Dash Core v19.0.0 Release Candidate and Testnet HardFork


With Next Payment intermittently showing UNKNOWN for hpmn's, i am starting to wonder what this will do to services or sites that depend on this specific data.
Services or sites like Dash Central ? Will this interfere with their ability to fetch Next Payment data for hpmn's ?
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With Next Payment intermittently showing UNKNOWN for hpmn's, i am starting to wonder what this will do to services or sites that depend on this specific data.
Services or sites like Dash Central ? Will this interfere with their ability to fetch Next Payment data for hpmn's ?

The issue has been reported to the devs, I believe it is a bug, rc10... :p
https://hub.docker.com/r/dashpay/dashd/tags (latest-rc or 19.0.0-rc.10)

Bug with enabled hpmn's intermittently showing UNKNOWN in Next Payment field looks to be fixed with RC.10

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Just out of curiousity, what is the difference between tenderdash docker tag 'latest' last pushed 3 days ago with Digest '4853ecd33f5d'
and tenderdash tag '0.12.0-dev' / '0.12.0-dev.2' last pushed 3 days ago with Digest '69932583f1c0' ?

See : https://hub.docker.com/r/dashpay/tenderdash/tags

I expected the Digest number to be the same for both docker tags, but they are not ?

hey there, awesome news
we just deployed first working core v19 platform devnet, going to actively test it on the next week
hopefully we will get dash platform on testnet back really really soon. we're so close... 🙌
My hpmn got PoSe banned today with v19.0.0 RC.10, no idea why. I could not even find the PoSe ban in my debug log, while searching on my protx hash.
dashd.pid is also still running since 7th of April 2023 (when v19.0.0 RC.10 was released).

I did come across following error a number of times in my debug log :

ERROR: ConnectBlock(DASH): coinbase pays too much at height 865848 (actual=6072799096 vs limit=1672799096), exceeded block reward, no triggered superblock detected

Not sure if that is of importance or not.

I will issue a protx update_service_hpmn command.

Update : i just checked the status through Dashmate before issuing a protx update and my hpmn is running just fine. It is the Windows Dash Core v19.0.0 RC.10 wallet that i suspect is showing my hpmn incorrectly as PoSe banned.

Windows Dash Core v19.0.0 RC.10 :


Dashmate status commands on my hpmn :



Either Dashmate status is wrong or my Windows wallet is wrong, i suspect the last (as i can't find a Pose ban in my debug.log when searching on my hpmn protx hash). In about 80 blocks i should be receiving new hpmn's rewards, so i should know for certain by then.

Is anyone else noticing a difference between status of their hpmn in their Windows Dash Core v19.0.0 RC.10 wallet (status PoSe banned) and the status that Dashmate status commands relay back ? (Ready / Running / Pose Penalty 0)

I will delete the .dat files of my Windows wallet, see if that changes anything.

Edit 2 : This changes nothing, Windows wallet still show status PoSe banned and Dashmate still shows status Ready / Running.
If my hpmn truly is PoSe banned, then dashmate status core / dashmate status masternode should throw an error, correct ?
Also dashmate status masternode states PoSe Penalty : 0

Edit 3 : Created a Github issue --> https://github.com/dashpay/dash/issues/5312
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ERROR: ConnectBlock(DASH): coinbase pays too much at height 865848 (actual=6072799096 vs limit=1672799096), exceeded block reward, no triggered superblock detected
This usually means you are on the wrong chain, it does sound like you got forked off, sometimes the fix is as simple as shutting down and deleting the goverance.dat file and restarting. If it was forked that could explain why it wasn't even aware of its own ban.
This usually means you are on the wrong chain, it does sound like you got forked off, sometimes the fix is as simple as shutting down and deleting the goverance.dat file and restarting. If it was forked that could explain why it wasn't even aware of its own ban.

So Testnet has most likely forked ? With some hpmn's & masternodes & peers on one chain and others on the other chain ? I hope this is related to just the Testnet environment and not a bug that causes the same behaviour on Mainnet.

My Windows wallet has the same blockheight as this blockchain explorer : https://insight.testnet.networks.dash.org:3002/insight/
and i also deleted some of the .dat files from it earlier, so i assume that wallet is on the correct chain. I will try stopping dashmate and deleting some .dat files of my hpmn, to see if that changes anything about the dashmate status return (Ready / Running).

Update : looks like my hpmn has trouble syncing past block 865978, while (i assume) the correct chain is currently on block 866340.
Which also means it will not start Sentinel right now.


Normally i would do a -reindex or a reconsider block command, but with Dashmate's unreliable dashmate core reindex command on Testnet with Platform v0.23 and not sure how i can do a reconsider block through Dashmate, i will pass on that. Only option left for me is to delete the hpmn blockchain and download from scratch (dashmate reset --hard & dashmate setup).
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Update : looks like my hpmn has trouble syncing past block 865978, while (what i assume is) the correct chain is currently on block 866340.
Which also means it will not start Sentinel right now.
No official fork, maybe it was a local fork, anyway, I've seen the same issue on testnet before and reported it and was told not to worry my pretty little head over it.👹

Anyway, here is my current best block, 866345, see if you can get past it.
No official fork, maybe it was a local fork, anyway, I've seen the same issue on testnet before and reported it and was told not to worry my pretty little head over it.👹

Anyway, here is my current best block, 866345, see if you can get past it.

I can't get passed block 865847 through Dashmate, and issuing a dashmate core reindex command is bugged it seems on Platform v0.23 on Testnet.


Source : https://github.com/dashpay/dash/issues/5312

I can't even trigger a reindex through the dash.conf at location /home/user/dashmate/testnet/core/ as Dashmate supress that
(shows reindex=0 in my debug.log instead of reindex=1).

Update : my hpmn finally synced passed block 865847 and is now in status 'running', so i can proceed with the next step (protx update_service_hpmn command). All i did was give Dashmate another start and suddenly it synced passed it.
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I got the advice from Shumkov to use dashmate v0.24.0-dev.17 (see https://github.com/dashpay/dash/issues/5312)
But i am not sure if i can already use dashmate v0.24.0-dev.17 on Testnet. Since Testnet runs on Platform v0.23 i assume the commands
'npm update -g dashmate' & 'dashmate update' only update Dashmate to latest 0.23 version ?

Which means i will be looking at another way of updating Dashmate, i guess by using one of the binaries here :


Source : https://github.com/dashpay/platform/releases/tag/v0.24.0-dev.17

or is there a way for us on Testnet to instruct npm to update Dashmate directly to latest v0.24.0-dev.17 build ?
Is there also a way to find out what Dashmate version we are currently running ? Can we fetch Dashmate's current version number ?

I guess i could just wait untill Platform v0.24 is released on Testnet, but it could be handy in the future to know how to update Dashmate to a higher dev version (with less bugs), then what we can update through 'npm update -g dashmate'.
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No, there is no platform on the testnet yet, so you have to wait until its released. We are testing against two-islands devnet rn (and its going good), but theres no straight devnet support in the dashmate, only if you know how to configure it manually.

Yes, you can specify dashmate version when installing the package. For example:

You can check all available versions here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/dashmate?activeTab=versions