we have to wait for the Dips to come through and than we have a proper plan
so we need to wait a bit longer
Thank you. I'd like to see Dash's DIPS though, just like BIP https://github.com/bitcoin/bips . Are they being kept hidden on purpose? (I do not have a problem with that at all)
Where do I go to to see the Dips? This seems to be empty https://github.com/dashpay/dips
So it would be better to not talk about the DIP at first hand if I follow you ?Using that strawman to invalidate criticism and excuse the lack of verifiable Evolution progress is a total dick move.
Totally agreeing, and this process is planned from the beginning. Can you please tell me where is the first version of BIP39 ? Before it has been pushed on the BIP repository ? Where is the not-polished version of it ? The one with all the flaw on it ?"BIPs are not polished to perfection prior to publishing. Indeed, the very process of public exposure and review is critical to the proposal pipeline."
Well, I don't know how much you have put into the Evolution implementation right now, but I know that me and my team wasn't delayed by the release of the DIP, as the implementation need formalizing the design for multiple reason that we could discuss."The longer we wait to show the world our DIPs the longer we have to wait for peer review, which delays Evolution implementation and release."
But, then, if you want to make a proposal for a protocol improvement, where do you set up it ?"If github.com/dashpay/dips is going to be left empty then just take it down. It looks terrible for Bitcoin to have so many BIPs while the Dash equivalent is a ghost town of tumbleweeds and crickets."
Come on, you know that I didn't imply that. I kind-fully explained him the full detail on why we didn't published it already. I could just answer "Yes we still have work to do", instead I tried to explained him what process we are following as there could have been two different process :It would be better to not pretend/imply RGXDK or anyone else suggested publishing DIPs "at your first sentence."
After an entire year of R&D, there should be a lot more to publish than a first sentence.
I will be as honest as possible, if it was possible to make evolution in a year, it would already exist.How long ago was Evolution development funded? It was announced over a year ago in Miami IIRC.
I think you may be here mixed up a little too much, DIP can exist without any Evolution iteration, Evolution can exist without any DIP or RFC (by the way, as far as I know, we don't plan for any RFC).What iteration of the Evolution alpha are you on and how many more are needed before publishing a DIP or RFC?
So, given "this year", I understand 2017, given that we are in November (depending your timezone), you try to know if you could expect any release of DIP002 and DIP003 before December ?Should we expect DIP002 and DIP003 sometime this year, or refrain from holding our breath and resign ourselves to 2019 Evolution mainnet launch?
What do these numbers mean? Are even the names of the DIPs still secret?
In your long response you quoted this but did not answer the question:
"How long ago was Evolution development funded? It was announced over a year ago in Miami IIRC."
To be fairly honest, if it need 2 year, I will take those...
@Ryan Taylor How can we ever be a DAO if things can get developed for 2 years in secret? How would we know there has been any progress? I'm sorry but no one in Dash should have enough credit to go a few weeks without updating the network on what they're up to.
@Dash News Network is right, this was funded almost a year ago. What does the Dash Core team has to show in terms of technology and development after one year, 50 developers, millions in funding? Nothing (that we can see at least).
Since April 2017, name one significant release of all those 23 developers.
On another note, we only allocate $100k to Evolution but we sponsor MMA fighters, make conferences in 3rd world countries, make rain ponchos, fly around in Dash branded jets, sponsor debit cards that never get delivered and so on. Priorities much, masternode owners?
Has this 0.5.0 version ever been mentioned in one of the monthly reports? I am assuming there's much more work you guys have done, work that no one knows about, and work that you get no appreciation from the MNO for your efforts
Slaves had fewer judicial rights than citizens and were represented by their master in all judicial proceedings.[88] A misdemeanour that would result in a fine for the free man would result in a flogging for the slave; the ratio seems to have been one lash for one drachma.[84] With several minor exceptions, the testimony of a slave was not admissible except under torture.[89] Slaves were tortured in trials because they often remained loyal to their master.
But I'm really agreeing that I and my team would appreciate a little more appreciation. We dedicate our life, our days, our nights and for some our free-time on that. And it can be hurtful for some of us to see all those "You don't do shit".
Instead of a dedicated person, why don't you just automate it? If you use a project management tool to manage what you guys are doing, reports are automatic. It has a list of all projects and tasks completed, you can generate a report and edit out what you want to keep secret.