Found a way to have Dashmate fetch Dash Core v19.0.0 RC5 by directly adjusting the config.json
which is located in home/user/.dashmate/
There is a testnet part in there, which needs to be corrected from :
"testnet": {
"description": "node with testnet configuration",
"group": null,
"docker": {
"network": {
"subnet": ""
"core": {
"docker": {
"image": "
"testnet": {
"description": "node with testnet configuration",
"group": null,
"docker": {
"network": {
"subnet": ""
"core": {
"docker": {
"image": "
Same can be done for RC 6 (i hope), once it becomes available.
Debug.log shows Dashmate indeeds fetch 19.0.0 RC5 on Testnet through this (does not sync though, because of no DNS seed or because of problems related to RC5).
Location debug.log : /var/lib/docker/volumes/dash_masternode_testnet_core_data/_data/.dashcore/testnet3/
Dashmate status core :
Now the waiting is on v19.0.0 release candidate 6 in Docker Hub, so i can see if this indeed works as i hope it does (and also starts syncing).
The Docker Hub and related dashpay/dashd tags can be found here :
I guess using 'latest-rc' instead of a very specific release tag could work too, but Strophy mentioned some problems with that in the past.
You can even edit the config.json (testnet part !) to refer to a different BLS privkey, in case people have some difficulty with the BLS keys, when going through a dashmate setup and ending up with a different (older) BLS privkey in the dash.conf then generated during a more recent dashmate setup (happened to me a few times).
Update : Docker image / tag dashpay/dashd:19.0.0-rc.6 now available on the Docker Hub. I will wait for official announcement from Pasta though.