Address Distribution


New member
It strikes me VERY odd that this was not pre-tested to gauge the payout, and see how the launch would go. There's absolutely NO reason for this kind of error to have made it past even basic eyeball testing. Especially for someone with a financial advisor license.

I think it's worth putting a value on the launch for this "0.0000000% premine" currency, as it's advertized on the front page, i'll let the numbers speak for themselves.

The figures below are based on data from first 20000 blocks, (-11 blocks, because there were blocks where generation went to multiple addresses, and i was too lazy to parse that out)

so, here's the total coins generated in the first 20,000 blocks:

mysql> select sum(val) from generation;
| sum(val)           |
| 3381934.3863182700 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

yup, that's 3.38 million coin already out there. there are 3,863,314 coins now (according to coinmarketcap) that's 87% within the first month.

1.5 million of that consists of 500 DRK payouts within the first 4000 or so blocks
block 4000 = 2014-01-19 18:46:28
block 0 = 2014-01-19 01:40:18

mysql> select sum(val) from generation where val = 500;
| sum(val)           |
| 1521000.0000000000 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

so that's 1.5 mil in approx 17 hours.
~ 88k DRK / hour
at the current exchange rate based off cryptsy (.0014 BTC per DRK) that comes out to:
123 BTC per hour * 460 USD/BTC (wow, btc has fallen) = $56000-ish / hour

that's not a bad payout.

here is the top 20 addresses in the first 20 thousand blocks (full list here: ~3900 records)

mysql> select dest_addr, sum(val) from generation group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 20;
| dest_addr                          | sum(val)          |
| myJgUmRWzB4j6Xo3TVUpRiFMuUxsMkta1v | 459412.7335851400 |
| n1LC1QgLpP5X7zHhMBfCx8KdU28jCFTcJ5 | 413520.4917303200 |
| mhSWBQegXRWN3q8yF9hhzan2qwTZ5S4ZVj | 373359.2557711200 |
| mtNVC6a45hxqfiMhjkr3QPqB3ifNefF2i5 | 203265.5540000000 |
| mq6yo8y7ksw4TKACDgFZTh8wMhUoiZiwGM |  23349.6890100000 |
| mkwhvzbK13Jy5waigXxZuNLDoa3aKN27Qj |  14824.0210000000 |
| mmTKhD4MpHbVbTVgRwuqktdFesNqyi72fu |  12939.0070000000 |
| n4ff9gwYQ2KmTrKHn5ji7Fh9LMng4pUkSh |  12662.0220000000 |
| mwZyhcTq2QGF6zMezCNUhWQfvbNAo5JT56 |  12608.0070000000 |
| myNqFXYMyk1CBxRQSAFE7vMd8B2hJq4Wi8 |  12493.0130000000 |
| mkm8Re2VGeDiQEMfc1hKZn9mL2TxPFY2do |  12270.0170000000 |
| mwMgX7tAxRPJ1t9a5nbm6v2Z6RtwQqVtpa |  12108.0030000000 |
| mqHD6T45wMLZbEYzrvGNHB4WwV3V8AZLhy |  11993.0070000000 |
| mu1d3cQ4AcSm8wXpdicETbPWuuYRZGtfEP |  11493.0170000000 |
| n4Chf2WY8HMM1DiabPgsqcxWpx3WQdegDS |  11439.0150000000 |
| mvvpcv7tVTFFfBJpcvN5iecjtRe5U5gXsn |  11439.0040000000 |
| moenmWaXCqrYsKhLmFdfpF4NfW3JZhkPe1 |  11324.0120000000 |
| mxXNfFMEBtiZRqnJCAZ55wMu7cG5mFCtPk |  10939.0030000000 |
| n1pRG4hVfY79SEgZFytE7MAcw8cgWJVLZn |  10662.0050000000 |
| mpe9sctxt9XUAQ2dbYhp7ALHtTJq3yry4A |  10493.0100000000 |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I will gladly make the MySQL dump of this available to anybody who is curious to do their own statistics on it, it's far from complete, but obviously enough to show me the data presented above.
It strikes me VERY odd that this was not pre-tested to gauge the payout, and see how the launch would go. There's absolutely NO reason for this kind of error to have made it past even basic eyeball testing. Especially for someone with a financial advisor license.

I think it's worth putting a value on the launch for this "0.0000000% premine" currency, as it's advertized on the front page, i'll let the numbers speak for themselves.

