Cant Locate my DASH coins

when i enter this i get message: Windows cant find C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming, check the spelling and try again
when i look manually i dont have username folder in Users
sorry what do you mean "put your full wallet.dat inside"?
below is what i currently see, if I click on wallet.dat, i get a message; how do you want to open this file?
u gotta wait for a PC guy - i only know dummy Mac Language
DashCore is a folder (that is your wallet directory)
that is where the wallet.dat file has to go (inside)
But wallet.dat is already in dashcore folder, there is 15 files and folders in Dashcore folder and wallet.dat is one of them, see attached screenshoot
@stan when you start your dash wallet on your pc you have 0 balance right?

If so please do this:
1 - go here: C:\Users\Stan\AppData\Roaming\Dash and find wallet.dat file
2 - mouse right click and copy
3 - go here: C:\Users\Stan\AppData\Roaming\DashCore
4 - find the wallet.dat file and change its name to oldwallet.dat by pressing it once, hit F2 and change it.
5 - now mouse right click (don`t point over files) and paste the previously copied file from point 1 and 2
6 - start your wallet again

Do you see your coins now?
Hope it helped :)
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