Dash Core v20.0.0 Release Announcement

Dash Core v20.0 офіційно випущено!

Перегляньте оголошення про випуск, щоб отримати інформацію про випуск тут: https://www.dash.org/blog/dashcore-v20-0-product-brief/

Нагадуємо, що всі функції, активовані хардфорком версії 20, не активуються, доки хардфорк не активується. Це станеться не раніше 30 листопада.

Оператори Masternode повинні переконатися, що вони видаляють Sentinel під час оновлення до 20.0.0, оскільки він більше не використовується або не потрібен.

Перегляньте випуск GitHub із двійковими файлами тут: https://github.com/dashpay/dash/releases/tag/v20.0.0
Не соромтеся ставити запитання тут і повідомляти про всі проблеми на https://github.com/dashpay/dash/issues .
гарні новини
Actually, this has never worked. I remember trying years ago, but it just hung up. I'm afraid it simply is too many addresses for a desktop to handle. Or something. You can't do it in bitcoin core either. I don't think it's a bug, but a limitation on technology.
I always managed everything
*** Усім власникам MNO та Evonode, які використовують Dashmate ***

Не оновлюйте Dashmate до v0.25.15 !!!

Схоже, Dashmate v0.25.15 спричиняє помилки зі статусом dashmate та командами зупинки dashmate, про що я дізнався лише сьогодні, оновивши свій Dashmate з v0.25.13 до v0.25.15. Я також підозрюю, що Masternodes / Evonodes на Dashmate v0.25.15 мають високий ризик отримати оцінку PoSe!!

Побачити :


Помилка з Dashmate v0.25.15:

Мені вдалося повернути обидва мої Evonode до Dashmate v0.25.13, після того, як обидва вже отримали результати PoSe (2200+).
Тепер вони обидва використовують Core v20 через Dashmate v0.25.13 (+ 'dashmate config set core.docker.image dashpay/dashd:20.0.0')
і, сподіваюся, уникнути заборони PoSe.

Для розробників: Будь ласка, приділяйте більше уваги Dashmate і краще тестуйте Dashmate, щоб цього можна було уникнути в майбутньому. Я ненавиджу отримувати результати PoSe через несправну версію Dashmate (v0.25.15), яка нібито є найновішою та стабільною версією.
Дякую за попередження
For Masternode / Evonode owners

How to avoid Pose scores during future Dash Core updates (updating to future Dash Core v20.0.3 for example) :

Check either your debug.log (Masternode) or your core.log (Evonode). I normally download it and open it with Notepad++
Go to the very end of that log (ctrl + end) and search (ctrl + f) backwards for :

quorum initialization OK for llmq_100_67 qi[0]

return from my core.log : CDKGSessionManager::InitNewQuorum -- height[1993008] quorum initialization OK for llmq_100_67 qi[0]
If returned height (1993008) is older then current block height (https://chainz.cryptoid.info/dash/), then there is currently no involvement with this specific quorum. This LLMQ has an interval of 24 blocks / 1 hour.

quorum initialization OK for llmq_60_75

return from my core.log : CDKGSessionManager::InitNewQuorum -- height[1992991] quorum initialization OK for llmq_60_75 qi[31]
If returned height (1992991) is older then current block height (https://chainz.cryptoid.info/dash/) & it indeed returns [31], then there is currently no involvement with this specific quorum.

Note : this llmq quorum runs from 0-31 (31 blocks), so if it returns anything other then 31, then wait with updating Dash Core untill it reached [31] and current block height is higher then quorum block height. This LLMQ has an interval of 288 blocks / 12 hours.

This should prevent receiving a high PoSe Penalty score during a Dash Core update or even an instant PoSe ban when your Masternode or Evonode happens to be involved in both quorums, when you try to update your Dash Core version to a new version. It also allows you to do some sporadic server maintenance (OS updates), without increased risk for a PoSe Penalty score. That is my hope at least.

If above is in need of correction, please let me know.

Far better would of course be a way to interrupt this at protocol level and warn MNO's if their Masternode or Evonode is currently involved in one or more llmq quorums and shutting down dashd / dashmate is not recommended at this specific time --> https://www.dash.org/forum/index.php?threads/dashmate-discussion.53951/page-4#post-237247
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See also this :
I did notice for awhile now something missing on https://www.dash.org/downloads/#windows (besides currently having no download links to v20.0.4 !) :

* SHA256SUMS.asc
* Windows binaries to directly replace current binaries (i am not talking about the Dash wallet setup binary / dashcore-20.0.x-win64-setup.exe)


Those seem to be only available on Dashpay Github (https://github.com/dashpay/dash/releases/tag/v20.0.4).

Which is a bit of a shame as Windows users are not always that familiar with Github and not always have a need to
download a Dash wallet setup file and when using dashcore-20.0.x-win64.zip (or any Dash wallet .zip file), they will need
the SHA256SUMS.asc for hash verification.

I think above mentioned files should also be available on https://www.dash.org/downloads/#windows, so users don't need to switch to Github to get those specific wallet files and do a hash verification from there. Basically DCG is limiting the SHA256 hash verification part to Github only, thereby not reaching a wider Dash users audience. Therefore not teaching the importance of SHA-256 hash verification on downloads to all Dash users, just to those Dash users already familiar with Github and not in need of the Dash wallet setup file.

Now for something entirely different....

To Masternode and Evonode owners who setup their nodes through Dashmate and plan to update to v20.0.4 :

You can use my shell script to do a LLMQ PoSe check before stopping Dashmate, thereby hopefully avoiding a high PoSe Penalty score (interrupting 1 LLMQ) or Instant PoSe ban (interrupting 2 or more LLMQ) on your Masternode / Evonode : https://www.dash.org/forum/index.ph...ode-setup-through-dashmate.54445/#post-237453
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