A new Dash Charity!

Great news!

Inspired by the wonderful efforts of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rava World Conservation will also provide support to the mothers of the world.

In addition to its childrens health program and in homage to the love of mothers around the world, the Rava World Conservation will also distribute funds directly to the mothers of these children.

We hope that with time the value of these funds will increase dramatically and help make a difference.

We also hope that by including the mothers of the world in the Rava World Conservation we will help facilitate the bridging of generations and technology, so people of the world of all ages can stand together, hand in hand to face the rising sun of our future in peace and cooperation. :)
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Here is a little information on how DRK distribution is lining up:

-Users will create an account for their child which will allow them to register a DRK address.

- I made the decision to lower the original 5 year distribution to 1 year. Once a year an automatic payment will be sent to the registered address. These payments will not be anonymous, in this way we can prove distribution of the funds for statistical and accountability purposes. Members of the Conservation can then do what they want with those funds. Only basic identification requirements and no sensitive information will be collected :) We hope that one day these payments will grow in value exponentially and make a big difference in their lives.

-Very young children need someone to take care of them and that person is usually their mother especially in the case of mono-parental families. I'm conscious that this is not always the case and also plan to offer single parent fathers similar relief.

During the next year, I will be constantly updating the website infrastructure to allow website account registration. Mothers will register their child and be entitled to the distributed funds to help bring up their child until the child turns 18. At that time, the original account will be transferred over to a new account solely controlled by the new adult. In cases where a child has no parents, the funds will be managed by the legal guardian until the child turns 18. Should the child not have a parental tutor or guardian he will be entitled to receive access to his funds directly even if younger than 18.

Need volunteering hours for graduation or want to boost your CV with some charity volunteer work? Simply want to be involved in something special, interesting and relevant, I'd love to work with volunteers on all aspects of the Rava World Conservation. If you would like to volunteer this is what I'll be focusing on first, but i would love to one day have lots of people involved so we can do lots of things in parallel in a decentralized way, if you have a specialty you would like to apply to something else or have a good idea let me know:

- We need to build website infrastructure for registration and account signup where people register their own name, date and place of birth; email for lost passwords, the name of their child, date, time, place of birth and then copy paste input their DRK address for direct deposits.

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you!
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Good day,

I am very happy to hear Darkcoin is considering strategic initiatives to encourage market integration.

Despite the difficulties involved in elaborating and implementing those specific strategies, I am convinced Evan Duffield and his Darkcoin Team are more than up to the challenge. I would like to reiterate my deep thanks to Evan and all the people who are involved in Darkcoin. Thank you, you make the bright future of Darkcoin possible.

I would like to announce that I will be fully supporting any decisions made on this end and changes will be made to the Rava accordingly.

I have full trust in Evan to bring this wonderful product to fruit and I am extremely happy with the recent developments with Darkcoin. Developments such as Anonymity, the Masternode solutions, Instant X: instant transactions and more? Its so much more than I could have first dreamed, please keep up the great work!
Great news! Evan Duffield and the Darkcoin team have decided to rename Darkcoin to a more appropriate name, more reflective of its positive nature for all of society, congratulations to the new Dash Team!

I just noticed the emails have not been working when sent to raphael@ravawc.org

This problem should be resolved early this week. In the mean time, if you have any questions or have sent any emails that have not been answered please let me know here or by private message and I will answer as soon as possible, thank you!
I would like to share this very positive video with everyone, it related to the upcoming golden age of humanity and life on earth.

I recently discovered Sri Acharyaji and his youtube channel Dharmanation. Sri Acharyaji is an American spiritual leader and among other things he is photographed here with Ron Paul. Ron Paul was a member of congress until 2013 and helped to clearly bring to light many of the fundamental issues currently affecting modern society. Many thanks to all those who reside in their hearts, sarvam namasté, I bow to the divine within everyone and everything, thank you, :)

I am thinking about implementing a bounty to help setup the membership registration system for the charity website. If anyone would be interested in making some extra Dash and discussing this with me, please let me know either here or by private message and it will be a pleasure to discuss it with you. (still working on the official website email) here is the general idea illustrated a few posts above:

- We need to build website infrastructure for registration and account signup where people register their own name, date and place of birth; email for lost passwords or deposit address changes, the name of their child, date, time, place of birth and then copy paste input their DASH address for direct deposits.

The idea being to be able to generate and update a list of all conservation members Dash addresses, so that I can setup direct recurring payments to them as soon as possible.

I want to start this as soon as possible to bring much needed relief to all those who ask for it. This needs to be a simple, straight forward system, efficient and intuitive for everyone. Maybe pre-existant membership platforms could be used and implemented to suite our needs here, instead of creating a brand new membership system. For now it will be fine if everything is in English, one day I would like to offer people the option to register in different languages. (one thing at a time )

You sign up, you give your Dash address, you start receiving yearly payments to that address no strings attached for life.

I would be very grateful for any advice, suggestions and ideas relating to this and all help is of course more than appreciated. If you would like to work on this, as mentioned above I would be more than willing to compensate such efforts with a Dash bounty, I looking forward to hearing from you, thank you!
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I've decided to help support and encourage the developers of DASH and the community with a regular monthly donation.

Every month I will donate 10% of the profits of the three masternodes currently funding the Rava World Conservation. 5% will go directly to the developers for their financial support and the other 5% will be set aside for a direct advertisement and publicity fund that I will manage. This funds mission will be to help spread awareness about Dash and the Rava World Conservation. It will be focused on measurable objectives, example: how many posters and ads are put up in a particular geographic region within a specific time frame.

These plans are not designed to replace the official DASH Foundation's branding campaign, but aim to complement it harmoniously. :) The starting date for both these initiatives is March 31st.

Anyone interested in participating in such an effort is more than welcome, I'd like to find some trusted community members that I can send funds to and who could use them to put up posters in their own cities.

By the end of the year, my intention and goal is to have physical advertisement in place in as many locations as possible. I'll first be looking into putting signs up in bus stops, universities, colleges and other high traffic locations.

In time, I will be approaching radio stations and other advertisement options will be considered.

If you have some great ideas for locations or options for advertisement, or would like to propose some poster designs, it would be a pleasure for me to put them up for consideration and try them out.

I'd like to identify a few basic ideas and then submit them to a community vote. Whichever posters and ads the community decides on will be prioritized in this advertisement campaign. Thanks!
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There will be a correction to the details section of the Rava website:

0.5 will become a percentage of masternode payments not all coins in masternodes.

I'll wait until the new Dash logo has been chosen to start making the necessary changes, thanks!
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Someone asked me to see this video tonight... If I can help 1 single person so they don't go through this, I will be a very happy person. For once in history, its possible to help every single person who would go through this. Its time for the future:

To celebrate the new Dash Logo and to thank the community for coming together in such an awesome way, I have decided to donate the entire proceeds of a 4th masternode to fix this problem and I wont stop until this problem is fixed, I intend to implement measurable goals and objectives that will be check-marked. Thanks for your support, sincerely,

Sarvam Namaskaaravam
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I have been super busy this week and didn't reboot the nodes that are currently funding the Conservation since the last update, sorry no excuse... I should have them back up by tomorrow, in the same way I'm a little late for this months Developer and Team Support Donation but its coming! :) Thanks - Also I will be supplying what should have been set aside from that 4th node this month for Calcutta from my other free Dash.

I'm also working on some promising leads for help with our common projects and hope to hear and share great news very soon. All the best,
