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VINstuff #3 (May 07 - May 13)

Dear VINchain community!

This is the third week of our regular news release, where we inform you about everything that happened in the world of VINchain over the course of the last week. We are always interested in hearing you opinion so please let us know any feedback that you guys might have.

Read more: https://vinchain.io/blog/193
VINchain is a member of ASA!

Dear VINchain community,

We have an amazing news for you. We have joined The Automotive Service Association (https://asashop.org/ ). Since 1951, the Automotive Service Association (ASA) has been the leading organization for owners and managers of automotive service businesses that strive to deliver excellence in service and repairs to consumers.

Read more: https://vinchain.io/blog/194
VINchain will take part in the "Connected & Autonomous Vehicles 2018" conference.

Dear VINchain community,

We’ve got great news for you! We’re taking part in the conference WHERE AUTO MEETS INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) – ENABLING THE ERA OF ELECTRIFIED AUTOMATED MOBILITY ON DEMAND. It will be held on May 14 - 17, 2018 in Santa Clara Convention Center.

Read more: https://vinchain.io/blog/195
We’re happy to announce our newest adviser, Jon Arnett!

Simply put, Jon boasts a lifetime of automotive software experience. He’s worked with many automotive manufacturers and has years of experience with dealerships and partners. His extensive resume includes Auto Data, Car Proof Canada and Carfax Canada. In fact, Jon was responsible for successfully launching Carfax in Canada after the company’s previous three attempts. Mr. Arnett now runs Contact Once Canada, a digital messaging company for OEMs and dealerships, and is excited to bring control of auto data to the user as part of the VINchain team.

Read more: https://vinchain.io/blog/191
The VINchain Wallet is Ready!

We have awesome news for you! Our team has been working hard to make it happen, and finally we are glad to announce that our wallet is ready and you can see it here (https://wallet.vinchain.io ).

In order to start using your wallet you need to activate it. The guide is here (https://medium.com/@vinchain/instructions-to-activate-the-vinwallet-5167d0c5106b ). This guide is intended for those who have went through the token swap process already. If you have yet to complete the token swap, don’t worry – we will publishing a new guide with all of the instructions simply laid out for you really soon.

Read more: https://vinchain.io/blog/196
The Token Swap Is Available Again!

Dear VINchain community,

VINchain Wallet

As many of you know we have published the VINchain wallet yesterday and made it accessible for all of you. Everyone who has completed the swap earlier can activate their wallets and officially use their tokens. Also you can see the wallet in your account on our website, the wallet is available for both windows and mac.

Token Swap

Right now we are opening the swap for the people who haven’t completed the swap before. You can see the link to the swap here (https://vinchain.io/account/swap ). While you go through the swap you will create a VINchain public wallet key and a VINchain private wallet key. KEEP THESE KEYS SAFE!!! :) - Just like any other keys in the world of crypto. You will need these keys to use your wallet.


Also our blockchain is ready and you can see it in GitHub (https://github.com/VinChain/VINchain-blockchain ). Its open source and publicly available for everyone to analyze and see how everything works!
VINchain is taking part in Emerge conference!

Dear VINchain community,

We are extremely happy to announce that we are taking part in the prestigious Emerge conference (https://emergeconf.io) that aims to discover and showcase emerging technologies and tech hubs. It will be held in Minsk, Belarus on the 17th and 18th of May. Our Belarusian team will be in attendance, so we would love for you to come and meet us there. If you will be nearby, don’t hesitate to say hello!

We are expecting to get inspired, learn more of the best practices for building tech products, hear founder’s stories, build partnerships, find new paths for our project and spread the word of VINchain.

There will be many talks on VC & ICO startups and investors, entrepreneurship, accelerator opportunities, marketing and sales. We are looking forward to sharing the revolutionary developments VINchain has to offer.
VINstuff #4 (May 14 - May 20)

Dear VINchain community!

Here is our weekly update on everything that we are currently doing! Read all about our latest news, developments, conferences, and future plans! Our project is growing and developing further and we are happy to share our progress with you! Please leave us your feedback as we will be extremely glad to hear from you!

Read more: https://vinchain.io/blog/199
VINchain News!

New Website is out now!

We have been working hard on developing our project and we have very exciting news for you! We released the new version of our website and its live now. You can check it out at (https://vinchain.io/) and give us your feedback so we can continue to improve!

2nd Place at IoT World

Over the course of the last week, our team has headed to two different conferences – IoT World and Emerge. The IoT world conference was held in California, where we entered and won the “Project Kairos” startup pitching competition! It was a very exciting time for all of us and we are happy that we got such an amazing opportunity to present our idea in front of hundreds of audience members.

Emerge Conference

Another part of our team also attended the Emerge conference (https://emergeconf.io) during last week. This conference was really productive for the whole team. We have met many experienced people who have been sharing their feedback on the development of our project. We got some great perspective connections that can grow into the partnership soon, and even got an invitation for the next conference.

That was an amazing experience that we are thrilled to share with you! We are looking forward for more experiences like this!
We have an awesome news for you!

Here you can see our latest interview with our valuable adviser Roger Crook - the CEO at Capital Springboard.

In this interview he is talking about his background and experience in the industry, his interest in the startups and his life experience in general. You can hear about the long history of his career and all the work that he has done. He is sharing his vision regarding our idea, and how it can help the world. Roger is speaking about his role in the project and how it all will affect the future of VINchain. We are extremely happy to have such a person on our team!

Weekly VINstuff #5 (May 21 - May 27)

Hello VINchain community!

