when i enter this i get message: Windows cant find C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming, check the spelling and try again
when i look manually i dont have username folder in Users
sorry what do you mean "put your full wallet.dat inside"?
below is what i currently see, if I click on wallet.dat, i get a message; how do you want to open this file?
@stan when you start your dash wallet on your pc you have 0 balance right?
If so please do this:
1 - go here: C:\Users\Stan\AppData\Roaming\Dash and find wallet.dat file
2 - mouse right click and copy
3 - go here: C:\Users\Stan\AppData\Roaming\DashCore
4 - find the wallet.dat file and change its name to oldwallet.dat by pressing it once, hit F2 and change it.
5 - now mouse right click (don`t point over files) and paste the previously copied file from point 1 and 2
6 - start your wallet again