An alternative way to protect people in such cases, is to increase the number of days that a checkpoint occurs.

The checkoints are used in order to prevent the revert of the blockchain if you hold more than 50% CPU (than can become more than 50% of the votes in the case of DASH)

The checkpoint is hardcoded set to 1 day into the code. Why not set this checkpoint initial value into 3 days? That way the majority (50%+1) could vote, revert the blockchain and thus protect an individual who has been robbed by crackers.

Someone has to put a proposal about it, into the Dash budget system.

Checkpoints can be considered a centralized solution, just look at Bitcoin Cash ABC who implemented a thorough checkpoint system and get criticized for it : https://www.theblockcrypto.com/2018...a-controversial-checkpoint-is-it-centralized/
Lets not go that way.

I dont see an isolated incident as a reason to change our system this drastically. Just like people should be aware of not clicking on links in emails or in websites, people dealing in crypto should be equally aware (and on their guard)
when dealing with crypto transactions and which people to trust and / or allow access to their pc.

This does remind me of people calling you at home, pretending to be Microsoft and asking to get access to your computer, because they detected a problem with your windows account.
It has similarities to people asking access to your Teamviewer, just dont fall for these kind of malicious attempts, either in the normal world or in the crypto world.
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Checkpoints can be considered a centralized solution, just look at Bitcoin Cash ABC who implemented a thorough checkpoint system and get criticized for it : https://www.theblockcrypto.com/2018...a-controversial-checkpoint-is-it-centralized/
Lets not go that way.

I dont see an isolated incident as a reason to change our system this drastically. Just like people should be aware of not clicking on links in emails or in websites, people dealing in crypto should be equally aware (and on their guard)
when dealing with crypto transactions and which people to trust and / or allow access to their pc.

This does remind me of people calling you at home, pretending to be Microsoft and asking to get access to your computer, because they detected a problem with your windows account.
It has similarities to people asking access to your Teamviewer, just dont fall for these kind of malicious attempts, either in the normal world or in the crypto world.
Exactly. We want Dash to be digital cash, rolling back the chain is not an option.

No hackers here.

Just social engineering used on a gullible mark...

It's advertised up-front that @moocowmoo 's non-shared MN service is trustless, and there's no reason to send your DASH to him in the first place.
Anyone asking this is obvious BS.
999 Dash? Really? Whut?

On his masternode.me website is his GPG key.
Only he can sign or encrypt messages with it.
Proof of identity.
You failed to avail yourself of this remedial-level due diligence.

You gave your money away by being a fool.
No one "stole" it from you or "hacked" anything.

Of course, this post will be considered "mean" and possibly censored because it states the ugly truth.

Requesting "support?" Message moocow about it?

Why? What did these people, one imaginary, have to do with it?

What do you expect a bunch of random strangers to do to save you, ex post facto, from your own absurd level of foolishness?

"I was strolling through a dark alley in the ghetto when some guy wearing fake glasses and a plastic mustache offered to give me 8% ROI on the $130,000 I had hanging out of my pocket. So I gave it to him. He ran way and disappeared into the night. WHY WON'T ANYONE FIX MY MISTAKE!?!?!?!"

In my not so humble opinion; working as intended. Obnoxiously stupid people shouldn't be running masternodes.

Frankly, I don't think it's true.
Nobody is this dumb...
This is on the level of "Suffocated and died because forgot how to breathe."

I'll file this under:
"Cool story, bro."

A bank troll trying to make immutable transactions seem bad.
Probably a Credit Card issuer that gets off on chargebacks...
What are you talking about, you can't show your face with your tuff talk, i don't need a pep talk from you. This has happened and you find it in yourself to make all these statements toward me. I don't care if you doubt what has happened. You haven't read the whole story but u feel like you need to give free advice and give me a dress down on a forum after i lost this amount of dash recently. I have no idea about your story or journey as an individual, thats why I'm not making outlandish assumption and statements toward your integrity. I called you a twat because you have no evidence that I'm anti immutability. Your making false statements, this is the future of digital cash faceless men behind keyboards throwing there repressed anger onto strangers fantastic
Hey FedPyramid, really sorry to hear about what happened!
Whilst I agree in principal that you should have been more careful (esp with 1000 DASH) I can fully understand your predicament and I do sympathise enormously. I too have 'lost' a substantial amount of DASH units, ~ 534 (through improper back-up of a Darkcoin Wallet.dat file) and can no longer access them.

Please know that Tungfa and moocowmoo are both absolute gentlemen and really are gems of the Dash community and will give you the best advice even if they cannot be of direct help.

I suppose this can only go down as a very, very harsh but valuable life-lesson for yourself.