The figures below are based on data from first 20000 blocks, (-11 blocks, because there were blocks where generation went to multiple addresses, and i was too lazy to parse that out)

so, here's the total coins generated in the first 20,000 blocks:

mysql> select sum(val) from generation;
| sum(val)           |
| 3381934.3863182700 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

yup, that's 3.38 million coin already out there. there are 3,863,314 coins now (according to coinmarketcap) that's 87% within the first month.

1.5 million of that consists of 500 DRK payouts within the first 4000 or so blocks
block 4000 = 2014-01-19 18:46:28
block 0 = 2014-01-19 01:40:18

mysql> select sum(val) from generation where val = 500;
| sum(val)           |
| 1521000.0000000000 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

so that's 1.5 mil in approx 17 hours.
~ 88k DRK / hour
at the current exchange rate based off cryptsy (.0014 BTC per DRK) that comes out to:
123 BTC per hour * 460 USD/BTC (wow, btc has fallen) = $56000-ish / hour

that's not a bad payout.

here is the top 20 addresses in the first 20 thousand blocks (full list here: ~3900 records)

mysql> select dest_addr, sum(val) from generation group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 20;
| dest_addr                          | sum(val)          |
| myJgUmRWzB4j6Xo3TVUpRiFMuUxsMkta1v | 459412.7335851400 |
| n1LC1QgLpP5X7zHhMBfCx8KdU28jCFTcJ5 | 413520.4917303200 |
| mhSWBQegXRWN3q8yF9hhzan2qwTZ5S4ZVj | 373359.2557711200 |
| mtNVC6a45hxqfiMhjkr3QPqB3ifNefF2i5 | 203265.5540000000 |
| mq6yo8y7ksw4TKACDgFZTh8wMhUoiZiwGM |  23349.6890100000 |
| mkwhvzbK13Jy5waigXxZuNLDoa3aKN27Qj |  14824.0210000000 |
| mmTKhD4MpHbVbTVgRwuqktdFesNqyi72fu |  12939.0070000000 |
| n4ff9gwYQ2KmTrKHn5ji7Fh9LMng4pUkSh |  12662.0220000000 |
| mwZyhcTq2QGF6zMezCNUhWQfvbNAo5JT56 |  12608.0070000000 |
| myNqFXYMyk1CBxRQSAFE7vMd8B2hJq4Wi8 |  12493.0130000000 |
| mkm8Re2VGeDiQEMfc1hKZn9mL2TxPFY2do |  12270.0170000000 |
| mwMgX7tAxRPJ1t9a5nbm6v2Z6RtwQqVtpa |  12108.0030000000 |
| mqHD6T45wMLZbEYzrvGNHB4WwV3V8AZLhy |  11993.0070000000 |
| mu1d3cQ4AcSm8wXpdicETbPWuuYRZGtfEP |  11493.0170000000 |
| n4Chf2WY8HMM1DiabPgsqcxWpx3WQdegDS |  11439.0150000000 |
| mvvpcv7tVTFFfBJpcvN5iecjtRe5U5gXsn |  11439.0040000000 |
| moenmWaXCqrYsKhLmFdfpF4NfW3JZhkPe1 |  11324.0120000000 |
| mxXNfFMEBtiZRqnJCAZ55wMu7cG5mFCtPk |  10939.0030000000 |
| n1pRG4hVfY79SEgZFytE7MAcw8cgWJVLZn |  10662.0050000000 |
| mpe9sctxt9XUAQ2dbYhp7ALHtTJq3yry4A |  10493.0100000000 |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I will gladly make the MySQL dump of this available to anybody who is curious to do their own statistics on it, it's far from complete, but obviously enough to show me the data presented above.


Edit: It seems shows main net addresses starting with test net addresses prefix's.
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LOL, I didn't even look at the data. Still there was a mistake in the beginning, but like I said, I think the coin has been spread out now better than a "fair launch" ever could have given it due to the low prices and many sales :)

But now the question, how did he get testnet addresses and not know it?
LOL, I didn't even look at the data. Still there was a mistake in the beginning, but like I said, I think the coin has been spread out now better than a "fair launch" ever could have given it due to the low prices and many sales :)

But now the question, how did he get testnet addresses and not know it?

pardon ?

