A new Dash Charity!


Active member
Foundation Member
I have the great pleasure of announcing the creation of a new charity: The Rava World Conservation.

I would like to thank the Darkcoin development team for making this possible by creating such a wonderful coin. I would also like to thank the people involved in areas other than core development. I see their true passion and commitment every day.

The Rava World Conservation will operate Darkcoin masternodes. The charity will assign and distribute proceeds of these nodes to every child that is born.

Y nodes will assign Darkcoin (DRK) to each child. This coin will then be placed into X nodes which serve to increase the original allocated amount over time, ensuring that each person will have a reliable and sustainable source of Darkcoin to use during the course of their life.

Z nodes will serve to protect the habitats we live in as well as the life that shares them with us.

One day every single person on Earth will own Darkcoin, that is simple math.

The white paper can be found in the details section of the website. Individual percentages are variable to allow for increased allocation to specific growth areas (classes of nodes) if this is ever deemed necessary for sustainable development.

Please let me know if you find any mistakes and I will strive to correct them promptly. If you have any questions you can email me at raphael@ravawc.org or send a letter to my attention at the charity mailing address. We welcome your support and it will be a pleasure to answer you in kind.

Thank you to all who have made this possible. I would also like to send a special thanks to the private member from the Darkcoin community who helped with the website. Sometimes the silent heroes make as great a mark as those who howl.

Let there be Darkcoin!

Raphael McEwen-Lachance
Rava World Conservation
- is this an official registered charity in canada ?
as there is no Charity Registration Number (Charity Status / Tax Exemption) anywhere ?!
- there is no official DRK Logo or Link (www.darkcoin.io) on the whole page !?!?
or did i miss something ?
Thanks for your questions!

The Rava World Conservation is incorporated in Canada as a non-profit organization with charity as its primary objective.
An application has been submitted for charitable status, more to come on that soon. I'll be putting up that information when I have the details. It will be impossible to match anonymous DRK donations with tax credits so this process will necessitate a closer communication with the donor, which we plan to also facilitate. When it is possible, we will offer tax receipts for those who are interested.

If you click donate, the download wallet option redirects you to Darkcoin.io, this ensures that you are directed to the latest version of the client.
r-ando when you click on the donate button the address details pop up but as soon as you try to select the address to copy it, it disappears. I could copy the address by looking at the code but regular users will not do that and will simply not donate.
r-ando when you click on the donate button the address details pop up but as soon as you try to select the address to copy it, it disappears. I could copy the address by looking at the code but regular users will not do that and will simply not donate.
Works fine for me. (Firefox 34 on Xubuntu 14.04)
Not for me - Using chrome (Version 39.0.2171.95 m) on Windows 7

Edit: Just tried it in IE 11 and it didn't work, Also tried it in Firefox and it worked so I guess it's only working in Firefox.
r-ando when you click on the donate button the address details pop up but as soon as you try to select the address to copy it, it disappears. I could copy the address by looking at the code but regular users will not do that and will simply not donate.

Hi dazman,

Its great to have some feedback! :) Thanks for letting me know, I just checked on Safari and it works ok but it could be more smooth, I'm also having the same issue as you with Chrome. I'll let you know once it has been fixed.
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The donation address has been added to the bottom of the webpage to make it easier to highlight and copy paste, thanks!
I have received some different requests for the website. Things that will be added:

-Incorporation # : 914061-1 incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act
-A detailed explanation about how the DRK will be distributed
-Testimonials… They will come in time
-An explanation of the way the masternodes will work, that is easier to understand
A note on this, what is explained in the details part and white paper is the 3 node relationship model (X node,Y node and Z node) that the Conservation will use with its masternodes.

An easy explanation is:

1st node provides the initial funding for investment

2nd node takes that funding and multiplies it over time

3rd node is used to support R&D, charity or infrastructure development or any other investment that is important and essential for sustainable growth. (In the case of the Rava World Conservation, natural habitats we live in and the life we share them with….)

This model can also be used by other for profit companies and charities to create self-sustaining-self-growing businesses.

In this way, Darkcoin users can now create a fully self-sustained business using 1, 2, 3 or… 4, or EVEN MORE masternode categories if the illustrated model is multiplied.

I'm going to be working on fine tuning the math in the details part for a few days, if anyone is really good at math and wants to help me figure out the exact sweet spot and even an equation that helps predict and set the variable percentages in relation to the people born per year on a 5 year time span, in a manner so growth of all nodes is sustainable, please let me know! Its a bit of a challenge, it might have to be manually calculated regularly… :) To be as efficient as possible, among factors we need to take into consideration is the increased amount of coins generated by masternodes over time(decreased allocation to mining), an evolution that greatly benefits us because it will compensate for the population growth or masternode count increase…

I welcome the help and suggestions of the whole Darkcoin community, this charity is for everyone so the more efficient and better designed it is the better!

I will keep you updated on these developments, thanks!
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I've decided to start up the Z nodes right away. So I'm adding in another nodes profits right now, every year starting this year the charity will also pay for things like building birdhouses in neighbourhoods, buying bicycles for kids in poor communities to encourage sustainable environment-friendly business development( specially requested), building fountains in poorer neighborhoods, cleaning up and saving parks, things like that.... I'll be putting the Darkcoin logo and charity logo on the birdhouses, fountains (in time) and bicycles too so we can start a little Darkcoin physical publicity. The animals we save get to go on the website and help do some publicity for us! Dharma :) Darkcoin is a lot of fun, I'd really like to get a few testimonials from people we helped, I think it will be really great for Darkcoin and generally everyone over the years.
Modifications to the website:

-Incorporation # has been added
-Number of dedicated nodes has been increased to 3
-QR code and address has been relocated to bottom of page to fix copy-paste issues

More updates coming soon :)