What do you think about the Burst movement
Burst coin seems to have some kind of crowdfunding
Some people consider crowdfunding as a governance mechanism. I dont think that crowdfunding can be considered as a governance mechanism
. Governance means you
vote in order for something that
belongs to everybody to be exploited and/or reclaimed in a certain way. Crowdfunding means you
pay in order for something that it is
liked to be born or created.
Of course if in your mind voting and paying is the same thing then you may confuse governance's and crowdfunding's meanings. Many people are confused and they say that the more money someone has, the more voting power should have.
But governance is not the same as crowdfunding, and voting is not the same as paying, because what happens in the reality is below:
The more loyal or slaves you have, the more money you have. The money you own exists because people believe in it or because you force them to believe in it. If you have no loyal or no slaves, then whatever money you have is tottaly useless. In case you have loyal and faithful people your vote/opinion is what really counts and not your money. In case you have slaves, your power/force (against them) is what really counts and not your money. So
money totally depends on someone's vote/opinion and on someone's power/force, and it is impossible to exist otherwise.
Many people are confused and they say that the more money someone has, the more voting power should have. If they are not forced to say this, they say it because they are loyal and faithful to the rich. Being faithful and loyal to the rich without being forced, this is the ultimate stupidity.
Crowdfunding cannot be considered pure governance because it implies an underlying (and imposed) faith to the rich. In that sense of course, neither Dash, nor PIVX, nor Decreed can be considered as a pure governed coins. Because the governance system of all these coins also implies the same faith to the rich people, and this faith is subtly imposed (like many other things in the design of these coins) by the smart spies into the empty mind of the stupids.