Best wishes for the future and please do not let this utterly foul individual colour your enthusiasm for Dash and it's great community.
And, err, could people not stick the boot into this fedpyramid guy whilst he's down, it's simply not becoming......
And, err, could people not stick the boot into this fedpyramid guy whilst he's down, it's simply not becoming......
The sooner he decides to man up the better. Misrepresenting it as "giving him the boot" or whatever only prolongs his suffering.
The sooner he gets back to earning what he's lost, the better.
Continuing to cry about it only postpones the recovery.
...I just want you to know that I don't care.

You are free advice.

Don't be this guy!

No one wants to interview you because:

1) You aren't that important.
2) You're just another dumbass (like me) that did a dumb thing.
3) No one wants to wave the bloody shirt.
4) You don't realize how embarrassing this is for you.
5) Parading you about would just be rubbing salt in the wound, and nobody wants to do that.

The American Stasi 2.0 stole $21,500,000.00 from me, and sent both of my parents to an early grave.

For the crime of being an unapologetic cis white male involved in crypto and believing in basic human rights.

What am I going to do? Report it to the people who did it? Whine on the forums?

I can only blame myself for not getting out of East Germany 2.0 sooner.

You're only embarrassing yourself by continuing to bellow on about this...

Your loss (if it happened at all) is peanuts, and it's your own damn fault.

Own it, cupcake.
I'm not needing your care or advice, my last post was on the 7th of November about the situation that has taken place. Your grandstanding on my thread about your experience which i have no idea about the particulars or what had happen too you. I'm willing to talk about my experience regardless of circumstances, I'm not hiding anything i have rock solid evidence of what has taken place. Anyway i'm wasting my time explaining my position to someone who isn't really interested yet i feel i have to say something at the very least. I'm a fan of free speech no matter how direct it may be, anyway i wish you well camosoul i hope you find love peace and manifest all the hierarchy of needs to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.
Whatever man, you've proven yourself to be an utterly negative, parasitic individual on many occasions during your posting. Trying to pretend your interested at all in the poor guys plight, other than to patronise him and make yourself feel better by comparison, is typical of your thinly veiled, self-loathing contempt you constantly spread everywhere on this forum.

Just wind your neck in a tiny bit please.
Your hate fuels me.

Please explain how my lack of snowflake sensibilities makes me a bad person some more.

Making up a fake frame/story about how I'm patronizing him to make myself feel better is part and parcel of your virtue signaling.

In fairness, I did troll a bit in my first reply.

I then shared something of my own that I've never mentioned before to empathize, but being offended, encouraging him to wallow in his sorrows, and hating the right people is more important?

He lost a masternode. I had twentyoneandahalfmilliondollars stolen from me by the filthy feds. If I can get over it, so can he.

The sooner he gets the hell over it and moves on, the better off he'll be.

Hating the right people doesn't make you the good guy. Nice try, Hillary 2.0.
Enabling a guy who got boned (maybe) to wallow in it so you can show off how "nice" you are, only makes his recovery take longer.
Sharing my much more profound loss should make it clear that life goes on.

If the events he's described are true, he needs a little Testosterone Support, not whiny cry about it forever nancy boy crap.

Calling me a big fat meanie isn't going to help him in any way, but it sure ads to the virtue signaling while holding him back from moving on by encouraging him to indulge in not moving on...

I could just call him a liar, this never happened...

Are any and all forms of masculinity deemed toxic and unwelcome in soyboy land? Will you find some way to refer to it as evil and bad, while promoting feminization as the only good?

Black is white, short is long, up is down, ignorance is strength, slavery is freedom, healthy is toxic... Whatever, man.

He can take your advice and mope around complaining and looking for someone to blame, or take my advice and get back to work rebuilding what he's lost.

The choice is his, and being offended on his behalf to puff up your chest isn't benefiting anything but your ego.
I'm truly sorry to hear about this. I have been using cryptocurrency clients since end of 2013 and being in cybersecurity field myself, I was scammed 1.5btc (for 1000 XZC) in discord, someone impersonated the escrow person due to my own stupidity and carelessness not too long ago.
That's nothing much I can do to recover that. For your case, I would take tungfa's advice and hire a professional cybersecurity team to follow up by providing all the information you have as soon as possible.

I want to add that, Dash community has been very friendly and helpful.
Deleted some instances of personal attacks and swearing. Please be aware that these are not allowed on this forum.
Deleted some instances of personal attacks and swearing. Please be aware that these are not allowed on this forum.
Fantastic moderation satoshi your a real gentle man of the people, love your work. Cencorship is great I appreciate it
Deleted some instances of personal attacks and swearing. Please be aware that these are not allowed on this forum.