this info is from darkcoin's explorer that puts the start of the data at 1:40 am Jan 19th:

mysql> select ts, id, reward from blocks order by id limit 15;
| ts                  | id   | reward         |
| 2014-01-19 01:40:18 |    0 |  50.0000000000 |
| 2014-01-19 03:54:41 |    1 | 500.0000000000 |
| 2014-01-19 03:54:46 |    2 | 500.0000000000 |
| 2014-01-19 03:55:01 |    3 | 500.0000000000 |
| 2014-01-19 03:55:10 |    4 | 500.0000000000 |
| 2014-01-19 03:55:13 |    5 | 500.0000000000 |
| 2014-01-19 03:55:22 |    6 | 500.0000000000 |
| 2014-01-19 03:55:23 |    7 | 500.0000000000 |
| 2014-01-19 03:55:24 |    8 | 500.0000000000 |
| 2014-01-19 03:55:24 |    9 | 500.0000000000 |
| 2014-01-19 03:55:25 |   10 | 500.0000000000 |
| 2014-01-19 03:55:34 |   11 | 500.0000000000 |
| 2014-01-19 03:55:38 |   12 | 500.0000000000 |
| 2014-01-19 03:55:40 |   13 | 500.0000000000 |
| 2014-01-19 03:56:31 |   14 | 500.0000000000 |
15 rows in set (0.01 sec)

this >IS< the production block chain, and is part of reality.

what constitutes a testnet address ?
They're worthless. That is not the actual blockchain. The real addresses start with an X.

Here's a block explorer with the top 100 addresses.

this is false.

there appears to be two paths to the address:

for example, i'm part of a pool with payout going to:

XdjBEyPXHDnGd8XAM4ZVNdssc1TaYuToji (
but if you take any of those amounts, and look at the block, the payout goes to miZHhmpc8XzwFJQCCkDeM2QQdfUbXw8D2U ( )

so the address is slightly obfuscated.

please do compare those two links yourself, the history is identical, therefore two addresses are identical.
furthermore. an address from the "rich list" here (, payments to top account can be traced back to block 3446, part of the production block chain. within about 4-5 steps.

simply because there's not a massive address at the top with tons of coin is not proof that a single person does not control 100 addresses where coins may be evenly divided, to hide in the long-ish tail.

I am curious, as to what this "testnet" address is, and why they can be found paying out to XgV8FpC6RhkLU1XAxG6yhwsypjvJVGTGez

just food for thought.
You're correct with the initial payout of 500drk per block, but once again the addresses you listed are not main net addresses. Someone more technical will have to take it from here. I've reached my limit of intelligence about this.

Edit: I see what your saying, but I believe both you and I are wrong.
I believe what you are liking at, is the transactions, not the value of individual addresses. Individual addresses start with an X.
This address is the richest address currently.

you are correct.


you can see the same address on the "old" chain explorer here:

amount: 144327.085 from this transaction:

which, if you look where that 144k is going is marked as :

which is that "testnet" address format you were referring to.

now, the new explorer doesn't show this for the old style address: but does for the new :

this, however, is simple obfuscation, since unprivileged users can obviously get this information out of the old chain explorer with 100% matching amounts.

observe, i'll try to make this simple.

144k in account came from:
transaction from address

where 184214.658 was split into 144327.085 and 39887.568, the 184214.658 came from address at block (24138), which, mind you, has a bunch of other HEFTY transactions, the entire block is half a million DRK !

anyway, the 184214.658 came from block 5695, tx:, in which 185214.658 was split into 1000.00 and 184214.658, with the 1000 drk going to address, but that's peanuts.
i forgot to mention, that if you keep following the money from that "mainnet address", eventually it leads you to this transaction:

where a bunch of the 500 DRK payouts converge from a single address to start the chain that eventually leads up to the "rich list" top.

this is the origination

eventually leading to generation of a 500 DRK payout:

via generation @ to
via to (180k received)

entire sum 186214.713 out via to

186214.658 goes via
to mrSVschsHFsTH6B2TJbMdKUhcitpwJYFK2 (1000), and ( 186214.658 )
100 blocks later (via , goes to myt9g4yHTUpHGNTfqXy2uHD6tjnxChzqb9 (1000), and (184214.658)

that goes to (via which is the top address on rich list (not yet redeemed) (2-26)

49445.47029703 goes this way and branches off
i forgot to mention, that if you keep following the money from that "mainnet address", eventually it leads you to this transaction:

where a bunch of the 500 DRK payouts converge from a single address to start the chain that eventually leads up to the "rich list" top.

