Dash Core v19.0.0 Release Candidate and Testnet HardFork

I am having trouble getting on the right chain (using a pre-release version). So, I would just leave it alone until RC8 is out and then if no blocks are coming, delete some dat files and reindex yet again.
@pshenmic Can you please verify if 'dashmate core reindex' works correctly ? I tried it after updating to v19.00 RC8, deleting some dat files first (including mempool.dat) and the status got stuck to 99% headers sync (i think) and then was just deleting some peers, from what i could see in the debug log. It was not reindexing the blockchain.

I ended up downloading the blockchain from scratch on Testnet for v19.00 RC8
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v19.0.0 RC.8, after reindex :


Is there a way to get rid of mn rewards that were generated but not accepted in the end (greyed out) ? (most likely due to mining problems with RC.7)
There used to be a -zapwallettransactions commandline option if i remember correctly, but that seems to be removed.
Or will those rejected masternode reward transactions stay in my transaction overview forever now ?

Also a bit strange to see so many of my hpmn reward transactions after reindex showing same time stamp (8x on 23-3-2023 06:36 instead of 4x on 23-3-2023 06:36). I suspect the reindex caused some kind of visual glitch here with regards to time stamp.
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With regards to the Windows Dash Core v19.0.0 wallet (or future Windows Dash Core v20.0.0 wallet), and specifically the Masternodes tab :

I think it would be helpfull if we could either make a manual selection of masternodes with a specific counter to it (for example select 1 masternode and through holding the shift button increase that selection, including a specific count number for that selection), or if we could select status on either Enabled or PoSe Banned (one or the other) with each their own specific counter. That way we can quickly do a selection on Enabled masternodes or on PoSe Banned masternodes and count them in the Windows wallet. Right now only a total counter number is present and only a re-arrangement of data can be issued (putting either Enabled on top or PoSe Banned on top). Above applies also to the Type column, so we can count High Performance nodes and Regular nodes separately.

In other words : I would like more specific count options for masternodes in the Masternodes tab, on columns 'Status' and 'Type'.
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I like the ability to select MNs using the SHIFT key or CTRL to select random ones. One way they can implement random selections is by providing a checkbox where the user can check the nodes they want listed. As for filtering on ENABLED nodes, you can do so like this.


Likewise to filter on HPMNs use 'High', so basically we can filter on all the columns.
v19.0.0 RC.8

InstantSend locks not working it seems :



Also i noticed during CoinJoin setup the Target balance in my case is not allowed to exceed 2000 tdash, even when having higher amount available to mix with :


I tried to set Target balance to 3000 by using the up arrow, my wallet won't let me. Stops at 2000
Manually putting in a number in the Target balance, won't get the number higher then 999 (limited to 3 numbers?).
If people plan to mix 4000 dash before setting up their hpmn on Mainnet, then this could possibly form a problem.

Mixing on Testnet is not progressing currently, despite 132 active masternodes on Testnet (regular masternodes and some hpmn's).
I only received 1 CoinJoin Create Denominations transaction, nothing else. I was expecting to at least see some CoinJoin Make Collateral Input transactions emerge.


Something like this :

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InstantSend locks not working it seems :

You are right, testnet quorums have not been stable and now the team are rolling out rc9 (pre-release) which contain yet more fixes, this is causing nodes to be restarted and hence impacting quorums, hopefully once the network is updated, ISD will start to work again.

Also i noticed during CoinJoin setup the Target balance in my case is not allowed to exceed 2000 tdash, even when having higher amount available to mix with :

Yep, this is a hard limit imposed on the wallet, my guess is the reason is so that people would keep fewer than 2000 Dash on a core wallet at any point in time.

If people plan to mix 4000 dash before setting up their hpmn on Mainnet, then this could possibly form a problem.

I agree, but it is a moot point because you cannot privateSend 4000 Dash, there are too many inputs even if you only use 10 Dash Denoms, this is because a single TX is limited to 100 KB. So, the workaround here is to create an intermediary address where you send the mixed coins after each session and accumulate 4000 Dash and then create the MN from those inputs only. Not ideal, but you can ask the devs to boost that limit if you really want to.

Mixing on Testnet is not progressing currently, despite 132 active masternodes on Testnet (regular masternodes and some hpmn's).
I only received 1 CoinJoin Create Denominations transaction, nothing else. I was expecting to at least see some CoinJoin Make Collateral Input transactions emerge.

Yep, not surprising, I doubt anyone is mixing on testnet now, if you like I can turn on some mixing nodes, I'll do that now.
Thanks, i just want to see if mixing is still working as intended with this RC.8, which means my wallet should at the very least make some CoinJoin Make Collateral Input transactions (regardless if it can find other parties to mix with). So far it does not seem to be doing that.

Update : i am starting to receive CoinJoin Mixing transactions, so i guess CoinJoin Make Collateral Input transactions are not required before the mixing can take place.
Thanks, i just want to see if mixing is still working as intended with this RC.8, which means my wallet should at the very least make some CoinJoin Make Collateral Input transactions (regardless if it can find other parties to mix with). So far it does not seem to be doing that.

Update : i am starting to receive CoinJoin Mixing transactions, so i guess CoinJoin Make Collateral Input transactions are not required before the mixing can take place.

I also wanted to test mixing, but refrained because I didn't know of anyone else mixing, now that we are both mixing, let's see how it goes. So, far my wallet is slowly starting to mix.

Are these in status PoSe Banned full hpmn's or dummy nodes ?


The ratio of PoSe Banned hpmn's is getting a bit high. And i think i saw them initially get active (ENABLED) with v19.0.0. RC.8
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Are these in status PoSe Banned full hpmn's or dummy nodes ?

View attachment 11743

The ratio of PoSe Banned hpmn's is getting a bit high. And i think i saw them initially get active (ENABLED) with v19.0.0. RC.8

I just found all of mine down, unclear what their issue was, they all just spontaneously shutdown, they are back up now, but at varying degrees of disagreement among them.


How's the mixing going? Mine is progressing.
Yep, same for me and all nodes in this group got caught up.

Yep, turns out HPMN is just in name not hardware, my setup is not great, also DCG nodes keep hitting me with bans, so what can I do?

Looking at the ip addresses involved, ip address sticks out having a lot of different port numbers. So it could just be a far more general ban thing for your nodes and not just something specificly from DCG nodes. Masternodes in general maybe banning your hpmn's, because of the lack of an unique ip address. That would make sense to me. I think i counted 10 hpmn's with that specific ip address. Not sure why your other hpmn's (3 ?) keep getting banned, if those have unique ip addresses.
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Hello v19.0.0 release candidate 9




Next Payment : UNKNOWN ?
Windows Dash Core v19.0.0 RC.9


I noticed a merged pull request gave this UNKNOWN outcome to Odysseas, and was apparently okay to proceed with.
See : https://github.com/dashpay/dash/pull/5274

But it is now also showing in the Windows Dash Core wallet (Masternodes tab) on certain hpmn's (including mine).

Update 1 : my hpmn (rc.9) after showing that Next Payment : UNKNOWN in my Windows wallet (rc.9) got immediately PoSe Banned :


I will isue a protx update_service_hpmn command, to see if the PoSe ban of my hpmn reoccurs on RC.9


Next Payment : UNKNOWN again.
hpmn still ENABLED (for now).

Update 2 : my hpmn now has Next Payment info, so it seems this issue resolve itself over time. It could be confusing for hpmn owners, if this issue also occurs on Mainnet.


Update 3 : my hpmn is still enabled, but it is showing the Next Payment : UNKNOWN again. So i have to conclude it shows this intermittently.

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