It strikes me VERY odd that this was not pre-tested to gauge the payout, and see how the launch would go. There's absolutely NO reason for this kind of error to have made it past even basic eyeball testing. Especially for someone with a financial advisor license.
I think it's worth putting a value on the launch for this "0.0000000% premine" currency, as it's advertized on the front page, i'll let the numbers speak for themselves.
The figures below are based on data from first 20000 blocks, (-11 blocks, because there were blocks where generation went to multiple addresses, and i was too lazy to parse that out)
so, here's the total coins generated in the first 20,000 blocks:
yup, that's 3.38 million coin already out there. there are 3,863,314 coins now (according to coinmarketcap) that's 87% within the first month.
1.5 million of that consists of 500 DRK payouts within the first 4000 or so blocks
block 4000 = 2014-01-19 18:46:28
block 0 = 2014-01-19 01:40:18
so that's 1.5 mil in approx 17 hours.
~ 88k DRK / hour
at the current exchange rate based off cryptsy (.0014 BTC per DRK) that comes out to:
123 BTC per hour * 460 USD/BTC (wow, btc has fallen) = $56000-ish / hour
that's not a bad payout.
here is the top 20 addresses in the first 20 thousand blocks (full list here: ~3900 records)
I will gladly make the MySQL dump of this available to anybody who is curious to do their own statistics on it, it's far from complete, but obviously enough to show me the data presented above.
I think it's worth putting a value on the launch for this "0.0000000% premine" currency, as it's advertized on the front page, i'll let the numbers speak for themselves.
The figures below are based on data from first 20000 blocks, (-11 blocks, because there were blocks where generation went to multiple addresses, and i was too lazy to parse that out)
so, here's the total coins generated in the first 20,000 blocks:
mysql> select sum(val) from generation;
| sum(val) |
| 3381934.3863182700 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
yup, that's 3.38 million coin already out there. there are 3,863,314 coins now (according to coinmarketcap) that's 87% within the first month.
1.5 million of that consists of 500 DRK payouts within the first 4000 or so blocks
block 4000 = 2014-01-19 18:46:28
block 0 = 2014-01-19 01:40:18
mysql> select sum(val) from generation where val = 500;
| sum(val) |
| 1521000.0000000000 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
so that's 1.5 mil in approx 17 hours.
~ 88k DRK / hour
at the current exchange rate based off cryptsy (.0014 BTC per DRK) that comes out to:
123 BTC per hour * 460 USD/BTC (wow, btc has fallen) = $56000-ish / hour
that's not a bad payout.
here is the top 20 addresses in the first 20 thousand blocks (full list here: ~3900 records)
mysql> select dest_addr, sum(val) from generation group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 20;
| dest_addr | sum(val) |
| myJgUmRWzB4j6Xo3TVUpRiFMuUxsMkta1v | 459412.7335851400 |
| n1LC1QgLpP5X7zHhMBfCx8KdU28jCFTcJ5 | 413520.4917303200 |
| mhSWBQegXRWN3q8yF9hhzan2qwTZ5S4ZVj | 373359.2557711200 |
| mtNVC6a45hxqfiMhjkr3QPqB3ifNefF2i5 | 203265.5540000000 |
| mq6yo8y7ksw4TKACDgFZTh8wMhUoiZiwGM | 23349.6890100000 |
| mkwhvzbK13Jy5waigXxZuNLDoa3aKN27Qj | 14824.0210000000 |
| mmTKhD4MpHbVbTVgRwuqktdFesNqyi72fu | 12939.0070000000 |
| n4ff9gwYQ2KmTrKHn5ji7Fh9LMng4pUkSh | 12662.0220000000 |
| mwZyhcTq2QGF6zMezCNUhWQfvbNAo5JT56 | 12608.0070000000 |
| myNqFXYMyk1CBxRQSAFE7vMd8B2hJq4Wi8 | 12493.0130000000 |
| mkm8Re2VGeDiQEMfc1hKZn9mL2TxPFY2do | 12270.0170000000 |
| mwMgX7tAxRPJ1t9a5nbm6v2Z6RtwQqVtpa | 12108.0030000000 |
| mqHD6T45wMLZbEYzrvGNHB4WwV3V8AZLhy | 11993.0070000000 |
| mu1d3cQ4AcSm8wXpdicETbPWuuYRZGtfEP | 11493.0170000000 |
| n4Chf2WY8HMM1DiabPgsqcxWpx3WQdegDS | 11439.0150000000 |
| mvvpcv7tVTFFfBJpcvN5iecjtRe5U5gXsn | 11439.0040000000 |
| moenmWaXCqrYsKhLmFdfpF4NfW3JZhkPe1 | 11324.0120000000 |
| mxXNfFMEBtiZRqnJCAZ55wMu7cG5mFCtPk | 10939.0030000000 |
| n1pRG4hVfY79SEgZFytE7MAcw8cgWJVLZn | 10662.0050000000 |
| mpe9sctxt9XUAQ2dbYhp7ALHtTJq3yry4A | 10493.0100000000 |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)
I will gladly make the MySQL dump of this available to anybody who is curious to do their own statistics on it, it's far from complete, but obviously enough to show me the data presented above.