this is the origination

eventually leading to generation of a 500 DRK payout:

via generation @ to
via to (180k received)

entire sum 186214.713 out via to

186214.658 goes via
to mrSVschsHFsTH6B2TJbMdKUhcitpwJYFK2 (1000), and ( 186214.658 )
100 blocks later (via , goes to myt9g4yHTUpHGNTfqXy2uHD6tjnxChzqb9 (1000), and (184214.658)

that goes to (via which is the top address on rich list (not yet redeemed) (2-26)

49445.47029703 goes this way and branches off

You have absolutely zero clue what you are talking about, don't you?
here is the top 20 addresses in the first 20 thousand blocks (full list here: ~3900 records)

mysql> select dest_addr, sum(val) from generation group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 20;
| dest_addr                          | sum(val)          |
| myJgUmRWzB4j6Xo3TVUpRiFMuUxsMkta1v | 459412.7335851400 |
| n1LC1QgLpP5X7zHhMBfCx8KdU28jCFTcJ5 | 413520.4917303200 |
| mhSWBQegXRWN3q8yF9hhzan2qwTZ5S4ZVj | 373359.2557711200 |
| mtNVC6a45hxqfiMhjkr3QPqB3ifNefF2i5 | 203265.5540000000 |
| mq6yo8y7ksw4TKACDgFZTh8wMhUoiZiwGM |  23349.6890100000 |
| mkwhvzbK13Jy5waigXxZuNLDoa3aKN27Qj |  14824.0210000000 |
| mmTKhD4MpHbVbTVgRwuqktdFesNqyi72fu |  12939.0070000000 |
| n4ff9gwYQ2KmTrKHn5ji7Fh9LMng4pUkSh |  12662.0220000000 |
| mwZyhcTq2QGF6zMezCNUhWQfvbNAo5JT56 |  12608.0070000000 |
| myNqFXYMyk1CBxRQSAFE7vMd8B2hJq4Wi8 |  12493.0130000000 |
| mkm8Re2VGeDiQEMfc1hKZn9mL2TxPFY2do |  12270.0170000000 |
| mwMgX7tAxRPJ1t9a5nbm6v2Z6RtwQqVtpa |  12108.0030000000 |
| mqHD6T45wMLZbEYzrvGNHB4WwV3V8AZLhy |  11993.0070000000 |
| mu1d3cQ4AcSm8wXpdicETbPWuuYRZGtfEP |  11493.0170000000 |
| n4Chf2WY8HMM1DiabPgsqcxWpx3WQdegDS |  11439.0150000000 |
| mvvpcv7tVTFFfBJpcvN5iecjtRe5U5gXsn |  11439.0040000000 |
| moenmWaXCqrYsKhLmFdfpF4NfW3JZhkPe1 |  11324.0120000000 |
| mxXNfFMEBtiZRqnJCAZ55wMu7cG5mFCtPk |  10939.0030000000 |
| n1pRG4hVfY79SEgZFytE7MAcw8cgWJVLZn |  10662.0050000000 |
| mpe9sctxt9XUAQ2dbYhp7ALHtTJq3yry4A |  10493.0100000000 |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I'd love to have a play with that mysql dump.

One thing you should probably change with your figures there is to restrict it to the period before the diff kicked in and block reward schedule changed (i.e. < block 4500).

I did a similar kind of analysis, but it was more of a manual effort clicking through each block payout from block 1 upwards, recording the big addresses that were mining from early on, until I got tired of clicking. I was aiming to reconstruct a timeline for when the earliest big addresses started mining. I did get somewhat different results to you, which may be an issue with my interpretation of the block explorer, or just a difference in our methodologies.

One thing I didn't understand were the crazy 10k+ "value out" entries from 4500 onwards:

Anyway here's what I got:


raw text from the table:

