Darkcoin Ambassador Group Update
Hello, Guys, just wanted to give a quick update. We are incredibly happy with how the Darkcoin Ambassador Group is going, we are already over 30 volunteers from all over the world, looking forward to representing Darkcoin in our cities. As you know we have been contacting all of you to get some information about location and background to understand better who we are as a group and also
tungfa has been contacting all of you to get your email accounts ready so that we can invite you all into Slack and the Hangouts.
Thank you for your patience, this part of the process takes some time as we are all in different places and time zones but we are almost done. Our expectation is to start our first meetings next week, we will probably give a couple of options for time and date so that everyone can attend. Our first meetings have the purpose of defining a work methodology and defining some initial goals, we will be using Slack for communication and live interaction so that is where the group will reside. Slack will be our virtual headquarters to give the group a sense of structure. Whenever you log into Slack the idea is you will find members working on their assigned tasks, sharing ideas and collaborating. We will use Asana to keep track of tasks and assign due dates and to have some level of accountability on the projects.
All members will soon start receiving their invitations to the Slack group, you can start downloading the app to your phones and computers if you wish to. We firmly believe this is another form of innovation from Darkcoin. It is a social innovation more than a technical one, but it is very much needed.
Darkcoin is going on tour, this is going to be fun.