11.2 - Dash Release

Other new things in this release:
  • New masternode voting system for new Dash initiates, each masternode gets one vote. See the new commands “masternode list votes” and “masternode vote yea|nay”. First vote, what color is this dress : http://imgur.com/QjqfntR ? Blue and Black (yea) or White and Gold (nay)
anyone can post how to do masternode vote ?

Solved: you have to execute it on each masternode separately
" dashd masternode vote yea"

I say thee nay. There is a better way to do that. You only need to open your client and type:
masternode vote-many nay

Beautiful, isn't it? We can adopt developers, too.
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Hello, I'm afraid that OCD windows may have something wrong with registry but for workaround please edit your Dash shortcut to have "Dash-qt.exe -datadir=[your expected folder path, ex c:\dashdata]"
then create folder (ex. c:\dashdata) and run the shortcut again.

Not really sure how all this should look like (a clueless n00b) here:
c:\dashdata created
"C:\Program Files\Dash\Dash-qt.exe -datadir=c:\dashdata" is the path. Does not work. What am I doing wrong?
Wish it was that easy..

luc@vultr:~$ ./dashd
Error: To use the "-server" option, you must set a rpcpassword in the configuration file:
It is recommended you use the following random password:
(you do not need to remember this password)
The username and password MUST NOT be the same.
If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions.
It is also recommended to set alertnotify so you are notified of problems;
for example: alertnotify=echo %s | mail -s "Dash Alert" admin@foo.com

really quick run up. sorry, don't want to go too much into details. Taos' guide does that.

local machine: does not need to be online after MN started

MN_ALIAS MN_IP:9999 rpcpassword_you_set_up_in_your_remote_MN TX_ID_WITH_1000_DASH_THAT_YOU_GET_FROM_dashd_masternode_outputs index_from_the_same_command

remote machine:
same as above and masternode=1
no need to have masternode.conf file on remote

Then, start both with dashd -daemon
wait till blocks are synced

and do on local
dashd masternode start-alias <your_alias_you_set_up_in_masternode.conf>

afterwards, check https://dashninja.pl/ IP of your remote MN shows active
really quick run up. sorry, don't want to go too much into details. Taos' guide does that.

local machine: does not need to be online after MN started

MN_ALIAS MN_IP:9999 rpcpassword_you_set_up_in_your_remote_MN TX_ID_WITH_1000_DASH_THAT_YOU_GET_FROM_dashd_masternode_outputs index_from_the_same_command

remote machine:
same as above and masternode=1
no need to have masternode.conf file on remote

Then, start both with dashd -daemon
wait till blocks are synced

and do on local
dashd masternode start-alias <your_alias_you_set_up_in_masternode.conf>

afterwards, check https://dashninja.pl/ IP of your remote MN shows active
Yeah thanks mate, but already found out myself. (Edited my previous post :))

For those using WinSCP, enable "Show hidden files".. Makes it 10x more easy to manage!

Preferences > Panels > Show hidden files
Not really sure how all this should look like (a clueless n00b) here:
c:\dashdata created
"C:\Program Files\Dash\Dash-qt.exe -datadir=c:\dashdata" is the path. Does not work. What am I doing wrong?
How it's showing which is not work?
May I see your shortcut properties ?
anyone else than me noticing that dashninja.pl isnt updating the blockcount? noticed it when updating MNs and uptimerobot didnt report them as up :eek:
anyone else than me noticing that dashninja.pl isnt updating the blockcount? noticed it when updating MNs and uptimerobot didnt report them as up :eek:
elbereth, post: 49076, member: 175

I saw that too. It is still showing 1 of my MN as old version but i verified that my hot wallet is the most uptodate. I figure it will catch up. Thanks ofr posting I didnt eve think about bringing to someone attention.
Thanks. The shortcut's working only that it now needs to sync with the network. The good news so far, nothing appeared on the desktop this time... (all these data that used to pop up on desktop are now in C:\dashdata )

All I need to see now are Dash in the wallet :)

This way or another, thank you for helping me out!
Thanks. The shortcut's working only that it now needs to sync with the network. The good news so far, nothing appeared on the desktop this time... (all these data that used to pop up on desktop are now in C:\dashdata )

All I need to see now are Dash in the wallet :)

This way or another, thank you for helping me out!
if you just move or copy all the files from your desktop to the new directory it should not need to re sync the entire block.
Am I the only one that gets access violation exceptions when trying to start up the wallet? Win32 dash-qt.exe. This started after migrating to bitcoin codebase. Sometimes I have to start it 10 times before it manages to load up fully. After that it works just fine.
Am I the only one that gets access violation exceptions when trying to start up the wallet? Win32 dash-qt.exe. This started after migrating to bitcoin codebase. Sometimes I have to start it 10 times before it manages to load up fully. After that it works just fine.
No problems here, tested with 3 different win7 pc.
anyone got their vote visible on ''masternode list votes'' ? i just see "ABSTAIN'' with my masternodes eventhough i voted already (both on local and remote)
Wow! A very smooth update. Congratulations everyone and thank you all for your hard work on this.

I followed your instructions Evan on changing \darkcoin to \dash on both my Win machine and my VPS (and the .conf files too) and everything worked perfectly. My MN came up again using dashd without any issue, is now fully updated and on Elbereth's list again.

Just one very minor thing, I thought I'd give the Win installer a whirl for the wallet update instead of just running the qt.exe directly. During the install and unpacking of files it displays this dialogue box still branded Darkcoin:

20150331 Win installer still labelled Darkcoin.jpg
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Am I the only one that gets access violation exceptions when trying to start up the wallet? Win32 dash-qt.exe. This started after migrating to bitcoin codebase. Sometimes I have to start it 10 times before it manages to load up fully. After that it works just fine.

Bump for visibility.