DRK going into this addressaddressfirst block found by this addresstime first block found by this addressnote
---1/19/2014 3:50:00Darkcoin ANN OP posted
193,501mvXtXBaiK13LyJ2ipLNSSfFoNpAkpbxqTz11/19/2014 3:54:41
121,485mtGHbwq8yfqoSYFUTMRGrUdRe2EYA2T8Lh31/19/2014 3:55:01
157,500mrkKhxKQKZ82hKZQSRjAwoFePikAEYMXoe41/19/2014 3:55:10
157,500n1xNKMYNX4EqEwLeno1dSYhTBFy5tyGKj561/19/2014 3:55:22
8,610mpBjPcWRS5TP7nfsasVJjGnvnPsTAJsUdZ821/19/2014 3:58:38
----*NOTE* I stopped checking every block after block 200. I skipped ahead in intervals to check for any new big addresses, up to block 4000.
116,214miY6YcqrQrP7BMBCZEbNTC89MehkqDkuif9871/19/2014 4:32:53first block found may be inexact from here.
159,052mkrRSg1vsiTzfrZNK94dUhds8GKUCtm4t59881/19/2014 4:32:57
111,019mtYGCiKrz9pZb6W4LjczopwKrHrQnFnJaK18931/19/2014 6:15:03
109,972mpB3f5eikUT59x1eL3MTrTZ9rmQz2pDUjV23211/19/2014 7:14:08
117,513mzG8ECrTegLVJSnBsbPQT7i754Mhmq4mfR37781/19/2014 16:24:34
22,981miB7Bx1omsczJMfzzMrzuu3aVvedyWzU7124191/19/2014 7:55:28
You have absolutely zero clue what you are talking about, don't you?

Ahem ?

I think that demonstrating the ability to follow transactions through the block chain, ability to infer connections from facts in the chain, being able to present a rational argument without getting personal, and possessing the skills necessary to obtain this kind of data for the kind of analysis i've shown would puts me way above the zero clue line.
my figures only touch 20 thousand blocks, but it's easy enough to restrict stuff to whatever block you like, for example. this is the earliest addresses show up in the block chain:

here, for example, is a list of when the top addresses appear.

min(blocknum) column is when the address first appeared to have mined anything
max(blocknum) is the last time in my dataset the address mines anything.
count(1) is number of blocks found by the address.
mine, is the total amount mined in the 20000 blocks that i have.

mysql> select dest_addr, count(1), min(blocknum), max(blocknum), (select sum(val) from generation ig where ig.dest_addr = og.dest_addr) as mined from generation og group by dest_addr order by mined desc limit 15;
| dest_addr                          | count(1) | min(blocknum) | max(blocknum) | mined             |
| myJgUmRWzB4j6Xo3TVUpRiFMuUxsMkta1v |     4773 |          5342 |         20000 | 459412.7335851400 |
| n1LC1QgLpP5X7zHhMBfCx8KdU28jCFTcJ5 |     2946 |          3643 |         19558 | 413520.4917303200 |
| mhSWBQegXRWN3q8yF9hhzan2qwTZ5S4ZVj |     4978 |          8411 |         19999 | 373359.2557711200 |
| mtNVC6a45hxqfiMhjkr3QPqB3ifNefF2i5 |     1866 |          3951 |         19981 | 203265.5540000000 |
| mq6yo8y7ksw4TKACDgFZTh8wMhUoiZiwGM |      260 |          5315 |         19571 |  23349.6890100000 |
| mkwhvzbK13Jy5waigXxZuNLDoa3aKN27Qj |       35 |          2491 |          3954 |  14824.0210000000 |
| mmTKhD4MpHbVbTVgRwuqktdFesNqyi72fu |       29 |          2520 |          4161 |  12939.0070000000 |
| n4ff9gwYQ2KmTrKHn5ji7Fh9LMng4pUkSh |       28 |          2499 |          4205 |  12662.0220000000 |
| mwZyhcTq2QGF6zMezCNUhWQfvbNAo5JT56 |       27 |          2473 |          4288 |  12608.0070000000 |
| myNqFXYMyk1CBxRQSAFE7vMd8B2hJq4Wi8 |       29 |          2548 |          4376 |  12493.0130000000 |
| mkm8Re2VGeDiQEMfc1hKZn9mL2TxPFY2do |       29 |          2475 |          4492 |  12270.0170000000 |
| mwMgX7tAxRPJ1t9a5nbm6v2Z6RtwQqVtpa |       26 |          2516 |          4389 |  12108.0030000000 |
| mqHD6T45wMLZbEYzrvGNHB4WwV3V8AZLhy |       28 |          2468 |          4180 |  11993.0070000000 |
| mu1d3cQ4AcSm8wXpdicETbPWuuYRZGtfEP |       27 |          2519 |          4461 |  11493.0170000000 |
| n4Chf2WY8HMM1DiabPgsqcxWpx3WQdegDS |       26 |          2541 |          4356 |  11439.0150000000 |

if you would like to see just stuff under the block number 4500, that is easily doable:

mysql> select dest_addr, count(1), min(blocknum), max(blocknum), (select sum(val) from generation ig where ig.dest_addr = og.dest_addr and ig.blocknum < 4500) as mined from generation og where og.blocknum < 4500 group by dest_addr order by mined desc limit 15;
| dest_addr                          | count(1) | min(blocknum) | max(blocknum) | mined             |
| n1LC1QgLpP5X7zHhMBfCx8KdU28jCFTcJ5 |      403 |          3643 |          4499 | 179200.3905000000 |
| mkwhvzbK13Jy5waigXxZuNLDoa3aKN27Qj |       35 |          2491 |          3954 |  14824.0210000000 |
| mmTKhD4MpHbVbTVgRwuqktdFesNqyi72fu |       29 |          2520 |          4161 |  12939.0070000000 |
| n4ff9gwYQ2KmTrKHn5ji7Fh9LMng4pUkSh |       28 |          2499 |          4205 |  12662.0220000000 |
| mwZyhcTq2QGF6zMezCNUhWQfvbNAo5JT56 |       27 |          2473 |          4288 |  12608.0070000000 |
| myNqFXYMyk1CBxRQSAFE7vMd8B2hJq4Wi8 |       29 |          2548 |          4376 |  12493.0130000000 |
| mkm8Re2VGeDiQEMfc1hKZn9mL2TxPFY2do |       29 |          2475 |          4492 |  12270.0170000000 |
| mwMgX7tAxRPJ1t9a5nbm6v2Z6RtwQqVtpa |       26 |          2516 |          4389 |  12108.0030000000 |
| mqHD6T45wMLZbEYzrvGNHB4WwV3V8AZLhy |       28 |          2468 |          4180 |  11993.0070000000 |
| mu1d3cQ4AcSm8wXpdicETbPWuuYRZGtfEP |       27 |          2519 |          4461 |  11493.0170000000 |
| n4Chf2WY8HMM1DiabPgsqcxWpx3WQdegDS |       26 |          2541 |          4356 |  11439.0150000000 |
| mvvpcv7tVTFFfBJpcvN5iecjtRe5U5gXsn |       26 |          2480 |          4293 |  11439.0040000000 |
| moenmWaXCqrYsKhLmFdfpF4NfW3JZhkPe1 |       28 |          2579 |          4401 |  11324.0120000000 |
| mxXNfFMEBtiZRqnJCAZ55wMu7cG5mFCtPk |       25 |          2493 |          4301 |  10939.0030000000 |
| n1pRG4hVfY79SEgZFytE7MAcw8cgWJVLZn |       24 |          2469 |          4280 |  10662.0050000000 |
15 rows in set (0.06 sec)

can't look up these addresses in block explorer because of "too many records", but the blockchain does not lie.

n1LC1QgLpP5X7zHhMBfCx8KdU28jCFTcJ5 mined 403 blocks, between block 3643 and 4499 for a total of 179k DRK.

3643 | 2014-01-19 14:56:38
4499 | 2014-01-20 12:03:01

75983 seconds between those two blocks.

179200.3905000000 / (75983 / 3600) = 8490.33870506783207 DRK per hour.

at the current exchange rate, that's almost ~11 BTC an hour, which at a ~$460/btc is ~$5000 an hour.

the "crazy 10k+ value out from 4500 onward" is all the instamine stuff being transfered out and split into smaller chunks, and just transactions happening. 10k+ is not crazy, cause there was a LOT of coin spilled

and those aren't that crazy, take for example these transactions where the instamine stuff converges on a single address.

i'd be more than glad to email you the mysqldump of this, pm me your email address.

I'd love to have a play with that mysql dump.

One thing you should probably change with your figures there is to restrict it to the period before the diff kicked in and block reward schedule changed (i.e. < block 4500).

I did a similar kind of analysis, but it was more of a manual effort clicking through each block payout from block 1 upwards, recording the big addresses that were mining from early on, until I got tired of clicking. I was aiming to reconstruct a timeline for when the earliest big addresses started mining. I did get somewhat different results to you, which may be an issue with my interpretation of the block explorer, or just a difference in our methodologies.