Check out what we have been up to for the past week. We are glad to say that work is progressing and we are building our project bigger and better every day! During this week we have made steps to further our business and we will continue this pace of progress in the future. Thank you for being with us and as always letting us know your opinion! We appreciate any feedback!

Read more: https://vinchain.io/blog/201
Hello everyone,

First and foremost we thank you for your patience with us th roughout this time.

We have acquired new legal representation to assist us and they are guiding us through this process.

We understand everyone is waiting on news about exchanges and before we can make announcements as to where we will be listed, we must follow the advice of our new legal council.

Our new legal team is going over all of our paperwork. We are interested in protecting your interests, and we are also very focused on making sure that we are compliant with all laws and regulations.

That is why we have not announced any exchanges yet. We will announce this Wednesday what our next steps will be, in accordance with our new legal council. We appreciate your patience in this manner.
Hello VINchain community!

Check out what we have been up to for the past week. We are glad to say that work is progressing and we are building our project bigger and better every day! During this week we have made steps to further our business and we will continue this pace of progress in the future. Thank you for being with us and as always letting us know your opinion! We appreciate any feedback!

Check the link here:
from what i've read here, VINChain could be wheely useful (pun intended) for those of us who have multiple vehicles, especially businesses with any sized fleet.
VINstuff #6 (May 28-June 3)

Dear VINchain community!

This is our weekly update on all the work that we have done during the week and let you know everything that has happened in the world of VINchain over the course of the last week. We are working hard on our project and we thank you for being with us and supporting us so much! We are looking forward for your feedback!

Read more: https://vinchain.io/blog/202
Hello Everyone,

First and foremost I want to personally thank everyone for being part of this great community and for being such great supporters of VINchain.

It is our duty to make sure that we stay compliant with all laws and regulations, and as such, we have hired new legal council to assist us with matters that came to our attention.

In light of recent developments and with scrupulous advice from our legal representatives we have decided to return the funds to American ICO participants.

We are here to build a long term business that will withstand the test of time, and so we are taking these preventative actions to ensure that our company has a bright and flourishing future.

Unfortunately the landscape the we find ourselves in today is still not matured to the point where there are firm regulations set in place. there are new developments every week, and as such we cannot be brash and just overlook this fact. when we were starting out the landscape looked one way and now it looks another. Due to this change we had to react in an appropriate manner. This is the decision and the reaction that we decided on. anything short of this would be foolish on our part

All US-based ICO participants will receive their funds back, in the exact amount that they contributed, and in the same currency that they contributed. It is estimated that the entire process will take two weeks to complete. We will announce this Friday (6/1/18) what this process will look like exactly.

1347 ETH has been contributed by American citizens so for those who cares about the supply and damage that it will make, this will not make a significant difference!

This Monday, before the end of the day (EST timezone), we will announce which exchanges we will be listed and at what time.

Again, thank you for being with us all this time. Together, we will revolutionize the automotive industry.
Dear Sir or Madam,

We want to thank you for participating in the VINchain ICO. Recently, we decided to refund US participants . Please check your email and if you have received a letter from us saying that we need you KYC please make it ASAP. Please go to your account (https://vinchain.io/account/documents ) and upload the KYC documents. This way you will be sure to remain a part of VINchain. Please complete this very quick process within the next 48 hours - it takes less than a minute. We thank you for your understanding and apologize for the inconvenience.
Important announcements!

Announcing Exchanges

Today we have big news for you! We have officially been listed on three different exchanges. We would like to mention that it took us some time to get listed, but this was due to the fact that our token is not a standard ERC-20 format and so the process is longer. However, we have been working hard and we have 3 confirmed exchanges that we are going to be listed on:

Exchanges we will be on:
https://coinmarketcap.com/exchanges/idax/ starting from 18th of June;
https://coinmarketcap.com/exchanges/coinexmarket/ starting from 18th of June;
https://coinmarketcap.com/exchanges/octaex/ starting from 11th of June.

We will be listed on exchanges once the refund to US participants is complete (June 11th).

Refund to US Contributors

We want to thank you for participating in the VINchain ICO. Recently, we decided to refund US ICO participants. The refund will be available starting from tomorrow (6/5/18). All the participants who have made their contributions in ETH will receive their tokens back to the address they have been paying from.

If you have received an email from us saying that we need your KYC, please make sure to confirm it ASAP!

If you are a US participant and have contributed with LTC,BTC or DASH here are step-by-step instructions for you: https://medium.com/@vinchain/us-refund-instructions-63f82adc121b

If the address that you want to receive your tokens to is different from the address you have paid from, please make sure to complete your KYC! Tokens will be distributed once at the end of each week.
OBD Production Update

As you all know we like to keep you updated with our developments, and so we would like to share with you new updates about our OBD devices.

We are working on producing our own OBD device - that thing that plugs into your car to help you capture your driving / vehicle data. Last week our team visited Teltonika (https://teltonika.lt/ ) a huge manufacturer (top 5 in the industry) of OBD devices. This is a great company with over 20 years of experience in this industry.

Read more: https://vinchain.io/blog/204
OBD production update - GPS module testing!
As you all know we like to keep you updated with our developments, and so we would like to share with you new updates about our OBD devices. Last week our team visited Teltonika - a huge manufacturer (top 5 in the industry) of OBD devices. And in this short video taken there you can see how the special robot automatically checks, calibrates and sorts GPS modules. If module does not pass the test, it is sent for revision.

Check it out:
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