Your Censoring my entire post!!! Given the circumstances I think its warranted what I have said, immutability of blockchain only!! Mutability of forums are just fine tho how rediculous, Taoioffreespeech tremendous moderation. Damage control of the community self interest great.
Fantastic moderation satoshi your a real gentle man of the people, love your work. Cencorship is great I appreciate it

Your Censoring my entire post!!! Given the circumstances I think its warranted what I have said, immutability of blockchain only!! Mutability of forums are just fine tho how rediculous, Taoioffreespeech tremendous moderation. Damage control of the community self interest great.
You are free to post as you’d like, with whatever opinions you might have, as long as you don’t violate forum rules.
You are free to post as you’d like ... as long as you don’t violate forum rules.
The missing part is that forum rules will be bent and twisted in the most tortured manner imaginable to mean whatever we want them to mean...

"Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black." - Henry Ford

Cencorship based on "bad language" is the first-order Ad Hominem used to censor an idea because a certain series of letters has been deemed so heinous that anyone who speaks them must be unpersoned and their ideas instantly relegated to invalidity without consideration. It's a tortured way to add a word which must not be spoken to a person who must not be named, and reverse the process to mean anyone who speaks this word, and any idea or concept they might represent, is now declared subhuman and unworthy. In many cases, this so-called "profanity" is simply a succinct way of expressing a derogatory opinion. See this paragraph as an example... Would it not have been simpler to say something supposedly "vulgur" and make the same point?

He called me a [redacted] to express his misplaced anger. It was concise and told me all I needed to know in one simple word. I'm fine with it. I chose to engage specifically because his vision was distorted and to see through that distortion to the logic that would calm his mind, he needed a little prodding. I hated to see the guy so tortured that he would actually ask for an interview to extend his torture and embarassment. Some other [redacted] came along and tried to show off how great they are by prolonging his suffering. That was remarkably annoying and counter-productive. but clearly the [redacted] in question din't care about anything but virtue signaling, and had no regard for the suffering soul. It's painfully obvious that he was still on a warpath that was going nowhere. Ignoring him didn't help. So, whatever would help would have to fall into the category of not ignoring him. Thankfully, since society has become permeated with weak, fragile sensibilities, all I had to do was state facts and a little skepticism to provoke more of an outburst. Now the man has blown off some steam on a target, which he did not have before. The absurdity of it cannot be denied by his manly brain, and he's better off because that has connected his mind to logic instead of rage. Even in this moment, he's probably still mad, but less so. The dull ringing sensation is setting in because the emotion is being replaced by logic, even if he doesn't want it to be... It's involuntary at this point. Go ahead and hate me for it, I really don't care. As usual, I volunteered to be "that guy" for the benefit of others. You're welcome. I knew it would be thankless when I made the choice to do it. Pretty much everything is in this post-modernist, neo-marxist echo chamber. They go out of their way to make sure no good deed goes unpunished. It cost me nothing to do it, so why not? Because I live in fear of what the hateful virtue signalers might have to say? They're going to say it anyway because I reject their sickness. I may as well do as I please, the vitriol will be the same no matter what...

“The sick individual finds himself at home with all other similarly sick individuals. The whole culture is geared to this kind of pathology. The result is that the average individual does not experience the separateness and isolation the fully schizophrenic person feels. He feels at ease among those who suffer from the same deformation; in fact, it is the fully sane person who feels isolated in the insane society – and he may suffer so much from the incapacity to communicate that it is he who may become psychotic.”

― Erich Fromm

I refuse to become sick just because everyone else is. There's a price to pay for that as well, but I've become quite good at carrying it.

Welcome to the Kali Yuga...

Avarice and wrath will be common. Humans will openly display animosity towards each other. Ignorance of dharma will occur.

It's been my experience that those afflicted by this, often can't relate to anything but more of the same...
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Relating your experience is helpful to many and hopefully cathartic for you. Even though camosoul's posts may sting, it is exactly the way I would talk to my best friends about their worst blunders and how I would want them to talk to me about mine. Truth is hard.
Deleted my post but kept the post that quotes it? Aight den.....aight den.....
You can also see from the quoted post that there was no vulgar or expletive language used, I even said "please"!
Deleted my post but kept the post that quotes it? Aight den.....aight den.....
You can also see from the quoted post that there was no vulgar or expletive language used, I even said "please"!
I noticed both one of yours and one of camosoul's quoted posts seemed to be quoted from nothing. Maybe it's the new way to beat censorship? Just quote your own posts. Sort of funny.