One thing I didn't understand were the crazy 10k+ "value out" entries from 4500 onwards:

Anyway here's what I got:


raw text from the table:

DRK going into this addressaddressfirst block found by this addresstime first block found by this addressnote
---1/19/2014 3:50:00Darkcoin ANN OP posted
193,501mvXtXBaiK13LyJ2ipLNSSfFoNpAkpbxqTz11/19/2014 3:54:41
121,485mtGHbwq8yfqoSYFUTMRGrUdRe2EYA2T8Lh31/19/2014 3:55:01
157,500mrkKhxKQKZ82hKZQSRjAwoFePikAEYMXoe41/19/2014 3:55:10
157,500n1xNKMYNX4EqEwLeno1dSYhTBFy5tyGKj561/19/2014 3:55:22
8,610mpBjPcWRS5TP7nfsasVJjGnvnPsTAJsUdZ821/19/2014 3:58:38
----*NOTE* I stopped checking every block after block 200. I skipped ahead in intervals to check for any new big addresses, up to block 4000.
116,214miY6YcqrQrP7BMBCZEbNTC89MehkqDkuif9871/19/2014 4:32:53first block found may be inexact from here.
159,052mkrRSg1vsiTzfrZNK94dUhds8GKUCtm4t59881/19/2014 4:32:57
111,019mtYGCiKrz9pZb6W4LjczopwKrHrQnFnJaK18931/19/2014 6:15:03
109,972mpB3f5eikUT59x1eL3MTrTZ9rmQz2pDUjV23211/19/2014 7:14:08
117,513mzG8ECrTegLVJSnBsbPQT7i754Mhmq4mfR37781/19/2014 16:24:34
22,981miB7Bx1omsczJMfzzMrzuu3aVvedyWzU7124191/19/2014 7:55:28
if you would like to see just stuff under the block number 4500, that is easily doable:

mysql> select dest_addr, count(1), min(blocknum), max(blocknum), (select sum(val) from generation ig where ig.dest_addr = og.dest_addr and ig.blocknum < 4500) as mined from generation og where og.blocknum < 4500 group by dest_addr order by mined desc limit 15;
| dest_addr                          | count(1) | min(blocknum) | max(blocknum) | mined             |
| n1LC1QgLpP5X7zHhMBfCx8KdU28jCFTcJ5 |      403 |          3643 |          4499 | 179200.3905000000 |
| mkwhvzbK13Jy5waigXxZuNLDoa3aKN27Qj |       35 |          2491 |          3954 |  14824.0210000000 |
| mmTKhD4MpHbVbTVgRwuqktdFesNqyi72fu |       29 |          2520 |          4161 |  12939.0070000000 |
| n4ff9gwYQ2KmTrKHn5ji7Fh9LMng4pUkSh |       28 |          2499 |          4205 |  12662.0220000000 |
| mwZyhcTq2QGF6zMezCNUhWQfvbNAo5JT56 |       27 |          2473 |          4288 |  12608.0070000000 |
| myNqFXYMyk1CBxRQSAFE7vMd8B2hJq4Wi8 |       29 |          2548 |          4376 |  12493.0130000000 |
| mkm8Re2VGeDiQEMfc1hKZn9mL2TxPFY2do |       29 |          2475 |          4492 |  12270.0170000000 |
| mwMgX7tAxRPJ1t9a5nbm6v2Z6RtwQqVtpa |       26 |          2516 |          4389 |  12108.0030000000 |
| mqHD6T45wMLZbEYzrvGNHB4WwV3V8AZLhy |       28 |          2468 |          4180 |  11993.0070000000 |
| mu1d3cQ4AcSm8wXpdicETbPWuuYRZGtfEP |       27 |          2519 |          4461 |  11493.0170000000 |
| n4Chf2WY8HMM1DiabPgsqcxWpx3WQdegDS |       26 |          2541 |          4356 |  11439.0150000000 |
| mvvpcv7tVTFFfBJpcvN5iecjtRe5U5gXsn |       26 |          2480 |          4293 |  11439.0040000000 |
| moenmWaXCqrYsKhLmFdfpF4NfW3JZhkPe1 |       28 |          2579 |          4401 |  11324.0120000000 |
| mxXNfFMEBtiZRqnJCAZ55wMu7cG5mFCtPk |       25 |          2493 |          4301 |  10939.0030000000 |
| n1pRG4hVfY79SEgZFytE7MAcw8cgWJVLZn |       24 |          2469 |          4280 |  10662.0050000000 |
15 rows in set (0.06 sec)

Shouldn't the mined column add up to roughtly 2M? Or are there a ton of addresses beyond these 15 that were mining in this period?