss them after they have already become a success. It's aim is to encourage people to participate in the market.

The length of the documentary and exactly how long each topic will be covered for is still to be decided, Dash will be a large portion of the subject matter, but it is not going to be a direct advertisement for Dash. A documentary is not limited to discussing historical events, but current breakthroughs and cited forecasts for how things could develop in the near future.

Rise and Rise of Bitcoin has become the standard documentary for people looking to learn about Cryptocurrencies in the comfort of their sofas. They are still discussed today and seen as a key milestone for information about the market. Targeting audiences who want to gain an overview on new financial technologies, alongside being entertained is our aim. In this current climate more and more people are having a interest in cryptocurrencies and are seeking out high quality documentaries to find out more about the market.

Allowing the proposal to run over the course of 6 months, assures the Masternodes that this project can be tracked and reassessed each month.
Hi Macrochip, thanks for your comments.

Rise and Rise of Bitcoin has become the standard documentary for people looking to learn about Cryptocurrencies in the comfort of their sofas. They are still discussed today and seen as a key milestone for information about the market. Targeting audiences who want to gain an overview on new financial technologies, alongside being entertained is our aim. In this current climate more and more people are having a interest in cryptocurrencies and are seeking out high quality documentaries to find out more about the market.

Allowing the proposal to run over the course of 6 months, assures the Masternodes that this project can be tracked and reassessed each month.

Sounds like a cool idea, I have come across people who have watched Rise and Rise of bitcoin and it got them into the crypto sphere. It would be great to see a DASH focused documentary if you could get a deal with HuLu or Netfix such wow!
Voting NO, easily. It's a ridiculous amount of money and you'll have to do it all again once Evolution is released in 1-2 years because Dash will be so much different. The cost per conversion will be unreasonably high and not measurable
Voting NO, easily. It's a ridiculous amount of money and you'll have to do it all again once Evolution is released in 1-2 years because Dash will be so much different. The cost per conversion will be unreasonably high and not measurable

Hi RGXDK, to make a high quality documentary the funding cost is actually going to be tight, and we will be 100% transparent with our expenditures. As you highlighted, there could easily be a follow up piece, and we want to pave the way for future documentaries and create exposure on the build up to Dash's new releases.

No currency outside of bitcoin has a large scale documentary and this is the perfect time to take that place, before a competing currency fills the opportunity.

The conversion rate of the documentary cannot be directly measured in the way of figures and spikes in the price charts. Instead allowing people to share it and refer to is as the best way of gaining a foundation of knowledge about the current market.

Anyone who wants to know about Cryptocurrencies can watch Rise and Rise or Banking on Bitcoin to gain a basic knowledge of Bitcoin. We are simply the next source of information, centred around new currencies and new technologies, with Dash as a focus.

Dash doesn't need documentaries and we don't spend $300,000 on vague things like "creating exposure". If your proposal doesn't have a measurable ROI it shouldn't be funded. Also you'd have to redo all in a few months of this because of what I said above.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the initial feedback. We see now that a pre-proposal would have beneficial in assuring that initial concerns were addressed. We decided that it was more important to ensure that we were there at the beginning of the cycle, which was potentially a mistake on our part.

We feel time is of the essence to create a documentary of this scale, any time now another currency could take this idea and tap into the audience looking into the evolution of cryptocurrencies.

In regard to the feedback, we will be developing this project alongside the Dash Community's support and participation. We encourage ideas and constructive feedback on topics worth covering. We have already planned to include covering the build up to Dash Evolution as we see it as a huge part of the future of Dash and the way people use Cryptocurrencies.

In regards to the scale of the documentary, I am afraid for the cost of a professional documentary means our budget is relatively low and we know it's going to be tight. If you guys are looking for a more home made youtube documentary then I am afraid we are not the team for the job due to the experience and level of skill. If you want to make a professional documentary about the future and direction of cryptocurrencies which Dash is the main focus, then this very much worth voting yes for.

With concerns about the cost of the documentary, this is not aspiring to be another YouTube informational video on Dash. But an in-depth analysis of the market, crafted together into a cinematic piece, fit for distribution. We offer absolute transparency on how the money is spent, the direction of the project, pre-production materials and constant updates on progression.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the initial feedback. We see now that a pre-proposal would have beneficial in assuring that initial concerns were addressed. We decided that it was more important to ensure that we were there at the beginning of the cycle, which was potentially a mistake on our part.

