Antivirus deleting 'miner' file


New member
I have been using BitDefender Antivirus for my Mac for a few months as it has some of the best reviews and one of the largest user bases, although I have been having an issue running the Dash Core wallet with their software installed. I contacted BitDefender about the issue and it remains unsolved, I also contacted Splawik about the issue and it still remains unsolved. BitDefender has millions of users and the Core wallet is unusable with their antivirus installed. I’m afraid this may also be the case with the release of Evo later this year.

Attached is a pdf containing screenshots from emails sent to BitDefender over the last 2 months. You can see which file is flagged with the antivirus and it’s a false positive as it contains a miner. Once this file is deleted I can't connect to any peers:


The miner file itself would be a function of this program file which haven't been able to identify specifically.

It's also not possible to make an exception to this file as it's in the /Volumes directory. I have discussed this matter with another user on Discord having the same issue and I'm sure there are many more users unable to use the wallet. My concern is that new users will turn away from Dash because of these issues and experiences. The only way for me to get around it at the moment is to reinstall the wallet every time it's detected. Apparently other antivirus software has similar issues with blocking friendly program files.
Screen Shot 2019-03-17 at 10.59.01 AM.png


  • BitDefender issue Dash Core wallet.pdf
    314.3 KB · Views: 256
Thanks for letting us know! Do you have the same issue with Bitcoin-Qt too? If not, could you reply to them that miner in Dash-Qt is basically the same thing but for another chain and that it's a legit software? They can verify that there are no hidden things by checking and/or by examining source code and producing deterministic builds themselves by following steps described in
I have replied to BitDefender about the issue and provided your instructions to examine the source code. I'm not sure if the same occurs with Bitcoin-Qt although I have mentioned in the email that one exception should apply to both in regards to friendly miners. I have also passed on your Keybase identity and Dash email to contact if necessary to have the matter resolved.
I got the following response from BitDefender Support:

We also detect the bitcoin qt as Application.MAC.Miner because they both have an option to mine within it. You can access it by going into the terminal and writing "generate *". Because of that we consider it a potentially unwanted application (as it contains a miner).
Should you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

I have since switched to TotalAV which detects the miner file but gives me the option to mark it as safe. No hassle.
If you want to restore your deleted file then:

a. Open your Antivirus program.
b. Click on Menu.
c. Click on Quarantine or Virus vault and when it'll open then find your desired file and select it and at bottom of the antivirus there should be a Restore button, just click on it and your file will be restored.
Hi guys! Longtime follower, first time poster. I've been mining GRS for a couple weeks and my piece of shit Windows 10 keeps deleting the miner .exe files - even when I turn off Windows 10 Defender/Antivirus; for some reason (fuck you Microsoft) it keeps turning on...

Any quick fixes for this?