Well-known member
I'm presenting Dash at the Barcelona Bitcoin Meetup in Barcelona next Tuesday.
I will be travelling to Barcelona specifically for this. Depending onf the final arrangements, I expect the cost of the train and the hotel to be around 200-250 EUR (80-100 DASH). I'll be doing this anyway, but donations to help cover the costs are more than welcomedMy address is XcuTUeqH3zQmrfWQB3APRWLWkvM2fshpQc
Sorry for off-topic, but I see a good example of already discussed ways of decentralized financing.
I just imagined we need an urgent voting for allocating funds for our speaker (to cover his costs). It would be a mess: "does he need 5 stars or just a hostel?" and so on. :sad:
Obviously we need to have some dedicated funds always ready to be quickly used by some trusted community leaders without additional voting-confirmation.
And if such a leader will abuse the trust placed in him - he will just lose his trust and will not be able to use it again in the future. I do not see any danger of "pork barrel" of preliminary accumulated funds, mentioned during that Voting.
But ofcourse voting is still needed for periodically replenish such "urgent funds".
And by the way only 3 persons "voluntarily donated" this action (+Otoh intended) - it is not a reproach, but merely remark for another discussion: whether it is necessary to force some funds for the development and PR or rely just on voluntary.
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