We feel time is of the essence to create a documentary of this scale, any time now another currency could take this idea and tap into the audience looking into the evolution of cryptocurrencies.

In regard to the feedback, we will be developing this project alongside the Dash Community's support and participation. We encourage ideas and constructive feedback on topics worth covering. We have already planned to include covering the build up to Dash Evolution as we see it as a huge part of the future of Dash and the way people use Cryptocurrencies.

In regards to the scale of the documentary, I am afraid for the cost of a professional documentary means our budget is relatively low and we know it's going to be tight. If you guys are looking for a more home made youtube documentary then I am afraid we are not the team for the job due to the experience and level of skill. If you want to make a professional documentary about the future and direction of cryptocurrencies which Dash is the main focus, then this very much worth voting yes for.

With concerns about the cost of the documentary, this is not aspiring to be another YouTube informational video on Dash. But an in-depth analysis of the market, crafted together into a cinematic piece, fit for distribution. We offer absolute transparency on how the money is spent, the direction of the project, pre-production materials and constant updates on progression.
I think the money is too excessive without a clear ROI
I think the money is too excessive without a clear ROI
Hi JZA, we appreciate your concern about not having a clear ROI.

We will do everything we can to make our audience and return measurable. We've thought about a few methods of quantifying conversions, adding links to our website at the end of the documentary so that we can see trace website popularity. Providing methods of investing into markets by using tracking links. Asking people about how they found us when they sign up to our newsletter, things like that.

There's also view counts on whichever platform it gets placed on, which will be accompanied with traceable URL's, community discussion boards for newcomers, PPV count (if applicable), physical sales, etc.

This isn't necessarily about making a financial return. It's more a place that people within the community can share with people who are interested. It becomes a base for information about Dash and Cryptocurrencies that anyone can reference. It puts the name of Dash in as many places as possible, as well as on a variety of different news and article websites.

It can also be used as a milestone in Dash's history, a foundation for future documentaries and YouTube channels to build on.
Yes it absolutely 100% is, and because your proposal offers doubtful or unmeasurable ROI it should be voted NO.
Hi RGXDK, thank you for your further comments.

Ask yourself, are people more likely to invest in Dash from seeing an advert or from seeing an informative piece? This documentary isn't about making money, it's about getting Dash the exposure and giving reasons for people to invest in Dash. A documentary offers something more than an advert by giving people a visual understanding. And to clarify, almost no advertising campaign for Dash offers an accurately measurable ROI, it simply can't be achieved through most means of advertising.
Hi RGXDK, thank you for your further comments.

Ask yourself, are people more likely to invest in Dash from seeing an advert or from seeing an informative piece? This documentary isn't about making money, it's about getting Dash the exposure and giving reasons for people to invest in Dash. A documentary offers something more than an advert by giving people a visual understanding. And to clarify, almost no advertising campaign for Dash offers an accurately measurable ROI, it simply can't be achieved through most means of advertising.
You are missing the point IMHO, most of the issues here is, there is no plan on how to achieve a return, and there is no guaranteed people will look, find and watch a documentary for dash. At least not one you are making people from the community believe in. Also not even sure there is enough material to bring a story yet. And finally, is there a preview of how would it look like?
You are missing the point IMHO, most of the issues here is, there is no plan on how to achieve a return, and there is no guaranteed people will look, find and watch a documentary for dash. At least not one you are making people from the community believe in. Also not even sure there is enough material to bring a story yet. And finally, is there a preview of how would it look like?

Hey JZA, we appreciate your opinion on this. I don't think there's any way of guaranteeing anything when it comes to advertising. We think there is absolutely enough material to talk about when it comes to Cryptocurrencies, there's a huge amount going on right now. Preview wise, we have a showreel and a few projects that we have worked on recently, they can be found here: vimeo.com/liturn, and will be uploading more content later in this month.
But you see thats the issue, one one said you have no projection but on the other side your e asking ofr a lot of money. That is having a high risk for a doubtful reward. I will suggest lowering your price and set modest goals. A documentary with no projection is sort of overcomiting to a very abstract goal. I would rethink this into a smaller budget production and test the watters in case of a reward, only THEN will think of updating to a full fledge documentary effort. ATM I dont see much demand for it.